CRUSH pt 2

Sent off long synopsis, short synopsis, and partial to The Agent today. My part’s done.

Now I wait.

In the meantime, here is what I sent to my agent back in May:

Corinne (Cori) Manahan has a secret, one so big that her parents relocated the entire family from Los Angeles, California to Columbus, Ohio to escape it. Despite her rocky relationship with her mother, her penchant for blowing off schoolwork, and the guilt that gnaws at her relentlessly, Cori’s social life blooms. She has new best friends, a boy who treats her like the princess she doesn’t believe she is, and even a girl who has decided to take a “special” interest in her… or more accurately, the “purity” of Cori’s soul. If only Cori could let go of the depression she constantly feels over placing her son Conner for adoption, life might be okay. Unfortunately, her feelings manifest in the most unhealthy ways, and could cost her the love of the one boy who would do anything for her.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I finished revising CRUSH and sent it off to The Agent today.

::deep breaths, deep breaths::

Now I just need to pound out the synopsis and shoot that off to him. Hopefully I’ll have it to him tomorrow.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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