
Photoalbums FINALLY transferred. Nameservers set. Let’s hope and pray this works!!!!!

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Transferring the photo album is proving to be a pain in the rear. The stupid connection keeps timing out and screwing up in the middle of two particular albums. Very frustrating. Just… upload already. aklasjkavrjaljk.

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Smart FTP

Holy cow, what was wrong with me, using Cute FTP all these years? Smart FTP is free (for 30 days) and it’s FAST. WOO.

I hope to switch the nameservers by tomorrow night!! πŸ˜€ Wish me luck, y’all!

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My website has been downloading for over 3 hours and it’s still not done!!!!!! Luckily, I don’t have to upload as much when I transfer the files to the new server, but dang!!!

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Hosting & Such

I decided to go with Acenet Inc Web Hosting:

They’re having a killer special, decent prices, serious security measures, and lightening fast set up. I’m excited to try this out. πŸ™‚ Bear with me if there are any broken images–there shouldn’t be. I won’t change the name servers til everything is uploaded to the new site. It *should* be flawless, but we’ll see, yes? πŸ™‚

This will save me tons of money per month. YEA! I LOVE hostfinity, but $33.95 a month was killing me. This new place will be $8.95 a month. And I get 5 gigs of space. You all should check this out, seriously.

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