I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that it’s Wednesday, lunch time, and I have nothing in my inbox, and only 2 things on my To Do list, both of which are pending further information before I can take action on them. I do have some filing to do, but I’m saving that for this afternoon.

I’m looking forward to tonight. Small group, party for Tami’s return. Good times, man. Good times. I love having people over to my house. I want to challenge someone at a game of Tetris Attack. Who’s up for that? Huh? Huh? You want a piece of me?

Seriously, I’m excited. I have new board games to play, the video game systems are back in commission, and naturally, I am looking forward to the time with my friends.

I’m happy because it’s Pay Day, my bills will be caught up after I pay them tonight, and I’ll be able to breathe the next two weeks. Barring that I do something stupid like splurge on something unecessarily. I’m going to go back to the old-fashioned way. If I want something, I’m going to save up ’til I have the money to pay cash.

And that’s kicking your a$$.
(I’ll give candy to the person who can tell me what movie that was from.)