Six Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by wlotus, so I’m going to deliver.

I hate the sound of footsteps. No matter what shoes someone’s wearing, I do NOT want to hear that person walking. I especially hate the clicky high heels. The sound of platforms thumping against the carpet. Flip-flops, even if I’m the one wearing them. I prefer silent walking, please. Thank you.

I’m a semi-aggressive driver. Part of the reason it took me 13 years to finally get my license was that I was scared. Terrified of the people who would ride your bumper, cut you off, speed around you. I’M THAT DRIVER. Eeek! Seriously. The drivers in Columbus and especially the suburbs are way too cautious. Braking while going through a green light. WTF is that all about? Braking for no reason. Driving at least 6-7 MPH below the speed limit. I have places to go! Things to do. I am not going to sit behind someone while she yaps on her cell phone or while he smokes a cigarette. And God forbid I get behind a mini-van with Christian stickers all over the back of it. Or a Cadillac. I know I won’t be getting anywhere then. People who drive Caddys or Jaguars tend to be very slow. As if I needed another reason to hate Cadillacs. Anyway…DRIVE, people!

I freak out. I doubt. I worry. All the time. Sometimes people are “lucky” enough to see evidence of that, usually in locked LJ posts. Often, my paper journal gets the brunt of it. I can go back and read what I’ve written in the past couple of months, and my emotions are all over the place. Rollercoaster city. Stressed, frustrated, upset, excited, happy, thrilled. But even when I feel happy, I always have this niggling fear that it’s all going to disappear soon. I’m not used to being worry-free. I am always tense, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even when people tell me I deserve the good things, it’s hard for me to believe because for some reason, I’ve talked myself into thinking I deserve nothing but misery, even though I can’t help but strive for happiness.

I like love to collect pens, journals, and stationery. Pretty stationery. Fancy pens, rolling ball. Definitely not ball point. And journals–they HAVE to be the Paperchase ones from Borders, though. They’re thick, spiral bound, lined, with a pocket in the back, and most importantly, the pages are NOT perforated. That way, I can’t rip pages out. I have to own everything I write, feel, experience at that moment. No going back.

Because of that, I find it hard to write down bad things. I can whine about things to certain friends, but when it comes to recording them in my paper journal, I have a HARD time doing so. It’s like, I feel like I’ve failed and why would I want a record of that? No matter what the bad thing is. If it was or wasn’t my fault. I still find a way to blame myself, and that shame keeps me from being truly honest, even in my journal sometimes.

Music really, really affects me. I’ve noticed that my mood can go up or down depending on the song I’m listening to at that moment. This can be a very dangerous thing. Music is the one thing that can thread its way into my body and wrap itself around my heart, filling my soul with its words and melodies. When I am upset, instead of listening to the dark, angry stuff, I try to make myself listen to some Celtic or New Age music. Returning by Jennifer Berezan has breathing in the song, and I find myself breathing along with it without even thinking about it. I also try to make “high energy” playlists for when I am feeling sluggish. I found that a few New Kids on the Block songs really do the job of waking me up. There are songs that empower, that strengthen, and that push me. I try to stick to those.

Well, those are my six things. Not sure if anything *new* was here, but that’s all I wanted to share today. πŸ™‚ I’m tagging anyone who wants to do this.


I changed my mind. I tag: bluemo84, magecky413, and meimeigui.

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Spurgle (Picture)

“Deborah” is still sending me several emails. This time with the names of random people in the subject. The last one I got was “Royce.” I don’t know who Deborah is, but she needs to get a life. All 48579485 variations of her.

Lucy just stuck her butt in my face.

She loves me.

Work was interesting. Got to copyedit some fiction. Boy am I having a blast with that one. >:) Seriously, I am all about improving writing, and that’s what I’m doing. Nothing malicious at all about it. I PROMISE.

I got some compliments today on the things I’m catching in Handwriting. Whee.

