Um… WOW!

When I got to work, there was a card and a gift bag on my desk. The card was from a co-worker, the gift bag from my bosses with a $50 Visa gift card. Whoa? πŸ™‚

We had our department holiday party today. Food, games, prizes, loads of fun. Then we had the white elephant gift exchange. I was next to last so I had my pick of almost anything there. I ended up with Groove It, made by the same people who made Bop It. πŸ™‚ It should be a blast to play. During the party, I won some decorative bells, Rob gave me the candle he won, and I got lots of candy. Then we got let out early!

I got home and checked the mail. Aimzy (verytruly) had sent me a lumpy birthday card with a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble!! Oooooo. I am so excited about that, you have no idea! I also got a Christmas package from Ivy (swankivy)! I’m already wearing the Hello Kitty pj pants she got me and eating the (VERY YUMMY) cookies she sent me. She also sent more mix CDs, and a squashy pillow for Aidan. πŸ™‚ I love it all, of course!! πŸ˜€ The best part is that it came in one of the shipment boxes for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. SWEET.

ETA: She also drew an adorable picture of Aidan!!!!

I also got some Christmas cards including a VERY sexy one from Erin (celinedion).

Now I’m going to relax before Bizzy comes over later and before Chris gets home. I’m going to read and work on my writing today as well. πŸ˜€ So, ’til later!

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I had a really good birthday. πŸ™‚ Work was crazy and busy, but there was a card on my desk signed by all of my co-workers. πŸ™‚ When I got home, I relaxed a bit. I got phone calls from loads of cool people (Jen-Jen sang to me in Polish!), and really, I was amazed at how many people remembered me and went out of their way to wish me well.

This is what I got so far:

From Ivy (swankivy): little pillow that says “Faith” on it, cute fuzzy socks, and a mix CD
From Chris (zenosidal): $31 to Best Buy, $31 to Barnes and Noble, and Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
From Craig: Scene It? Disney Edition, The Fantastic 4 DVD
From Star (selfstyled): Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants DVD
From my in-laws: $20 to Best Buy

Aimzy said she got me something, so I’m eagerly awaiting that! πŸ™‚ I also got cards from people. Chris bought me KFC for dinner YUMMY! πŸ™‚

Kelle Belle (itskels) and I went to lunch at Friday’s yesterday and exchanged Christmas gifts. I love everything she gave me. $25 to Aeropostale (WOOHOO!), 2 really cute notebooks (that she made!), a blanket, and a little notepad, and a Bath and Body Works Wallflower. Lunch was fun–she is hilarious. The food was yummy, too. Good times, good times.

Wednesday was good too. Very busy, but okay. After work, I went to Heritage to work on my writing and I got a couple hundred words written, but most importantly, it’s starting to take shape and blossom which is very magical and amazing for me!

I ran into some old friends at church who have the CUTEST baby ever named Jeremy. Okay, first of all, I am very much in love with the name Jeremy. But this little boy was so sweet–ten months old, and happy! He gave me lots of kisses, and a hug too!

Life group was good tonight. It was at Craig’s. Nice, lively discussion, Olive Garden for dinner, and birthday cake and ice cream for me. They even sang to me!

Today, when I went into the church, someone was playing the guitar and singing. It was one of the middle school guys. I don’t know if he was rehearsing or just singing. As I set up my laptop, I started thinking of how amazing it is that I live in a country where someone can sit and sing about the Lord whenever the spirit moves him. How blessed am I? I can worship my God freely and not have to worry about being tortured or killed. That really did humble me for a bit. There are many places in the world that will kill someone who mentions the name Jesus. πŸ™

As the Christmas holiday draws ever so close, excitement mounts. Anticipation is in the air, and for some, stress levels rise like whoa. Right now, I am very fortunate that I have no stress. I sing Christmas carols as I am driving (the ones by Harry Connick Jr are my favorites!). I think of how excited I am to be exchanging gifts, to give to my friends and family. I think of seeing people, of getting Aidan back, of writing, and I feel incredibly blessed. Most importantly, I think of the birth I’m celebrating–the birth of my Savior. I try to reflect on how it must have been–Jesus, sleeping in a manger. As Pastor Brian said Sunday–sleeping in something that animals eat out of–when later he’d become the “bread of life.” Definitely food for thought. πŸ˜‰ (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)

I’m excited this year for the holidays. Aidan will be old enough to “get it” now and I hope he has a blast.

