Hi & Stuff.

Today was Harry Potter mail day!

Firstly, I got a WAND! From Alivan’s! Yes, I have a genuine wand and it’s so sweet. I’ve been swishing and flicking and trying to produce a Patronus, but with no such luck.

It was a present from Chris as congratulations on my new job.

Secondly, Ivy (swankivy) sent me a Ravenclaw badge and a Harry Potter pencil. THANKS IVY! πŸ˜€ Harry Potter rules. Hahaha.

Had an okay weekend. I did get to talk to Amy (liesandpromises) and Helen (pixiedash) a lot which is always good. We had the worst fly infestation ever, though. Ew. I think they started in one of Aidan’s old diapers. GROSS. At any rate, it was horrible. We probably had at least 50+ flies in our house this weekend, and ew. I just don’t want to think about it anymore. I think we got it all taken care of and it’s good now. No more buzzing in our house.

Friday night, I hung out at Rob’s with his brother and his friend from school named Brad. Josh S bought us all pizza. Yummm. We watched Boondock Saints again. I LOVE that movie and I must own. I mean, come on. Hot Irish guys with sexy accents, liberal usage of the word FUCK and lots of guns and violence. What’s not to love?

Quote of the night: “Hey bitches, come get some pizza.” – Josh S.

Seriously, it’s a wonderful movie and I am going to buy it soon. Probably the same time I buy Hitch and Meet the Fockers. All movies I’ve seen with Rob. Hmmm, interesting coincidence, eh?

Hmm. I destroyed the side of the SUV (whoops) on Saturday. Hung out with Chad for a bit and Christy yesterday. Church was neat, I got to see people I hadn’t seen in a while like Kim and Katie P. πŸ™‚ Oooh, ooh, and Jon C gave me a kiss on the cheek. *swoons* I got a nice big hug from Joshua A too. He makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. πŸ™‚ Besides, PJ was back and it was SO GOOD to hear him speak again. Even though he spoke at The Grove last Tuesday too.

After church, I went to a baby shower for a good friend from college and saw some people I hadn’t seen in YEARS. It was awesome, strolling down memory lane. Boy were we some drama-addicts even back then. Haha. Good times, though. I’ll try to post pics later.

I went to the park yesterday and took pictures. Tried to relax and let God talk to me, ya know? I saw some fascinating plants and bugs. I watched the ants working in this huge old tree and it was amazing how organized they were. I enjoyed my time there. Don’t know if I’ll be going back. The ranger caught me speeding as I was leaving and tried to chase me. I’d gotten out before he could get me, though. Oops.

I’ll go to a different park next time. πŸ™‚

My writing course has begun and I like it already! Wheee!

I just finished a book called Perfect by Natalie Friend. It’s mindblowing. I mean, she captures the teen voice perfectly. I can’t describe it any other way. I sent her an email telling her how much I loved the book and asking if she was planning on writing more. The only thing is that it might be a trigger for those with eating disorders. Otherwise, it was good. Very good. I recommend it highly.

Perfect was kind of serious, so switching gears to the latest Georgia Nicholson was hard! It still is. She is still as silly and immature as ever. I’m sure I’ll get into it okay once my mind switches over. I’ve been reading so much YA Fiction lately that I’m having a hard time differentiating between books. I guess I should do less reading and more writing, eh?

Speaking of, I finished two other books this past weekend. Royally Jacked, and Spin Control. Both of them were great, very funny, and nicely written. Had a fun and real voice. I’m looking forward to Niki’s next book as well. πŸ˜€ In fact, I’m wanting to read ALL the books with those fun covers!!

Oh my, I need to really get to writing so MY book can be on amazon with one of those fun covers!! πŸ˜€

Mmmm. LOVE reading YA Chicklit. It’s gooooood stuff.

I am bloody freezing. Excuse me while I turn off the ceiling fan.

Okay, much better. Had to get a blanky too.

Time to go start dinner. Later, dudes and dudettes and stuff.

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Pretty Good Day!

I had a pretty good day today.

Firstly, THANK YOU for all of your good wishes and congratulations regarding my new job!!! πŸ˜€ I appreciate that you took the time to wish me well. πŸ™‚ *feels loved*

So…. I got to work and of course, that’s always hard because when the weather is lovely; I just feel claustrophobic!!! But I managed to sneak out at lunch and take a nap in Plaza Park. That was nice; napping in the warm breeze. Mmmmm.

