Answer for Me!

Answer these for me, if you’d like. Some of them are kind of obvious, so get creative if you feel like it. Post your answers in the comments (copy and paste the survey too so I don’t have to keep scrolling!)

1. Would you be surprised to see me in church?
2. Would you be surprised if I said I’m a virgin?
3. Would you be surprised if I said I’d taken drugs?
4. Would you be surprised if I said I’d been drunk before?
5. How would you react to me ignoring you?
6. (Opposite sex) How would you react to me asking you out?
6. (Same sex) How would you react to me asking out your ex?
7. What would you do if I said I’d give my life to protect you?
8. How would you treat me if I had one week to live?
9. 24 hours?
10. 5 minutes?
11. How would you treat me if you found out that I killed someone?
12. Would you turn me in?
13. How would you treat me if I started to change and be more selfish?
14. How would you describe my “soul mate?”
15. Do you believe that I could hurt someone (whether it is emotionally or physically)?
16. Do you believe I would protect you?
17. Do you believe I am completly honest?
18. Have I ever seemed to change drastically lately?
19. If so, how?
20. Do I need to?

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Protected: *Sigh*

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Here is a list of the WORST SCENTS ever, according to me:

– BURNT POPCORN (ew, I’m smelling it right now!)
– skunk
– Aidan’s diapers after he’s had tons of apple juice
– Chris’s farts
– park restrooms
– onions

– Aidan
– coffee
– popcorn (NOT BURNT)
– chocolate cake
– bacon
– spring

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Good Mood So Far :)

Woke up in a pretty good mood today. Despite the lack of AC, it ended up being pretty comfy (for me). I actually had to get under the blanket. I am not too tired which is a miracle because I went to bed pretty late last night.

I like giving Aidan kisses before I leave for work in the morning. He has the best little cheeks ever.

I’m very glad the storms that were surrounding my county never actually hit. On the way home from Chad & Christy’s, there was lightening everywhere. Thank God it went away. I thought for sure we were going to get hammered.

I don’t understand how people can love thunderstorms! They frighten me!

So maybe I can start cleaning the house tonight? If I write checks at Target, they shouldn’t clear ’til Wednesday. By then I’ll be paid! πŸ™‚ Or maybe I can find bins somewhere else cheaper. Although I am NOT going to Walmart. I hate that store. I like the prices, but not the crowds. Or I could just go to Meijer, it is a lot closer. Yeah, I’ll probably just do that.

Rob, if you want to stop by, you’re more than welcome! πŸ˜€ We’ll make you dinner. πŸ™‚

I really want to set up a home office in the living room once we get everything cleaned up. I think it’ll be awesome for me to work in there. We don’t use the room for anything, I may as well put it to use. I’ll set up a desk with my laptop, a bookshelf with all of my writing books, and I’ll put a filing cabinet in there. We DESPERATELY need a filing cabinet. So that’s my goal. Probably won’t come to fruition for a while, as I have to save up for a desk (unless I am lucky enough to inherit Tyler’s glass desk when he moves to Denver) and um… actually CLEAN the darn room! πŸ™‚

Summer is definitely here. I love the hot temps, but the humidity is downright gross. I felt so sticky after dancing at the wedding reception (which was outside). I was sweaty in no time. It was fun, though. Worth it, for sure.

And randomly…


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A Good Sunday

So, I didn’t get to bed until nearly 5am (thank a lot liesandpromises!!)

Just kidding, Amy. You know I love it when you keep me up all night on AIM! πŸ™‚

I didn’t make it to church again (I haven’t been in a LONG time, and truthfully, I don’t miss it much–just the people…). I slept until after one. Chris got home with Aidan and they went to Chad & Christy’s. I got invited over, of course. I slept a few more minutes, then finally dragged myself out of bed because it was too warm in our non-airconditioned house. On my way out, I checked my AIM and Becky (magecky413) had left me a message. YAY Becky! So we got together at Chad & Christy’s to work on a special surprise for a certain someone who will remain nameless for the time being. She left and then Rob came over. YAY Rob!! We ate pizza and hung out.

I watched three movies while I was there–Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., and Meet the Parents. We also watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition (I LOVE when they send them to Disneyworld!), Family Guy, and American Dad. I watched a LOT of TV today which is not normal for me at all. I usually go days in between turning on the set anymore. If I do watch it, it’s at someone’s house or because someone else turned it on here. Meep.

So, I got a little progress done on the surprise, and I got to spend time with my Booba, who I was missing terribly!!! I mean, you have no idea how much I missed him. He smells soooo good. Mmmm, Aidan. πŸ™‚ He’s sleeping here tonight (I go Mommy bed!) because it’s too hot in his room and I just like to have him in here with me. So right now, it’s me, Chris, Aidan, three Mickey Mouses, Goofy, and Pandernoodle. I’m sure Lucy will join us soon.

And Praise the Lord, we’ll be getting our AC installed soon! All the parts are here, it just needs to be hooked up. I can’t wait. If I’m hot, everyone else must be dying. It takes a lot for me to get hot!

I am so ready to have a clean home. Everytime I go to Emily S’s place, I marvel at how neat it is. First thing. When I get paid, I’ll pay all my bills. Then I’m going to Target and buying lots of those rubbermaid bins and putting tons of Aidan’s toys away. That will help a lot. Then I’m going to tackle one room at a time. First room will be the dining room, I think. Getting Aidan’s toys all organized. Then the living room. Just to give you an idea of how sad that room is: I still have not put away all of my Christmas presents. Yeah, it’s like that. Then, I’ll tackle the family room. That one will be a pain because I’m going to need Chris to put some of his stuff away ASAP. Then I’ll do the upstairs. The loft won’t be so bad. The hard room will be the master bedroom because I am a slob. There are clothes everywhere, toiletries everywhere, BOOKS all over the place. I think I am going to buy a bookcase to put in here OR move the one from the guestroom to in here. It’s getting no use in there and I have a million books in here that need a home. Those 4 shelf cases are cheap too, so I can maybe pick up a couple. This is going to be a slow process because we are on a STRICT budget for the next couple of months and I have to get a couple of credit cards taken care of!! But the house is driving me MAD and I just want to come home to a nice, clean living space instead of clutter and mail and junk everywhere.

I don’t care what Chris says, there are some aspects of Feng Shui that are true, and the one about living in clutter causes stress is definitely the case for me!

‘Til later!

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