

Aidan is having a bad evening. Sort of.

· He can’t find his light-up shoes, and is refusing to put on his sandals.
· He wants Hawaiian Punch.

Here is the exchange:

Aidan: Can I have Hawaiian Punch?
Ronni: No, it’s too late.
Ronni: Aidan, it’s 7 o’clock, too late for juice.
Aidan: NO IT’S NOT NIGHT TIME! (louder, more whiny)
Ronni: Aidan, I said NO and I’m not going to argue with you.
Aidan: WAH!!!

Trying to get him to go outside, but we’ll see.

I don’t have to buy a new light for the aquarium after all. The plug had gotten knocked out of the socket, thus rendering it useless. But now, it’s plugged in and my aquarium has light again! Wheee! I’d cleaned it earlier this week too, so it looks very nice.

They let us out of work early today. 2pm. I went to the bank, then home, where I crashed until 4:30. I wasn’t all that tired, actually, but honestly, why turn down a free nap?

I am deciding if I want to work on MOVES tonight, or continue to prepare for CRUSH revisions. I start on them tomorrow. I’m really in a MOVES state of mind and I fear that if I work on it tonight, I won’t be able to switch gears to CRUSH mode. So I’m actually taking a break from writing today. I’ve gotten so used to doing it every single day that this feels weird.

Catching up on emails. I only have two to answer! πŸ™‚ Then the weekend.

· Writing
· Visiting Andy
· Visiting Mommy
· Family stuff
· Eating lots of food that’s not so good for me

Speaking of, Aidan is trying to force me to eat a giant marshmallow. Help.

‘Til next time!

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Bibble Babble

I uninstalled IE 7.0 Beta and went back to having only IE 6 on my computer. AOL is acting just fine, now. Still stupid ads in my email, but at least the graphics are fixed now and the emails load properly. I’ll probably hang on to it for a bit.

And just to clarify from my last post–I only use Mozilla and Firefox for surfing. Two different browsers–one for all my regular links and also my lilrongal journal, the other for all my writing links and my bananagirl19 journal. I thought I’d try IE 7.0 just to see what it was about, but it’s just as crap as any other IE, so yeah. That’s all it was.

I also cleaned a lot of crap off of my computer, and it runs a lot more smoothly, and it also starts up a lot quicker. YAY for getting rid of junk! Woo!

Today was a day of imitations.

· The road was imitating coffins, for dead animals. Especially skunks. Ew.
· My bladder was doing a great imitation of a pea. (I had to pee every hour, it seemed)
· The family room is doing a good imitation of being clean, but really, I just took all of Aidan’s clothes and put them in the chair, and dumped all of his toys in the toy room.
· Fi is imitating a crazy person, as he is determined to get the fish out of the aquarium.
· The house is imitating Gracie’s litter box, as she’s been sick with a UTI, so she’s been dribbling whereever she felt the urge. That shall be cleaned up before July 19, and that is when life group will be hosted at my house. Eep.

Today is one of those days I feel like being a loner. Probably because I have a full weekend ahead of me. Four days off, but something to do each day, it seems. I’m most anxious for July 1st to get here, as that is when I will start revisions on CRUSH. I do believe I will be up at midnight, opening the Word document and getting to work. Should take me two weeks, tops, before I ship it off mandywriter (the BEST critique partner in the world), and then a few more revisions, then on to his majesty, The Agent. Can’t wait for that one to go on submissions. I’m really excited about CRUSH.

I bought a new planner at Barnes & Noble the other day. Yes, the 2007 ones are out already! It starts on July 1st! Seems like so much hinges on July 1st. See, I have this THING about planners. A lot of my friends use PALMS or TREOS or some other fancy gadget, and one would think, since I’m so into technology and stuff, that I’d be into it as well. But no, I love my 5×7 planner. I love writing everything down. All my notes. Birthdays. Important phone numbers. In a bit, I’ll probably go upstairs and bust out the stickers. I like to do my planner up right. Different colored ink for different things, pencil for plans with people. Red for cancellations. Green for payday. Blue for birthdays. It might be a bit psychotic if you ask me, but there is something about planners.

It started when I was in college. At the Ohio State bookstores, you could pick up a planner every year called Dates & Data. It was prefilled with all sorts of OSU trivia, pictures, holidays and such. I got one every year, and LOVED filling it up. I still have it. I enjoy going through it, looking at the things that were important to me. All the homework and exams that were taking place. My birth control pill schedule. Vacations. Stickers, of course. Every since then, I’d tried several different ways of calendaring. I still do. I’ve had fancy Franklin planners, a Palm Pilot (old school, m100 or something like that), online services (AOL, Yahoo, Google – I do use that a bit, but more to let people know what I’m up to), but you know what? I LOVE my 5×7 spiral-bound notebooks, and I buy one from Barnes & Noble every single year.

