Today was extremely, extremely weird. Firstly, I was going back to work after having been out for five days. That’s always strange. But before that, I had a chiropractor’s appointment in Powell. I am ashamed to say that I took a wrong turn first, but then a “detour” completely threw me off and I ended up 25 minutes late! 🙁 But they were nice and patient and took me anyway. She examined my spine and neck and said that I have two vertebrae out of alignment in my neck. Then she took X-Rays. I go back Monday to discuss further action. I learned all about Subloxation. I think that’s how its spelled. 🙂
Work was strange. Just being back was weird. I didn’t get there until almost 10 because that closed road screwed me up again. I don’t know my way around Powell so much, so I had to figure out how to get downtown from there without using the (non-contructionized) directions from Yahoo! Then I ate lunch and got sick promptly 90 minutes after. Small group didn’t happen, the smoke detector keeps beeping because it needs a new battery, Aidan was a cranky little bugger (he’s with his dad now, thank GOD), I feel like I’ve pissed people off and I can’t figure out why and I wish they’d tell me if I have (or if I’m just being insecure again), and my back hurts. Wait, that part is not so strange.
I went to Meijer to get drinks and stuff, and as I was heading to the U-Scan, the store went completely black! People gasped, and I said “That’s not cute!” A guy agreed. The generartors kicked on with just enough juice to keep the registers running. It was uncharacteristically quiet without the refrigerators and Muzac and things going.
Anyway, I’m going to play Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 now. Another reason why today is so weird. I haven’t gamed on the PC since October–at least, not seriously. (When I mean seriously, I mean Roller Coaster Tycoon or The Sims).
But first, I think I might take a shower and get ready for bed, then game, then eat a pizza burger (yummm), then go to bed and probably have bad dreams about a terrible stomachache, only to wake up and find out the tummy ache is real.
I’m pathetic.