Ten Reasons Why I Am A Dork

1. I took an intermediate level Word 2000 class today and ENJOYED it.
2. I am excited to play around with Word 2000 and try out all the new stuff I learned.
3. I can’t remember Mommy’s phone number.
4. I am home alone on a Friday night. 🙁
5. I ate 2 meals and 2 granola bars today and I feel like I’ve made a pig of myself.
6. I get excited about tator tots. TATOR TOTS. Can you freakin’ imagine…? (Had some and a hamburger for lunch today)

Okay, so I could only think of 6 reasons for now. You know what? Aidan is starting to say more and more words. Today, my car was making that “ding dong turn on your seatbelt, dork” sound, and Aidan starting saying it. Well, just the “ding dong” part. And he says “moon” and “mommy” and “daddy” and “me” (stands for mine or my). He also says a bunch of stuff that sounds like sentences, but only Aidan can understand them.

And I LOVE the way he smells. He always smells so yummy. I could just hold him and smell him. Unless he is poopy. But otherwise, he just smells so good. My little Aidan. 🙂

I also realized something as I was driving today. I’d always wanted to stop and take pictures of the leaves changing and stuff. Now, I can. ‘Cause I have my own car and if I feel like stopping, I can. Woohoo.

I have some library books due, but I can’t remember what day they are due on. I’ve become rather attached to one of them and I really don’t want to give it up, as it can’t be found in stores, but I must. Drat. I wonder if I can turn it in, and then take it out again the next day? Technically, that’s not renewing (for the 4th time)….

Alrighty. Aidan wants to go downstairs, and he asked nicely. So, for now, I’m outta here.