
I went to Barnes & Noble to pick up Golden by jenlyn_b, and the B&N Fairy may have been moving books around again to make sure her friends had maximum exposure.

*innocent whistle*

And now, time for a survey!!!


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“You Have a Sickness”

Honestly, is it fair to accuse me of being mentally unstable simply because I enjoy reading Earth Science books for fun?

Plate tectonics is fascinating. It really is!

Abbie just doesn’t understand. Sigh.

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Freedom is Mine!

No boys for at least a week!!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeee!!!!! πŸ˜€
The house to myself, which means no cleaning for at least a week!!!!

Big Brother comes on tonight!!! Ooh, it’s eviction night!

Ack! Woke up this morning with a hurting stomach and the shakes. Felt like I was going to vomit. I stayed home and slept all day, and now I feel a lot better and hungry even. I think I’ll have spaghetti for dinner. Yummy.

Tomorrow it’s back to the old grind, but it’ll be the weekend. And a fine weekend it will be indeed. I’m very much looking forward to it. πŸ™‚

‘Til next time! πŸ™‚

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