Wanna see a picture of me with pigtails? Here ya go:


That’s how I wore my hair today and most likely will tomorrow as well. Cute, huh? Very easy, too.
But wow, my eyebrows are crazy, aren’t they? And I truly don’t care much. I’ve never “gotten them done.” As in waxed or plucked or anything like that. And that was probably TMI.

I am all over the place tonight. I played a game of Rachet and Clank tonight. Okay, I know I’m like 34987 years behind on this, just like I am with most video games. However, I had SO MUCH FUN playing it! And screaming “I’M GOING TO DIE!” really made Aidan laugh his head off. See, when I play games, I kind of really get into them. That means I am all over the place, and I yell and jump. It’s great fun, let me tell you. It’s been so long since I’ve played video games on the console like that. I get caught up in my PC-based word games that I forget how much fun console games are. I’ve got to get back into DDR.

I love it when I am lying on my stomach, and Lucy comes along and lays on my legs. Or if I’m lying on my side, she lies against my back, purring away. That makes me feel so content. πŸ™‚

That’s all for now. I’m hungry and I’ve still got to prepare for tomorrow. I also want to finish writing a letter to verytruly. πŸ™‚ I might not get to it tonight, though. Eep.

Good night, all!

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I know I say this every year, but DANG there are a lot of people with birthdays in the first two weeks of November, oh say…NINE MONTHS after Valentine’s Day.

The pot roast Crock-pot experiment was a sucess! Well worth getting up at 730am for!!!! (You know, to cut potatoes and such). Everything is sooo yummy.

Had another VERY lazy Sunday. :X Weird dreams, too. Finished reading Sweet Revenge by Nora Roberts for the 438574893567th time. I LOVE that book. It’s easily one of my absolute favorites. Such rich storytelling. Nora Roberts is truly gifted. My copy of the book is starting to fall apart. I’ve had it for about ten years, now.

I’ve passed my goal of reading 100 new books this year. I think I’m up to 104 or 105 now. Amazing, huh? It might be time to put some new ones on reserve at the library. πŸ™‚

I’m playing around on 43 Places, and wow, I didn’t realize I’d traveled so much throughout my life. I mean, I know it’s not a lot compared to some people, but for me, it’s impressive. No wonder I have such wanderlust! Here’s my page: [link] No complaints here, I just want to travel more! πŸ™‚

In other news, a certain fire is coming back in me. Slowly but surely. And that’s all I want to say about that certain matter. Just know that it’s a GOOD THING.

That’s about all for now. Gonna get another plate of food. πŸ˜‰ See ya!

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Feeling Okay (Pictures)

I’m feeling okay today. πŸ™‚

Had a pretty good week. I was exhausted for a lot of it, and spent Thursday evening sleeping my head off. Took a really long nap today that was not intended, but Aidan was tired and so was I, apparently. I love napping with him. He puts his hand on my cheek. He always falls asleep before me, and he’s soooo adorable when he’s sleeping. Just… perfect. And his little nose is the cutest nose I’ve never seen.

I ♥ my little boy!

Voted on Tuesday. It’s funny when people call it their “civic duty.” I’ve been reading a lot about civil rights and such, and I came across a picture of one of the marches from Selma to Montgomery, to get equal voting rights for black people. The number of people crossing that bridge–the fact that they WALKED for five days, singing and praying, hand in hand, overwhelmes me. It’s not a duty for me. It’s a privilege and hell no, I will no longer take for granted that privilege to vote. I certainly got my ass to the polls on Tuesday. And I was happy to say that minimum wage in Ohio has been raised to $6.85 an hour effective January 1, 2007. Smoking ban is statewide. Strickland is governor. Happy stuff.

I checked my spam email box, and I have received nearly twenty emails from different “deborah”s. Many of the subjects say “hi webmaster” but there are some that pretend to be a long lost friend or whatever. Yes, email blasting is really going to make me buy whatever product you’re offering, or whatever “stock options” you’re talking about. Uh huh. *massive delete*

Next week this time, I’ll have just finished watching a Bob Dylan concert. YAY. I wonder if he’ll sing something from Modern Times. I’m looking forward to traveling again. It’s been over two months since I’ve been out of the state.