I also have an attachment to certain types of journals. Emily bought me a really cool one for my birthday in 2004. Spiral bound, perfect size, the paper had the perfect thickness. Most importantly, the sheets had NO PERFORATION. It’s important to me that the sheets have no perforation. I filled it up in a year, and late last year, asked Emily where she got it. Waldenbooks. So every year, I’ll be trekking to Waldenbooks to get the kind of journal that’s perfect for me.

Yeah, I guess I’m a nerd like that.

The boys are off playing disc golf. I’m supposed to be working on MOVES, but I’ve kicked ass in the progress on that book. I wasn’t even supposed to start it until July 1st, and I’m already over 11,000 words! I will do something tonight, though. I want to get to 12,000. Then, I shall have spaghetti. Mmm, nights alone. Must go to the store tomorrow (PAYDAY YAY!). I need a new bulb for the aquarium, some of that Feline Pine stuff (thanks to Gracie), and some Rice Krispie Treats Split Stix (chocolate please). I went to Meijer on Monday and they were OUT. And get this. No one else sells the darn things. Grar. I hate when I fall in love with a snack food only to have it disappear from the shelves months later. Like the following:

· Rice Krispie Treats – Double Chocolately Chunk. I can only get them in the variety pack, or if I’m lucky, a gas station or something will have huge ones for sale.
· Granola Dipps. Someone tell me WHY I can only find these at that god awful Wal-mart? πŸ™
· Skippy Peanut Butter and Marshmallow bars. Oh man, those were so good. And I can’t find them anywhere.

You know, now that I think about it, I think grocery stores in general around here suck. I mean, I can only get the 75% less sugar Trix at that god awful Wal-mart. And since I’m DONE shopping in that store save a major emergency, I won’t be getting most of those. It’s not fair that only certain stores carry certain things. I want to find a store (NOT WAL-MART) that carries everything I like. One stop shopping for real, yo.

Maybe I’ll try Kroger again. Sigh. πŸ™

I should go write. Then eat. I’ll probably be back later. πŸ˜€

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Just Blabbing

Last week, Chris set the toaster oven on fire. He got it out with the extinguisher, and before my mom or I figured out anything was wrong. Once you use an extinguisher, it’s done, so he had a blast spraying the rest of it all over the backyard. I’m sure the neighbors loved that.

note: buy new fire extinguisher asap.

I got on a music downloading kick and bought tons of music from the late ’80s/early ’90s. Paula Abdul, Bobby Brown, Bon Jovi, and Keith Sweat. I was just in the mood.

My iPod adapter no longer works in my work computer. Thankfully, it’s an old school one, so I can still charge it. But I can’t get new music on to it. I’ll have to try it in my laptop when I get home. Either I need a new cord or a new iPod. Hopefully, it will be the adapter. That’s way cheaper than a new iPod! Not that I’d MIND a new iPod, of course, but you know….

Saturday, I had my counseling, then I stopped in at Goodale Park. Just seems to be a crime to not go when the weather is sunny. I didn’t stay long, though, it was chilly. I did get some nice pictures, will upload them soon. After being in 100+ F temperatures for a week, 64ΒΊ F seems awfully cool. That night, Craig was over and we watched Wedding Crashers. There is one part where the Owen Wilson guy (I can’t remember his character’s name!) yells to Jeremy “You’re as asshole!” Well, Aidan heard it and repeated it loudly and clearly. Imagine how freakin’ hard it was to not LOL like crazy at that. The last thing I want to do is encourage the poor child! Still, it was hilarious! Yesterday, Libby and Bob came over and we watched some of season 3 Aqua Teen Hunger Force (We flash fryin’ this cow!) and they watched The Prophecy. Tonight is spaghetti and movie night at Bizzy. I’m kind of in a Newsies mood. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it.

I think I’m just finding that Slippery When Wet is a damned good album.

Three-day weekend coming up! Yippeeee! And… tomorrow a special edition of The Boondock Saints will be released. 2-discs! I am soooo picking it up!! I love that movie!!

That’s all for now. ‘Til next time!!! πŸ™‚

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“THAT’S Why They Call It ‘Good’ Friday!” (Pictures)

Hi hi! Long time, no update, huh? Believe it or not, I’ve been at my computer everyday, but kind of in hiding because I’ve been busy writing or gobbling up new books or just taking small breaks from the social online world.

I’m feeling pretty happy despite the fact that there is a thunderstorm going on. However, the storm is moving away, so yes, I guess that will make me happy. πŸ™‚ No news on the ONLY YOURS front, but I’ve been writing my butt off on my new project. My goal for April is 40,000 words, and I am already above 38,000. On April 28, I am going to a writer’s conference and I am so excited. Being steeped in the writing world…it’s going to be amazing.

