Thanks to Andy, I now have WIRELESS on my laptop. nappilyn, that’s what I got at Best Buy. Sweeeet birthday present, huh? AND he bought me blank CDs besides, AND he’s taking me to dinner. I know, my birthday isn’t til December, but so far I’ve already gotten awesome gifts. Las Vegas, wireless internet… what else is coming? *hint hint*

I have $65 in Reward Zone certificates from Best Buy. And I have another $5 coming since Andy paid for his stuff and they scanned my card. I hope I get it before Christmas. Chris’s mom is giving me $100 to Best Buy for Christmas. That’s $170! And if the grandparents and aunts and uncles go there, that’s another $65. $235 to Best Buy!!!! What will I do with all that???!?!?!? I hope Chris gets me one too. $25 would be cool. Oh man. I’d have sooooo much fun.

I <3 Best Buy. And Andy. 🙂