AIM, or lack thereof.

Is anyone else having AIM problems?

I got kicked off sometime last night and I cannot get back on. AOL isn’t working for me either. On either of my computers. I’ve tried everything with no luck.

Any suggestions? πŸ™

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Fun! :)

Stolen from moistangel:

Comment anonymously with three clues to who you are. Make them hard. Because it’s fun. Then I’ll try to guess. If I don’t get it right, comment with another anonymous clue and I’ll guess again. Continue until I get it right.

WHeee! πŸ˜€

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A Perfectly Pointless Potluck Entry

I am no longer allowing myself to go to Barnes and Noble without supervision. I tend to have a severe lack of self-control when I’m in there. I LOVE books, guys. And around every corner I find one, two, or three more that I want. Last night, I picked up:

Ten Minute Yoga for Flexibility & Focus (from the Bargin Bin)
Away Laughing on a Fast Camel: Even More Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Webster’s New World Power Vocabulary vol. 2 (from Bargin Bin)
Angry Little Girls.

I WANT THIS: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Drooooool. Call me sad if you want, but I love dictionaries. LOVE.THEM.

(I used to hate them in 3rd grade–I’m sure my teacher would be shocked to see the word buff I’ve become.)

I’d actually love one of those dictionaries that are so large they have to have their own stands. Like the ones at the library. Whoa.

OR THIS: Twenty Volume Oxford English Dictionary set. $1,350.00!!!! Sacre bleu & Mon Dieu!!!!

Went to Target yesterday and went a little bit crazy. I got a Sonicare Toothbrush and whoa. I love it. πŸ™‚ I used a sonic toothbrush years and years ago before they even became “trendy,” and I loved it then. But the company stopped making them, and it got to the point where it would never hold a charge anymore, so no more sonic toothbrush for me. Until last night! YAY!

I’m hungry.

OOoooOooo! It’s supposed to be such a pretty day today!! Temps in the 70s, sunshine! πŸ™‚ My favorite kind of weather! Ooo, Spring please hurry. I am so sick of the winter and cold and greys. I’m ready for nice weather and parties and cookouts (yummy hamburgers on a grill!) and parks, driving barefoot, game nights, and fun,fun,fun!

(Plus, Chris got a big a$$ bonus so we’re finally getting air conditioning! PARTY-TIME!!!)

So UNFOCUSED! Mmyeah, can you say SPRING FEVER??!?!??!

I should get new glasses. I love my drill mounts but they are a right pain in the arse to maintain. They loosen way too often.

And if I want a job in Communication, I’m going to have to leave Nationwide. I’ve lost count of all the jobs I’ve applied for and gotten rejected every single bloody time. If they’d just INTERVIEW me they could see…but they keep yanking in people off the streets. Grrrrrrr. How can someone off the street know more about the company than someone who’s worked here for SIX YEARS?

I know what it is. They see “Administrative Secretary” and immediately think “she’s stupid.” I don’t know why I even bother, here. Secretaries get no love, no respect. So, I’m going to have to keep looking elsewhere.

Everyone keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I am ripe, absolutely RIPE for a new career; one that is closer to my passion of editing/proofreading/writing.

Switching gears…

Have you ever had a feeling, unexplained, that something yummy and exciting was going to happen? I’m getting that feeling now. It’s rare; this blind optimism, this anticipation and tingly hope. I wonder if it’s because it’s sunny and warm outside? Or maybe because I’m wearing lots of pink today? Or perhaps it’s because I’m finally starting to feel more normal and less sick!! I feel like I have energy for days. IT’S GREAT! πŸ˜€

I almost broke down and bought one of those “Gossip Girl” books, but decided against it because I prefer first-person told stories over third-person told stories, especially in YA novels. Then I almost bought Broken China, and I think I still might, actually.

Has anyone read those A-List books? What do you think?

Ack. My reading list is growing quicker than my income. Methinks it’s time to head to the library again. Reserve and self-checkout is a beautiful thing. Quick, painless, and I come away with BOOKS!!!!! πŸ˜€

You are Deb and you could drink whole milk if you

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Bahahaha! πŸ™‚ I like Deb. And I use Caboodles. πŸ˜‰


Fill out PLEASES!