But now it’s Saturday night, and I have all day tomorrow to do whatever I want. I’ll probably clean and nap. Oh, and I’m making roast in the Crock-Pot! Mmm-hmmm. With carrots and potatoes. Mmmm. That is going to be soooo freakin’ good, I can’t wait! And I’ll have beef for my lunches next week! YES!

Yesterday, I was reading a book at work. In the book, a soldier fighting in Vietnam was killed. They talked a bit about the funeral, and the main character said he’d heard the taps in the distance. Reading that whipped me back in time, to February, when I heard taps at another funeral. I remember jumping three times, as seven guns went off during the 21-gun salute. I remember the tears rolling down my face, and the shocks going through my body as the taps sounded. I started crying at work again. The anniversary of Grandpa Davis’s death is February 7th. It’s still hard to believe he’s gone. The house is sold. Grandma Davis has moved. It’s just… so strange. I just hope she’s okay.

Anyway, I won’t get all maudlin on you. Heh. I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is in fewer than two weeks! My mom already knows what I want to eat. I am so excited. Mmm. I haven’t had that meal since Christmas, and I am so ready for it. πŸ™‚ Then Christmas! Yikes. Again, I haven’t done one lick of shopping yet. However, I did get some wrapping paper and cards.

The trees look like this now:

Tree & Water

That’s behind the building I work. It’s very pretty out there. I was feeling very restless the last hour at work, so I snuck out back and snapped a few photos.

I was also being a dork (what else is new!) one night and I took this picture of myself, to see what I probably look like sleeping:


That’s all for now. I should probably think of actually doing what my picture suggests! Ha. Gotta get up early to load the Crock-pot!

‘Til next time!

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The End of Another Weekend

I’m tired. The 1/2 Tylenol PM is starting to kick in. But my stomach is also awake and demanding food. How does one go about satisfying both needs?

Had a pretty relaxing weekend. Got to hang out with Libby and her friend last night. Good times. Made MY first ever Crock-pot meal. Okay, so I cheated and used one of those Banquet meals–the herb chicken and rice. Well. When I opened the bag and saw all the onions, I PANICKED. I am not an onion fan, as you all should know. But I dumped them all in, figuring, well, after cooking for 10 hours, those things should be non-existent.

I was right! After the rice cooked, I couldn’t even see the onions, let alone taste them. It was soooo yummy, too. I have a bit left for lunch tomorrow, I’m excited about that. Although I can’t seem to find my lunchbox at the moment…

Yesterday was spent playing with Aidan, napping, reading, smelling the Crock-pot make WONDERFUL food, and then having my friends over. It was a good Saturday. I also managed to write a letter, so wlotus, watch your mailbox. πŸ™‚

Anyone else interested in exchanging real letters? Amy (verytruly) is also really into slams. I like to fill them out, but making them is another story. I’m so freakin’ lazy these days, and not very creative anymore. I spend my free time reading and journaling and sleeping. Like today. I took a three hour nap.

So much going on in my life right now. Can’t write about it yet. Well, I can, but I choose not to at the moment. Just keep sending good thoughts to me, okay? The main thing is that I can’t believe how quickly time is going by. It’s already fewer than twenty days until Thanksgiving, and then after that, Christmas will be on its way. I haven’t even begun to seriously plan about shopping–I only know a few things I’m getting. Other than that, no clue.

I keep hearing from people at McGraw-Hill who tell me they miss me. That makes me feel good because I miss them, too. But except for some drama issues from last month, ZB is working out well for me. The reading novels when I am not busy is really a good benefit! I have a stack on my desk for tomorrow if I don’t get any work in, which I SHOULD, because Handwriting is really picking up, YAY. I’ve also been moved to doing some 2Rs on the LACE guides, and that’s a LOT of fun. Lots more things to mark up! πŸ™‚ Finals are easy, 2Rs are a challenge, which I like. YAY for proofreading.

Mmm, I think the sleeping pill is winning over the hunger. But I might have a snack anyway. Or a “smack,” as Asher from The Giver says. πŸ™‚


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