The Problem

So, I just got my CRUSH critique back from Mandy (mandywriter). The things she picked up on were the things I knew I had to fix. Some other things too–just things you KNOW as a writer, but the reader doesn’t know. The things that you know you have to clarify. Those things. Yeah.

And she gave me some suggestions which will help a LOT. CRUSH is going to be even better than it already is. :)

I’ve been working on revisions all evening–my eyes are literally about to cross. AND I STILL WANT TO KEEP GOING.

The problem is that I’m so anxious for this to be done and shipped off to my agent, that I want to push myself to limits unknown. And I know that’s not healthy. So I will be patient. After all, I do have a more than a month before my target date.

Still. I’m antsy! But okay. Putting the computer away for a bit…….

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Impromptu (Pictures)

Run to Me

Today, I had a lunch date with itskels at Johnny Rockets. I was supposed to pick her up around 1ish, but I got there really early and she wasn’t ready yet. So I took pictures of Aidan. One of my favorite things to do!

+ four

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Goal Check In!

My goals for June 2006 were to have 50,000 words done in CRUSH by June 30. I exceeded that on June 9th.

I was to also read one new book. I read at least two new books in June, possibly three. I lost my list, so I can’t remember! WAH!


·  Finish revising CRUSH by July 31, 2006;
·  15,000 words in MOVES by July 31, 2006;
·  Read two new books.


(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Recovered and redid what I could of the sidebar. I’m still sad about that “read in 2006” list, though. Oh well. No use crying over spilled milk, right?

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I lost my sidebar, and all the info that was in it! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

My list of books I’d read. Gone.
My quotes. Gone.

What the fuck happened?

It had to have happened when I was moving my computer–the mouse was clicking like crazy.

Sigh. How sad. πŸ™

Actually how ANNOYING.

Well, I know I read 61 books this year. I guess that’s all that matters. But still, I LIKED having that record. And the bad thing is that I’d been meaning to transfer that information over to a Word Doc for the longest time. I guess it’s too late now. πŸ™

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