After work, it was great to come home and play on the internet. Ci (starrlyte) and I played on our webcams! It was sooo much fun! She is soooo darn pretty and her heart-shaped lamp is the cutest thing ever. It was a blast. Then Chris came home and we went to Fed Ex to get a package. It wasn’t what we were expecting–instead it turned out to be paperwork for my new job!!! YEAH!

We went to Easton for dinner. Ate Brio. OMG YUM. Waited forever for a table, but it was worth it. After dinner, I dragged Chris to Barnes and Noble and who should we run into there but Rob and Tyler! Heh. I was more interested in acquiring books than hanging out and crashing their thingy, so we went into the store and I got the latest Georgia Nicholson and another book called Perfect. Can’t wait to read them, but I already have a backlog of books I need to read. My writing class starts Monday! Speaking of my writing class, I’m eagerly waiting for my instructor Lauren (laurenbarnholdt) to start putting up crazy cam pics of herself.

One thing I didn’t count on about leaving Nationwide was the number of people who would be impacted outside of my immediate circle (bosses, staff, etc.) One admin admitted that she started crying when I told her. People are actually sad to see me go. This is so strange. I guess I don’t realize how much my presence impacts people because I focus on the people who don’t really care. I need to fix that, huh?

Boss #2 told me to stay home tomorrow. I thought about it, but I’m going to go in at least for a little bit. All three of them are out tomorrow as well as a lot of other people. There really won’t be much for me to do–but maybe I can start cleaning out my desk…? I have a TON of stuff to throw away/cart home/donate/SOMETHING!

Blargh. It’s already 11? πŸ™ Fun times go way too quickly, ya know. At least it’s the weekend. A great weekend because I won’t have to take care of Aidan (although I do miss him bunches) and Chris might go camping with Craig. Can we say PARTAY at my house? (Yeah right. As if!)

Oh yeah, and Aimzy (liesandpromises) got my plane ticket today! California… here I come!!!!!!!
Everyone PRAY that I run into Adam Brody when I’m out there and that he and I totally chill out together.

Okay then. Ta ta for now.

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First order of business:


I’m going to be an Associate Production Editor at McGraw-Hill. How excited am I? Can I get a whut-whut?? πŸ˜€

I got the call last night, the official letter(s) today, and I start August 15th. YAY!

Second order of business:

Aimzy (liesandpromises) is buying my plane ticket tomorrow. YAY for trips to California!! πŸ™‚ YAY for fun times with friends.

The house is clean, and we’re hosting life group at our house tonight. Should be fun.

Hmm, I thought I had a lot more to write. Guess not. I suppose the new job thing kind of eclipses it all, yes? πŸ˜€

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Just finished Half Blood Prince.


… trying to stop myself from crying.

I mean… whoa.

I’ll try to go more in depth tomorrow; bedtime for me.

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My weekend is already almost over!! πŸ™

I miss Aidan. A LOT.

I’m 3/4ths done with Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. πŸ˜€
Getting ready to start with Chapter 23.
I like it okay so far.
But that whole Pensieve thing is too weird. I don’t like it at all.
Is it just me, or is Malfoy’s secrecy and broodiness like… HOT?

Spent the evening over at Chad and Christy’s. It was fun. They made spaghetti, and I sent Chris to the store to get me lots and lots of sweets. I was/am craving chocolate and a tropical fruit fury flavored Tropicana Twister like a mo-fo. Meep.

Cramps are no fun. πŸ™

Watched Family Guy and American Dad while I was there. Crazy shows.

Chris is downstairs watching Chamber of Secrets. It’s really loud and rumbling the floor. :

So, it’s back to work tomorrow. Mrph. Well, I can come straight home, I guess, since I don’t have to pick up Aidan. I’ll probably stop at the library first, though. πŸ˜€ As if I need anymore books to read, right? Heh.

Helen (pixiedash), thanks for the long chats this weekend. I think you single-handedly kept me from going insane with worry. It’s nice to know things are okay, at least with that one thing, right? And congrats again on the new job!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

I don’t know what’s been up with me lately, but I’ve been a two-shower/bath a day girl for a few weeks now. Usually, I do it the night before. But lately, it’s been the night before, and then after work, and then again before bed. Maybe it’s this crazy heat making me do it? I dunno.

Alright, off to my book. Later.

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