Out Of Order

I wrote the ending to my WIP today. So, the beginning is done, the end, and some of the middle. But not enough of the middle. Not only that, but I need to seriously change some things. Good times, good times.

This book and my book before this were written out of order. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to go in order, and I know some people really say it’s important. But for me, it’s just easier to write what scenes I’m feeling at the moment, then rearranging at will. I can always go back and fix details, so it’s no biggie for me. How about you guys?

I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today. Robert Pattison (Diggory) is great inspiration for the guy main character. :D He is illegally handsome.

Dinner time! ‘Til later!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I Am Procrastinating Like WHOA

I have some intense scenes to write.

I am feeling better.

Chris and Aidan are off to the Air Force Museum for the day, so it’s blissfully quiet here.

So someone kick me in the watootsie and make me write!

*kicks self*

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Oh Dear…

Chris is obsessed with listing stuff on eBay.

Listings here: [CLICK]

Buy stuff. If you want to, of course. 🙂

P.S. Those of you who commented on my 2/28 entry with such nice things… thank you. ♥

P.S.S. Today at my in-laws, my father-in-law was playing videos on his computer. He played one of Grandpa Myron on Easter. He looks at the camera and gives a great big laugh and says “are you taking pictures of me?” Chris’s father answers with a resounding “NO!” It’s hilarious. I asked him for a copy of it. It’s sooo like Grandpa, to laugh like that. 🙂

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I’ve been going crazy for writing time all week. The weekend is FINALLY here, and I am ready.

Unfortunately, I’m sick, and all I want to do is curl up and sleep. The meds should be kicking in soon, thus not giving me a choice in the matter…

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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