Day: November 6, 2004

Gibba Jabba

Stolen from sylvehr. It’s been too long since I’ve stolen something from her. πŸ™‚

Ten years ago, I:
1. Started college.
2. Got involved in my first serious relationship.
3. Truly accepted Christ (for the first time).

Five years ago, I:
1. Started working at Nationwide officially (no longer a temp).
2. Was not a mother.
3. Was afraid of driving.

One year ago, I:
1. Still didn’t have my license.
2. Started counseling.
3. Had no idea about the impending depression I was going to fall into.

So far this year, I:.
1. Got my driver’s license!!
2. Made new friends who I LOVE.
3. Went to Las Vegas!

Yesterday, I:
1. Worked.
2. Hung out with Brian, Joshua, and Garth.
3. Talked to Kelly P til 5am on AIM. πŸ˜€

Today, I:
1. Got wireless internet thanks to Andy!
2. Took a shower.
3. Decided to wear my hair in pigtails.

Tomorrow, I will:
1. Go to church.
2. Have lunch after church with my friends.
3. Take a shower or bath.

In one year, I will:
1. Visit Ivy in Florida.
2. Visit Jen in Chicago.
3. Go back to Las Vegas!

In five years, I will:
1. Be 5 years older.
2. Have at least one published novel under my belt.
3. Be less in debt (hopefully)???

So yeah. I’m posting from downstairs. Wireless is sweet. πŸ™‚

And randomly:
‘Cause everyone should know the Radio Alphabet.

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Cheesy Grin

Thanks to Andy, I now have WIRELESS on my laptop. nappilyn, that’s what I got at Best Buy. Sweeeet birthday present, huh? AND he bought me blank CDs besides, AND he’s taking me to dinner. I know, my birthday isn’t til December, but so far I’ve already gotten awesome gifts. Las Vegas, wireless internet… what else is coming? *hint hint*

I have $65 in Reward Zone certificates from Best Buy. And I have another $5 coming since Andy paid for his stuff and they scanned my card. I hope I get it before Christmas. Chris’s mom is giving me $100 to Best Buy for Christmas. That’s $170! And if the grandparents and aunts and uncles go there, that’s another $65. $235 to Best Buy!!!! What will I do with all that???!?!?!? I hope Chris gets me one too. $25 would be cool. Oh man. I’d have sooooo much fun.

I <3 Best Buy. And Andy. πŸ™‚

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And It’s a Saturday

SOMEBODY get me out of the iTunes Music Store before I go broke! I LOVE that place. OOoo. Free downloads every week, and songs for 99 cents. It reminds me of when I was younger and used to buy singles like they were going out of style.

Andy should be here in about 40 minutes or so. He said he’s taking me to Best Buy for my birthday present. Speaking of my birthday, everyone is making a huge deal out of this one. I guess it is a huge deal (for some). Oh, who am I kidding? It’s a huge deal for me. So, I think a party will probably ensue. That’s kind of scary. But should be fun. Game night, good food, hanging out with my friends. It should be good.

Gosh. Christmas is in just a bit over a month and I have done very little shopping. Just some clothes and a watch for Aidan, and a couple of things for Chris. I have ideas of what I want to get people, but I haven’t put any of it in play yet. Who wants to come Christmas shopping with me? Leave me a comment and we’ll make plans!

Alright. Off to shower.

Sidenote: Why is my son sitting quietly in his infant swing? He’s enjoying it too. Weird.

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