Protected: Hmmm

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Rob fix THREE times today. πŸ™‚ AND a big Bizzy/Becky fix as well. Napolean Dynamite, cheesy soup thingy Chris made, strawberry dessert thingy Chris made. Lots of cool pictures. New outfit. Powerful time at church even though it’s still a constant spiritual battle there/here/everywhere. Aidan falling asleep on me. He’s so precious. Decent way to start off the week regardless. I hope the momentum continues. Game night tomorrow. The Grove on Tuesday. Free time (?) on Wednesday. The O.C. on Thursday. Andy on Friday with Rob and hopefully others coming over to hang out too. Andy on Saturday. πŸ™‚ I must try to dwell on the good parts even as I dread all the mistakes I’ll make at work this week and definitely have pointed out to me. Bah.

Anyway. Yeah.

I need to go to sleep.

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