The Best Thing About Easter…

… besides the whole Jesus being alive thing. πŸ˜‰


I know, can’t be helping my cold any, but wow. Reese’s Pieces first thing in the morning. Yummmmy.

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I overdid it yesterday.


No church, just sleep.


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Yay! Got my new car deck–SWEET. They called hours ealier than I expected, woohoo!!

It’s so awesome. Being able to listen to my iPod with no FM station interference, being able to listen to CDs without them skipping. AND it has lots of buttons and flashing lights.

I’m loving it! πŸ™‚

Hanging out at Craig’s now; gonna eat a steak. Got to see my brother and sister in law today. She’s five months pregnant and HONESTLY, she looks like she just ate a huge meal. I mean a teeny tiny bump. It’s so cute. We gave them lots of baby stuff.


Til later, then.

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Tick tock tick tock

Our house smells. Chris keeps doing the dishes, then cooking and leaving those dishes out. So they rot and they REEK. And now he’s complaining that he’s always doing housework. Whatever. I clean the family room every day for it to only be destroyed by him and Aidan. So poop on him. But company is coming over and now they have to smell the stink of our dishes because Chris has decided that he’s on strike apparently.

Went to Best Buy, got my new radio and the new iPod adapter, but I won’t get my car back ’til late tonight because they are ALL backed up with istallations! So, if it takes about an hour to install, and there were 6 ahead of me at about 11:30, I don’t anticipate having my car again til about 8ish or 9ish. But at least I’ll have a new stereo and I can play CDs without them freaking out and I can play my iPod without it running out of charge… it will be sweet.

Sweet, unlike the smell in my house.

I got new clothes at Aeropostale today. πŸ˜€ I can wear a size 1/2 in pants there. SCORE!

I’m sooooo tired. I’m glad I was able to get out for a bit today, but now I’m exhausted. I need a rest, but I doubt that’s happening any time soon!

Oh THANK GOD. Chris is doing the dishes!! NO MORE STINK SOON!! YAY!!!!! πŸ˜€

(FTR – I do not touch dishes. They disgust me. I’d rather clean 95 of our toilets than do dishes).

Hung out with Rob and Becky last night–always amazing times with them. <3 my brother and Becky! πŸ™‚

‘Til Later….

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Did I not just write a long post about how I have no time for anything? Wah, now I’m going to fall even more behind. πŸ™

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