Ooo, fun fun.

1. Reply to this post if you want/need me to publicly tell you how cool you are!

2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you and possibly why I think you rock socks.

3. Post these instructions in your journal and give your friends a much needed dose of love and adoration!

4. If you know of someone who could use the lift, go ahead and post in your journal why you think they rock.

Limit 10, so get in while you can! 😀

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My Boy

Aidan is back home and as cute as ever. I can’t believe I forgot just HOW cute he is. My little boy is just… amazingly cute.

He’s getting hockey skates for his birthday, and knee pads and the whole get up. The only problem is that he’s afraid of the helmet. Hmmm.

So, why is my son kissing and hugging a picture of me when I’m sitting right here?

He’s such a trip.

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So, I did not anticipate the amount of SPAM I’d get by switching hosts, due to old email accounts and no filters, blah blah blah. Yeah. More than 17,000 messages are downloading now. This is since Thursday. TWO DAYS. More than 17,000 pieces of spam mail. Thankfully, I have the proper measures in place to keep this from happening again, but SHEESH. 17,000!!!!!

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I’m already finding one thing I don’t like about the new hosting company. TEMPERMENTAL FTP. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn’t. It times out at the most darndest times. I try to set CHMODs only for it to go back to what it was originally 30 seconds later. NOT COOL.

I’m trying to install an “ask me” script and even though I am following the directions to a T, I keep getting an internal server error. Definitely not cool. (The site from where I would get support is down due to bandwidth exception. Boo).

When it works, it’s great. It’s super fast. But those tempermental times are quite trying. Like now. It’s connected but the directory listing won’t show up. At least it wouldn’t in CuteFTP. Oh, whatever. I’m glad I went month-to-month with this plan. I may be switching again soon.

In other news the Night Blooming Jasmine scent from Bath and Body Works is amazing. And to think I almost talked myself out of buying it yesterday. Mmmm. Now I want to go and get the lotion and stuff too. I hope it’s not one they are discontinuing. They like to do that there.

Alright. Off to try to figure out this stupid script again. Mmmm. Website stuff on a Saturday night. Welcome to my life.

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You Are the Individualist


You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.

You are creative and dreamy… plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You’re emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.

Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.

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