I stole this!

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Just Wanted to Say…

I have great friends in the writing world. :)

Thank you… you all know who you are.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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99.3% Perfect (Pictures)

For the most part, I am very happy. And the .7% which is getting me down–it’ll heal soon.

Why I’m happy:

1. The presents are all wrapped.
2. The living room is clean.
3. The loft is clean.
4. The Christmas cards are finally all done, and I will mail out the rest of them tomo-er, today.

I had a good weekend. Saturday, I slept in, went to counseling, then met Chris for lunch at O’Charley’s. The food was very yummy–and I have leftovers in the fridge that I should tackle. After lunch, we came home to relax. I can’t remember if we took naps or not–I think I tried but didn’t really succeed. I had a new computer to play with! πŸ™‚ We went over to Craig’s, and out to Damon’s (yum) where we met Bizzy and Kyle, and then we all went to Meijer. Craig, Chris and I stayed until 2:30am. Craig spent a lot of money but knocked out a huge hunk of his Christmas shopping. We were there so late that Craig passed out on the floor:

(More pictures here.)

For some reason I was hyper (probably the night-owl thing going on) and I was up ’til 5am. Still, I managed to get up for church Sunday morning! πŸ™‚ It was a good message, and I had fun sitting with Kim PATCH! After church, Josh S, Craig, Chris, Mr. Matt and I ate at Max & Erma’s. Yummm, but I actually did NOT get my usual there. I did get cookies, though. Their Pick 3 is a great deal.

After lunch, I met up with Amy H at Meijer (yes AGAIN) to help her with her shopping. Then I went to Craig’s and wrapped all his presents for him. Wahoo, good times. I also watched a LOT of E! and Food Network. Can’t go wrong with that, huh? Man, I LOVE the Food Network.

Monday, McGraw-Hill had its company holiday party. It took place at Wedgewood Country Club, and they had an open bar and lots of yummy food. I really had a good time there. The best part is that they let us go at 1:30. How awesome is that? πŸ™‚ I took a nap, which was probably a bad idea seeing as I am wide awake now with a FULL work day ahead of me.

So with that note, I’m going to try to go back to sleep–I’m going to read a bit first. I’d forgotten how much I love Confessions of a Shopaholic.


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Soul of a Writer

I screwed up big time on something that was a BIG DEAL to me and when the repercussions hit, I was knocked on my butt. I cried, read “Confessions of a Shopaholic” and slept. Now I’m eating Reese’s Pieces. My spirits are lifting.

The funny thing is that when something goes wrong, I immediately start mentally attacking my writing even if what happened has nothing to do with my writing. That’s what I did today, and I was ready to give up all the way.

As I was falling asleep, ideas kept popping into my head for something new.

It didn’t take me even five minutes after I woke up to start planning on what I was going to work on next and/or continue.

Ideas for current WIP keep coming.


I was ready to give up, I’d convinced myself that I was too stupid and careless to ever make it in this field, and yet, my mind kept churning out the goods.

I guess I do have the soul of a writer, and I couldn’t ever stop even if I THOUGHT I wanted to.

Once upon a time, I would have crawled into a dark, black hole and shut myself up for an indeterminable amount of time. Thank God I can’t even fathom doing something like that right now. Even though I am still reeling at my idiocy, I know I have to stop beating myself up and move on, right?

I’ve learned a valuable and expensive lesson today. It must have been meant to be.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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