Looking Forward

I am excited about 2009. Not sure what it is. Maybe because I’m with my husband, who is awesome in all ways. Maybe because my son is amazing and growing and so smart and wonderful that the thought of him makes me smile. Maybe it’s because I know that Aidan has four parents, six grandparents, many great grandparents, and loads of “aunts” and “uncles” who love him very much. Maybe it’s because I have great friends. Maybe it’s because I’m going to L.A. next week and I’ll get to see Amy and Eli and Melissa, and maybe Tasha and Dave and Angie and and and I’M GOING TO DISNEYLAND! :)

Adam says it’ll most likely be our last trip to a Disney park for a LONG time, but still. What a great way to start off the year, right? I’m very excited about the whole trip. YAY Disney! YAY friends. YAY traveling.

I feel optimistic about writing. And being provided for. And seeing Aidan more often. And growing my relationship with Adam.

I’m allowing myself to really dream big again, something I haven’t done in a long time. It feels good.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Christmas Recap (Pictures)

Adam and I exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve, because we knew we’d probably be rushing the next day. He got me lots of cool stuff; a bed desk (WOOHOO), THE PATRON SAINT OF BUTTERFLIES, candy just to name a few things. Santa and Hanukkah Harry brought us The Dark Knight and Mario Kart. :) It was a nice Christmas Eve.

My Presents from Adam

On Christmas Day, Adam and I flew to Ohio to see Aidan and family. See, Aidan’s Christmas list consisted of only four things:

– a Spiderman puzzle
– a Wii
– a bike
– his Mommy

They pulled up at the airport and Aidan, who’d been excited at the prospect of seeing me (all he knew was that Santa was working very hard and picking us up and etc., and we tried to keep it a secret as best as we could), was fast asleep. He woke up while we were putting the luggage in the truck, and the smile that was on his little face was just… wow. Best gift EVER. :)

We spent Christmas evening with Chris, Aidan, and Matty. It was great! They loved their presents, especially the toffee we got them from Terry’s Toffee.

Aidan playing with stocking stuffers!

This picture cracks me up:

Adam and Aidan

Adam looks like the innocent child and Aidan looks like a little gangsta.

The next day we headed to my mom’s where of course, I got a food picture:

Christmas Dinner

YAY. I also took random shots of anything and everything:

Happy Aidan At the Dinner Table Mommy Aidan & Mommy

My mommy got me lots of cute pajamas, a soft cuddly robe that I am wearing now, and she and Greg got me a $50 American Express gift card meant to spend on books! Woohoo. She got me a Mickey Mouse fleece hoodie for my birthday. Adam cleaned up on clothes and pajamas this year. My hubby is styling! :)

After Mommy’s, we spent some time at Andy’s, and thank goodness. It was dark and rainy and I HATE driving at night when it’s raining. I can’t see a thing on the roads. I can’t imagine trying to drive all the way back to Columbus when the weather is like that. So we stayed at Andy’s, and ended up staying another day because that’s when I started feeling icky. I got randomly sick and achy. Boo. A lot of rest and medicines helped me push through, though. And Aidan got to watch Wall-E twice. It was nice and relaxing. Andy has a nice house. He also got me cool gifts, including an adorable Domo tee-shirt.

We got back to Columbus on Sunday. A package from Ivy came Monday, full of Disney goodies and COOKIES!!!!!!

Santa Aidan
Here, Aidan is enjoying one of Ivy’s icicle cookies. Yum.


Yesterday was Aidan’s 6th birthday!!!!

Aidan's Spongebob Cake

Happy Birthday, Aidan! Happy Birthday, Aidan!

We had a nice little celebration for him, and he once again, cleaned up with the presents! He’s so excited to be 6. I just can’t believe he’s no longer 5! He got Mario Kart, too, so we’ll be able to play with him online once Chris or Matty gets it all set up over on their end. YAY! I got him Wall-E, which he watched right away.

In case you’re wondering, Aidan DID get everything on his list above, AND THEN SOME. And when I say “and then some…” well, basically, you have no idea how much stuff the kid got. It’s really, truly overwhelming. I doubt he even realizes the magnitude of love that was poured out to him in the form of gifts. But you know, you’re only five on Christmas once, and I’m pretty sure his was more than magical. :) I’m so grateful I was able to share it with him, and be part of what made it so good for him.

I didn’t get to see nearly as many people as I wanted when I was in town, but maybe next time. I got to see the most important person–Little Aidan, and that’s what matters most.

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Annoying Little Aidan (Video)

A few weeks back, newlifeinstpaul posted a video of The Most Annoying X-mas Song Ever. I laughed my butt off. Then I annoyed Adam with it that night, which made him kinda mad. While I was in Ohio visiting Aidan (pic filled entry on that soon), I did it to him. Here is the post with the original video: [LINK]

Here is my video:


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funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

Happy Holidays, everyone!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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