So today was a good day. One of those unexpected good ones. I got to work, chatted a bit with some folks, did a little bit, then headed to the eye doctor. I was disappointed to learn that my eyes have worsened. I’m at a -2.50 instead of a -2.00. I am trying out Acuvue Advance lenses. If I like them, I will go ahead and order loads of boxes of them. Maybe someday I’ll get the guts to actually do the laser eye surgery.

When I got back to work, it was lunchtime. I had a salad which was very yummy. I felt proud of myself for having eaten so healthily. Well, relatively, anyway. But when I went back upstairs, there was ICE CREAM! Graeter’s Ice Cream to be specific. I ate about one bowl. We were also let out of work early due to the holiday. So I gained two hours that I wasn’t expecting. I came home and read and took a nap.

Chris called and regaled some happy news. He got a new job! This means no more late Monday nights with Aidan, and normal hours, so he can make dinner for us and stuff. Yay. He’s very excited. We went out and had dinner at a new seafood restaurant, where the host initially said “Okay, we have a four and a half hour wait…just kidding.” Hahaha. The food was very good, as was the service.

I’ve been fairly relaxed the past couple of weeks. Friday, we went to On The Border to celebrate Christy’s birthday. Afterwards, I hung out with Libby so long that I ended up sleeping over. That was awesome! πŸ™‚ Then Saturday, we took Aidan to my mom’s for the week, and came back for Christy’s birthday party. (The Jackson birthdays are like Hanakah. They just keep going and going and going…). Sunday was [the grove], the last one for a while. Monday, I went to Gentle Wind for another massage. I ended up buying the most heavenly incense. Mmmm.

I’ve been downloading music like WHOA. Writing. Spending time with friends. Reading a lot. I just finished Just Listen by Sarah Dessen (writergrl) and Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty. I keep spending way too much money in Barnes & Noble. I “took over” the prayer request duties (which means I was given a super cute notebook!) for our life group. I lost the five pounds that I’d gained, but I am still not a solid 110 yet. I keep fluctuating. I have a minor crush on Trent Ford, the guy who plays Macon in How to Deal. He’s also been in a few other things–some episodes of Law & Order, stuff like that. He’s a model, was born in Ohio but grew up in Britian, and is illegally handsome. Google his name. You won’t be sorry. Regardless of what Ben says.

So, it’s time for PICTURES! πŸ˜€

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Today was a beautiful day. The temp was in the 70s. I busted out my roller skates and although it took me a while to get my legs, I was able to feel pretty confident on them again.

I got the new aquarium… and I’m excited about that.

It will be Friday AND payday in about 22 minutes.

I’m going on a diet. A real one, starting April 12th. I tried to start one with mandywriter but it’s hard to stay accountable when she lives all the way in Washington while I am here in Ohio. Libby is going on this diet with me (even though Teresa thinks we’re “midgets”) because we both want to get in shape. I also want my pants to stop being tight. I had to be that girl at life group last night–you know, the one who unbuttons her pants after dinner (which happened to be three bowls of Caty’s DELICIOUS soup). This means that:

  • I’ll need to cut out grilled ham and cheese sammiches from the cafeteria at work, chocolate chip cookie dough, and generally any unhealthy snack I enjoy. πŸ™
  • I’ll need to eat more fruits and veggies, and also eat less. I’ve been making a pig out of myself for about 7 weeks now and it’s time to call a halt.
  • I’ll need to start working out. Libby wants to work out with my twice a week downstairs in the workout room. For the record, I SUCK on equipment. Give me a good beat and I’ll dance my a$$ off, but using a treadmill? Stair climber? Argh. It’s just… awful. So we’ll see how that goes. Maybe if I take a book and my iPod, things will be different.
  • No more Kool-Aid, pop, or anything yummy. Only water or tea.

It is going to suck! But you know what, I need to get healthy again. I just feel bloated and icky and gross these days. And I’ll get used to it. Right? RIGHT? I mean, there are loads of sweets I can eat without stuffing in the sugar. Like sugar-free Jell-O. Or fruit. Yeah, fruit. I’ve been enjoying strawberries like whoa lately. I also think I need to go back to this meal plan:

  1. small breakfast (eg granola bar)
  2. big lunch
  3. small or no dinner
  4. tiny snack

I’ve really been out of control lately, and right before the summer? Unacceptable. Totally.


No writing today. I don’t think I even got anything planned. Oops. I did THINK of how to modify some scenes. I didn’t get a chance to write it down–so hopefully it will come back to me at a more convenient time.

HEY what do you know, I just remembered. Please excuse me …

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