Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Proof that I’ve watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too many times:

Mike TeeVee lives in Denver, CO. West of the Mississppi. But the TV truck has station call letters which begin with W. Stations’ call letters west of the Mississippi all begin with K. Someone let me know if that’s not right.

Speaking of CATCF, I won a CATCF Game Cube game from the official website’s Golden Ticket giveway when I played on Monday. Imagine how thrilled I felt when I got the pop-up that said “I shake you warmly by the hand!” 🙂

I love that movie. Because I’M A WINNER.

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It’s that time of the month again. Not, not that time. It’s GOAL-MAKING time!!!

So, let’s see…

1. 25,000 words total in WIP.
2. Cut at least one chapter from MAJOR REVISION PROJECT.
3. Read two new books.


Let’s see how my January goals stacked up:

[X] 15,000 words (I got up to over 20,000!)
[ ] Revisions like WHOA (I sadly did not accomplish this goal. :(

Happy February! :)

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RandomNess (Pictures)

So yesterday, I went and got my hair done for the first time since September. It’s just so luxurious to have someone else do the hard work for me. I’ll be going back in seven weeks. 🙂

After the salon, I hopped over to Kohls and picked up two pairs of pants, a simple black shirt, pajama pants, mittens and a matching hat, and a treat for Aidan for around $47. Can’t beat that with a stick, huh? 🙂

I’m in a good mood.

OH MY GOD. I’ve been eating like whoa the past few days. I mean, I’m like starving all the time. No, I’m not pregnant. Oh wait. I just realized why I’m eating so much. : Dang it, the months go so quickly, don’t they?

Bloody hell, it’s already February. That’s just crazy. Soon, Aidan will be going to spend two weeks with his grandmommy (he’s been talking about it non-stop), and Chris will be in Phoenix for a week. Guess what I plan to do!

2. Lots of naps.
3. A massage.
4. MORE writing.

It’s gonna be sweet.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorite pictures from Holly’s wedding:

This one gives me chills. 🙂

See more here: CLICK! and comment here at my LJ! 🙂 I did the photography and I want to know what you all think.

The Meme of Four

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I Had to Do It

1.) Copy and paste this into your journal:
< *font color="yourusername"> < *b>yourusername< */b> < */font>
2.) Eliminate the asterisks.
2 1/2.) Replace “yourusername” with your user name.
3.) See what color you are.




If I don’t get any writing done tonight, I will end January 7,000 words ahead of the game, because I managed to do over 12,000 this month. That’s 7,000 more than my goal of 5,000. Can I get a “what what!!” So, February starts tomorrow, with the goal of another 5,000 words. I hope to surpass that like WHOA because I will have one week of no Aidan (will be with his grandmother in Aurora OH) or Chris (Phoenix AZ), then one week of no Aidan (still with grandmother). That means if I clean the house, it will STAY clean, and I will have all the time to simply focus on my writing. And reading. Woo. I’m looking forward to it, but most importantly, looking forward to continue to get to know my new characters.

Last night/this morning, I finally got off of the computer at a little bit after one. But I didn’t get to bed until around 1:35 because I kept coming up with ideas! I did the smart thing–kept a notepad by my bed and jotted them down. ‘Cause you know how you swear you’ll remember, then you never do? I didn’t want that to happen. Now I have loads of notes! Yay. I’m also thinking of getting one of those micro-cassette recorders for when I come up with things while I’m in the car. I tried the pad/pen thing. You know how the traffic lights always work against you: they stay red when you’re in a hurry or excited, and they all turn green when you want to stop for whatever reason. I don’t really mind if I’m kept awake with ideas. That’s a blessing, something not to be taken for granted.

That’s all for now. :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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The Romance Writer’s Report Has Spoken

From the most recent issue of RWR:

You cannot write, work a full time job, and be the perfect housekeeper, parent, and community member–thought too many of us try and feel guilty that we can’t succeed.

In these high-pressure circumstances, housework must go to the bottom of the list–or even better, to the top of someone else’s list.

It’s a good thing SOMEBODY said it, although I’ve known it for a while now…..

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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