
Hypergraphia: The driving compulsion to write; the overwhelming urge to write. Hypergraphia may compel someone to keep a voluminous journal, to jot off frequent letters to the editor, to write on toilet paper if nothing else is available, and perhaps even to compile a dictionary. Hypergraphia is the opposite of writer’s block.

So, there’s a name for it. I never knew that. 🙂

From: here.

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I Want To Always Feel Like This

I’ve had the most amazing two weeks ever. THIS is God’s glory. Just the people I’ve met and talked to, the friends I’ve gotten to connect with, the small and large blessings that have occurred–it’s been incredible.

Friday night was Life Group, and after that was a “mini game night.” Craig, Bob, Lauren and Quincy came over and we played Scattegories. It was so much fun. I lost to Craig. My first time ever losing!! I got 2nd place. But next time, I won’t play so nicely. Teehee.


Yesterday, I got to meet with a writer friend of mine–I always have a fun, fun time with her. Then, I went to Kelly’s graduation party (congrats again, for the 238439487th time, hon!). That was a lot of fun. I played volleyball in the pool with her dad, and he’s just a great teammate and a fun person all around. ESPECIALLY since we won all 3 games we played. Woo.

Today was Sunday school. We’re starting a new series based on the “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” book. I’m really excited about this. It’s all about watching out for the “seduction” of sin and stuff like that. Should be quality learning there. I have homework every single night for that class, too. I’m looking forward to the extra time with God.

After Sunday school was church, and after that, the awesome Katie (live4himalways) and I went to see Shrek 2 (Great movie, I totally recommend it), and we had lunch at Subway. That was a lot of fun.

Since Chris and Aidan were at the zoo, I got the chance to take a nap when I got home. Then I went to Crosstrainers, which was amazing. There were tons of people visiting, and the worship band we had was OUT OF THIS WORLD. I mean, WHOA. They really got us going there. It was good times.

My two weeks have been wonderful. Taking on additional responsibility with Damascus–working with people I have a lot of respect for (like Garth!) to just take the group to a whole new level is exciting and a little bit scary as well. It’s a huge thing. Having the chance to spend time with Emily (yoimemily) and Bizzy (otaku_witch) has been a blessing. I don’t know. I just can’t describe how much I enjoy my new friends. And my old ones. And the ones in between.

(I miss Tami).

I know that Christians are not to expect to be happy all the time. The walk of a Christian is riddled with hardships and difficulties. But it’s times like the past several days where I feel like it’s worth it. God is definitely moving in my life. And I love it. All of it.

So, right now, it’s starting to storm, and I’m hungry for spaghetti. Drat. I can’t shower/bathe tonight because of the lightening, so I have to wake up early tomorrow. Boo. Well, that’s okay. It’s all good!

Night night!

P.S. I hope J-Lowe didn’t infect me with his poison Ivy!

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Comfort Zone

Lately, I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone, and doing things I never would have considered. For example, taking on a possible leadership role in Damascus. Crosstrainers. Meeting tons of new people; making new friends. Playing volleyball in a pool when I haven’t played volleyball in about 15 years, and when I don’t know how to swim. The only explanation I have is that God is working. God is moving in me. It’s amazing, really, to see the changes and growth in myself. It happens so slowly that it’s hard to notice–until I find myself doing something like playing volleyball, risking injury and getting water in my nose and eyes, and having an awesome time doing so. (Thanks again, KP, for having me over. I had a lot of fun!)

Being a MOM is a huge step out of my comfort zone every single day.
As is being a Christian/Jesus Freak.

I am being asked to take on more responsibilities at work. My role will be increasing in load. And I will be doing lots of leadership stuff. It’s exciting and SCARY. I’m not sure where I stand on challenges. But this will be a whole new world for me.

Lord knows I still struggle. I still struggle with where I am with Him. Where I am in life. Things in my life that are huge. Things from the past that are painful and trying to haunt me. I’m growing and changing. It’s how life is. We grow and we change. I hope it’s for the best, I hope it’s in a way that makes God proud of me. And if steps to that is stepping out of my comfort zone–BRING IT.

(But not all at once. Ease me into it?) 🙂

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So true, so true.

Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions.
Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations.
Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention.
Loves to be loved.
Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered.
Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions.
Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

What does your birth month say about you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Quite true. Except for the patriotic part sometimes. But everything else is right on, man. Awesome.

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So yeah. The SUV is sick again. We aren’t going to get it back until Wednesday. There needs to be a 15 hour rewiring something-something. They are paying for the rental car now. Unfortunately, they are out of cars and Chris and Aidan are stranded at Ricart until they can get a car to them. Chris is not happy.

But in other news–Aidan Matthew is now ready for a toddler bed. This morning, he’d woken up crying, and Chris put him in with us. Well, Chris woke up before Aidan. When Aidan got up, he got out of the bed and came down the hall. This is so exciting! We can take the crib apart. Wow, my little one’s growing up!

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