I __________ Ronni.

Ronni is __________.

Ronni & I are __________.

I wish Ronni and I were __________.

If I were alone in a room with Ronni, I would __________.

I want Ronni to know __________.

I think Ronni should __________.

Ronni needs __________.

I want to __________ with Ronni.

Ronni reminds me of __________.

Someday Ronni will/may __________.

Without Ronni, __________.

The worst thing about Ronni is __________.

The best thing about Ronni is __________.

I am __________ with Ronni.

Is it just me, or do some of those questions seem loaded?

Speaking of questions, I’m REALLY behind on my “ask me anything” thingamabopper. Bear with me. I’ll get to them soon.

Game Night. It’s time to start planning! I guess I’ll wait ’til after we get the air conditioning to have it so people won’t be overly warm in our house. Last year’s was SO MUCH FUN, I can’t wait to have another one. *dances* Game Night Game Night Game Night PARTAY!!!!!! πŸ˜€

McDonalds for lunch today, I think! YAY!

I love it when I’m in a great mood.

‘Til later!

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Some Randomness Before Bed

So, I found a ton of CDs to rip to my MP3 library, and I was all excited about putting them into my iPod–silly me forgot the adapter at work! D’oh! So I’ll have to do it tomorrow. I’ll just make a playlist of music to add so I’ll remember which songs I want. I LOVE being able to play it in my car.

I thought I’d lost my wallet, but I had a gut feeling it was safe, and sure enough, I found it hiding under the seat in my car when I got home today.

Aidan is a MOODY son-of-bananagirl. And he is so mean when he wakes up from his naps. Lordy. I wonder where he got that from?

Had pizza for dinner. Homemade and yummy. :ΓΎ

See, I do surveys for all sorts of marketing research companies. Most of it is volunteer, but it’s really cool because sometimes I get to sample new products and test them out and such, and sometimes I get paid for them too, or win contests. I was doing a survey tonight and came across this question:


I got free heart-shaped Postits in the mail today. Tres cute!! πŸ˜€

I only have one more Georgia Nicolson book to read! AND I’ve begun reading the 3rd Sisterhood/Pants book.

I love Young Adult novels.

Bedtime by 10:30. Can you dig it? I’m SURE gonna try. πŸ™‚

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Monday Again…

Spent almost all of Easter Sunday in bed! I missed Easter dinner at the in-law’s cause I was so sick, but they sent food home for me which was good because I was hungry. Craving spaghetti, but with little energy, so the already prepared food was good for me. And who can go wrong with Honey-Baked Ham? I didn’t get any potatoes, but I got some for lunch today because they had open-faced roast beef. Yum.

Made it back to work today–I’m fine if I sit down and don’t make sudden movements. But if I get up (especially suddenly), I get lightheaded and weak. Chills. Shaking. Stomach pains from time to time. I’ve been battling this since December–I wonder if it’s not pneumonia or bronchitis. I never did fully get rid of the cough. I should probably go and get it checked out, but who has time for that? I’m even more behind on things now, but the thought of even attempting to tackle everything anything overwhelms me.

The thing that sounds the most appealing thing to me is SLEEPING. But none of that for about four hours or so.

I wish I could work half days and work my way up to full days. I’m struggling today. Almost to Beyond the point of irritability for being so tired and weak despite having had hours and hours of sleep.

I managed to update the Winter 2005 photo album. I hope to get the Chicago pictures up in an album soon. Who knows when soon will be?

This Saturday, Aidan goes to stay with my mom for two weeks! I’m going to TRY not to sleep the entire two weeks away! I have much to do before then, though:

– April issue of The Bark
– special surprises for people
– CLEAN (actually that can wait til the little bugger is gone)
…lots more

Ack, I’m exhausted just thinking about it all!

I guess yesterday, Aidan took off his diaper, sat on the toilet, used the bathroom, then got down and put his diaper back on. Was I dreaming or did that actually happen?

Darn drugs.

‘Til later, maybe.

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