How do they know??

Your sense of who you are has been undergoing dramatic changes, and now you could be ready to take a very fundamental and practical step to solidify the transformation. The problem is that you are not in this alone. Even if you are without a close partner, your current decisions will have an impact on others and you need to take them into account. It may take a few days for you to feel like it’s really okay to do what you want to do. Don’t rush the process.

How do they know? You know, horoscopes are often so generic and silly that they are best used for entertainment purposes only. But sometimes, they are so right on, they just hit you in the gut. I feel that I am definitely changing. Doing things I never thought I’d do. Making friends. DRIVING. It’s amazing how I’m growing and changing, and yet, still trying to remain true to myself.

I still have a lot of work to do. A LOT. So, I won’t rush. 🙂

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Tonight Rocked! :)

Actually, I guess last night rocked, technically. Since I’m up late AGAIN. I hosted Bible study at my house, but we didn’t actually study the Bible. Oops. But we had a good time. I supplied food and drinks. They supplied their company. We played Scattegories (I lost), and we watched Tyler play Lemmings on Playstation 2, which was interesting. But the best part? TAMI CALLED!!! She called her cell (which is in Kim’s possession) and it happened to be during my study/party. All the girls got to talk to her and it was awesome to hear her voice. I MISS HER!

So, I’ve come to the following conclusions:

1. Kelly P needs to come over all the time.
2. So does her boyfriend Tyler.
3. And so do Kim and Tina.
4. Matt needs to come over and cook for me.
5. I need to hang out with Chad and Christy and Aimee more.
6. Craig is awesome.
7. Bob and Corey are amazingly cute together.
8. I need to be there for Lauren.

I had so much fun. I love my friends. They’re great. Dang it, I still haven’t gotten a picture of Aimee. Well, that will have to change soon. Yup, yup.

I took more pictures and made the album, but now my site is down so I cannot upload. That sucks.

Okay. Peace, I’m out. I need to go to bed. Then I’ll take a nap in my car during lunch again. That’s cool. 🙂 Night!

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Today’s AOL horoscope:

Sometimes the pressure on you Archers is that others expect you always to be aiming your arrow high into the sky. You believe that you need to be optimistic, looking upward into the heavens toward the greatest potential. But what if you don’t feel that way? This can create a conflict, for you don’t want to let others down. Today presents you with an opportunity to bring up some of your darker emotions. You might be pleasantly surprised at how others rally to your support.

I’m scared.

That horoscope sounds like the story of my life. I feel that I have to be perfect. I have to be pushing hard. That I have to be happy all the time. I have to be the perfect Mom, the perfect Christian, always smiling, never sad. I can barely relax at home unless Aidan falls asleep on me and forces me to sit/sleep/read/whatever. I wake up at about 6:40am, and I’m going going going until at least 1:00am the next morning. I feel like I always have to be doing something. Must always be productive. Cannot be lazy, sitting there, wasting time and space.

Darker emotions? I’m scared to reveal them. I really am. I know they’ll hurt a lot of people. So I will keep them to myself–except for my personal elite (Jen, Ivy, etc).

So anyway, it’s not even 11am, and I’ve been very productive already. I cleaned my desk, attended a meeting, did a bunch of stuff. I have lots to do tonight still, including going to the store. So, here’s my list:

[ ] Pop & drinks
[ ] Film
[ ] Cookies
[ ] Volleyball/Badminton set (?)

I have some chores to do tonight:

[ ] Put laundry away
[ ] Clean off half wall
[ ] Make bed

Think I can do it all in 2 hours? Let’s hope so!

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Oh, snap.

Oh snap, literally.

My right headphone just snapped. So now I’m listening to When Doves Cry with a taped up headphone. I really feel like a geek right now.

Must buy new headphones tonight.

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