Just Quickly…

1. Libby is AWESOME!! <3
2. Buy Saving Jane NOW.
3. I finally saw The Notebook and A Walk To Remember. 🙂 I liked them both very much, and I got the books today.
4. I got into trouble at Barnes and Noble again today. I can’t help it. I love books too much!
5. I own Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Can’t wait to watch it!!! Yea for Diggory! Oh yeah, and Potter too. 😀
6. I am way behind on emails, Live Journal comments, message boards, writing. I’ll try to get back on track soon.
7. I was going to rip my new CDs so I could listen to them at work tomorrow, but I’m too tired, and I have a headache, so I’ll do it tomorrow. It’s bedtime!

‘Til next time!

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Is This Normal?

Firstly, I want to thank all of you for your kind and encouraging words. I’d also like to thank Ivy (swankivy) and Mandy (mandywriter) for uplifting me when I was feeling kind of very down on myself and my writing.

Secondly, I wanted to ask: is it normal, after getting a rejection, especially a personalized one, to still want to shelve the current project(s) for a few days and maybe laze around, eating Edy’s Dibs and chocolate chip cookie dough? I really feel like doing that right now, although my characters are kind of giving me impatient glares. I haven’t worked on my current WIP in days, and they’re getting antsy. *sigh*

I just don’t feel motivated to get to work. I mean, my mind is ready to work, but physically, I just want to curl up and I don’t even know if I feel like reading or not.

I mean, some of the stuff I read–I’m like “okay, I know I can get published if this can,” not necessarily meaning the book I was reading at the time was BAD or anything. But then, there are the Megan McCaffertys and Meg Cabots and Sarah Dessens and Stephenie Meyers who blow my mind with everything they write, and I think to myself “how DARE you think you have the talent/calibur/guts to be like those women?”

I don’t know. I just don’t know. :(

So tell me, is this normal? Or am I the freak I suspected I was?

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I just finished reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

HOLY COW. Blew me away. I am definitely going to buy it, along with the sequels when they come out.

What I LOVE is that she put up her dream cast of the people in her book here. She was right on with Alice–that’s exactly how I pictured her. And if they get that guy to play Edward–yes. Perfect. Yummm.

How fun, huh? WHEN (thinking positively here) ONLY YOURS sells, I’m going to do that!! :)

I’m not even really into vampire stories that much, but this book is so fascinating, gripping. RUN, don’t walk, to the nearest library/bookstore/whatever and get this book.

**eagerly awaiting the sequel**

Stephenie Meyer is my new hero.

In the meantime, I’m going to read The Order of the Poison Oak by brentsbrain. I LOVED Geography Club, so I’m looking forward to this.

Have a good day! :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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It’s that time of the month again!

Let’s check in and see how I did with my February Goals:

25,000 words
Cut at least one chapter from MAJOR REVISION PROJECT.
Read two new books.

So, I read like eight new books, managed to bump my word total up to over 28,000 in UNTITLED II, and I cut way more than one chapter from the MAJOR REVISION PROJECT. :)

I exceeded. YAY!

So, for March:

32,000 words.
Read two new books.

Anything else? Feel free to comment and let me know!!

I have to pee. So ’til later!

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