… to start letting go.
It’s Time…
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my scramblings & ramblings
… to start letting go.
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Consciousness of each of us creates our world, which means we can change the world. When the Earth is filled with the vibration of Love and Thanks, then you will experience a world filled with Love and Thanks. [Link]
I recently read The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto and there were messages that still rivet me to this day. A lot of people probably think it’s more of that New Age mumbo-jumbo. But so much of what he said made sense to me. A lot.
The premise is that water is affected by the things we think, say, expose it to. Water is supposed to be able to form crystals when frozen, and certain ways of “interacting” with it produce certain crystals, or none at all. For example, telling water that it makes you sick will produce no crystal, and sick-looking water. Telling water “thank you” and being truly grateful for it produces perfect, beautiful crystals. [Link]
I learned this from watching What The BLEEP Do We Know. My counselor had recommended it to me and although some of the parts are WAY weird, a lot of of is fascinating as well. Lots of food for thought.
The human body is made up of lots of water. I think adults are made up of about 70-80% water. If what we say affects water that way, imagine how it affects other people. How about how it affects ourselves?
Why is water used in baptism? What about Holy Water? How about the fact that without water, WE WILL DIE?
It’s special and different and amazing. There is no denying that.
I was a bit skeptical, until the book went on to discuss vibrations. Words, music, all of that gives off vibrations. How many times has someone who is depressed walked into a room and immediately the entire atmosphere changed? What about sudden tension? Notice how when someone is in a bad mood, others can pick up on it? Okay, okay. Of course one can notice facial expressions, moods, etc. But how does that explain that feeling you get–that feeling in your heart? I’m thinking of a particular instance a few months ago. A particular person smiled at me and told me she was glad I was there, but I knew, I knew she didn’t want me around. I could feel it. Granted, I am extra sensitive–but then other people started complaining about the “vibe” they were getting from her. Once she was out of the picture, the mood instantly lightened.
We all affect each other. And I try my hardest not to let my bad feelings leak out and bring everyone else down. I am so conscious of the fact that I’m sending out vibrations that can affect everyone–and I feel guilty, so guilty by even coming around when I feel so crappy. I do it hoping to suck up some of the good vibrations from them, but the dark emotions can be incredibly powerful.
So, to keep my mind off of the bad feelings, I try to focus on sending out “Love and Thank You” vibrations. That is hard, let me tell you. Especially when you know you’ve probably pissed a lot of people off, or there are people who would really like to see you disappear, when you have self-esteem problems and wonder “what could *I* possibly do to make things okay?”
Then there is the frustration with so much in my life. Sometimes I spend hours, giving myself headaches, trying to extract the good things and stop focusing on the bad things. There are good things in my life. Why is it so easy to focus on the negative?
The simple fact is that I need to make some changes. I need to do a lot of things that will be very hard, but will be worth it if I can push through the difficulties. I have a feeling that hard and hurtful things are coming my way, but I have no one to blame but myself because I put the bad vibes out there in the first place.
I believe that if I put it out there, it’s going to materialize in some way. This is supported by Christianity, by Wicca, and by this. Speak it into existence, and it will happen. Bad and good.
I’m going to be speaking a lot, and soon.
That is all.
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Despite all the crap going on inside of my screwed up mind/heart/whatever, I managed to squeeze a bit of joy during The Grove. Garth was there–he’s a site for sore eyes for sure. GO CHECK OUT HIS BAND’S WEBSITE: http://www.exceptionaledward.com π
I got to talk to JT for a long time. Now, I’d never hung out with JT, but I know he was part of the “crowd” back in the day. He goes to school in Atlanta and is home for the summer. Let me tell you, without going into a lot of detail, that this man is AMAZING and I hope he is able to lead other young men to be like him. I am eager to get to know him more.
Jon C is hilarious. And a good dancer. I did mention that, didn’t I? A few weeks ago, I’m sure of it. Because he is, ya know. A great dancer, I mean. We’re going to crash wedding receptions so we’ll have an excuse to dance with each other. “HEY! We don’t need food. We just want to dance!” Heehee.
So, the trick is for me to not concentrate on the two people who treated me as if they’d rather me not come over to talk to them and to focus on the countless others who went out of their way to talk to me. π
And something always has to give me and Christie M a headache during setup. First, the projector wouldn’t turn on (Tyler finally plugged it in–DUH), and then we couldn’t get it to show on the screen. FINALLY it worked, but was out of focus slightly. Bah. Eh, one day we’ll get it together. Then we’ll have our own place so all of that will be moot.
Aimzy (liesandpromises) insisted that I (along with Aidan!) visit her in California and promised she’d drive me down to see Kelly (hybridpeach). π Oooh, I’d get to meet Brandon and Becky!! Seriously, as soon as I can muster up some cash, I am there. I WANT TO GO TO DISNEYLAND! ΒΊOΒΊ
So… still thinking about my new LJ layout. Well, it’s not MINE. As if I’d be that ambitious. HA. No, I nipped another one of LJ cutesy free templates. It’s rather wide, though, so I’m not sure how I feel about it. Hmm, I’ll keep it for a few days. I really like the page summary.
I got this rotisserie chicken lunch meat at the store early this morning. (Yes, I was at the store at 1ish am, don’t ask). It is SOOOOO yummy. I am going to have a sammich now. Yummmmmm. I have never had lunch meat so good before, I can’t stop thinking about it. I passed up getting BURGER KING on the way home for a chicken breast sammich. Whoa, okay???
Free breakfast this morning thanks to Sunny 95. They do these random Breakfast Breaks, and I got two danishes (one lemon, one strawberry or cherry), a blueberry muffin, a blueberry bagel, and some orange juice. The only thing that did not impress me was the bagel. But can’t complain too much–FREE FOOD!
Time for a sammich!!!!!!
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Made the mistake of falling asleep Monday evening. Then went to Tyler’s and kind of fell asleep on his floor. Now I’m wide awake and have to be up in four hours for work, the Grove, so I probably won’t get to bed ’til about midnight. Meep. My stupid fault, I should have left at 11 as planned. Meh.
Oh yeah, for those of you looking for Rhianna, she’s here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/lespritderhi/
Okay, I’m gonna go now. Not feeling so well. When I got home at 2am, I scarfed down a bowl of soup and two bowls of cereal. Plus, I’m bumbled up inside for other reasons too, ones I’m not going to go in to. I don’t even know much… just that I don’t think I’ll ever be okay about it.
I have to force myself to sleep. Later.
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– So the plan was to go to bed about 11ish. However, Chris and Todd are putting up a ceiling fan in the Master bedroom (AND Aidan is awake) so not so much.
– I get the strange feeling that I’m being ignored by a certain person. Again. I really should be used to it by now and stop caring so much (especially since there are so many other people who are worth ten of this person in my life), but there you go.
– I’m not sure where my Mickey Mouse watch is.
– I now live in a home of my own with crown moulding. π
– Internet is still acting a bit weird.
– I got to talk to Rhianna!!! YES, Rhianna who wrote the awesome journals! π π π
– I got to talk to Helen, too! π π π
– Mickey Mouse watch just turned up.
– Ceiling fan light is a dud.
– Time for me to go to bed.
– I hate the Dursleys, although they are quite entertaining to read about.
– Todd, Theresa, and Craig are awesome.
– Nobody puts Baby in a corner.
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