Chris cut Aidan’s hair. 🙁 I now have a lump of really cool curls that are waiting to go in a scrapbook. *sigh* I wanted to grow it very long just to see what it would do. Boooooo.

So, go here: and do the Illusive Reality Experiment. Make sure you read the directions. Just so you know, I got it right. ‘Cause I’m good like that.

Church was very good today. I sat with Bizzy otaku_witch, and Emily yoimemily was there too! Tyler and Joshua were behind me. The service was weird, because it wasn’t a typical service. A couple of testimonies and a video about the church expansion. The pastor is very excited about this whole endeavor. I can’t imagine how much the church will grow once it’s all finished.

It is so cold! Winter will be here before I know it. I’m so not looking forward to the cold temperatures or driving in the snow. But oh well.

I went to Target today. Picked up a new CD and another pair of headphones for my iPod. I lost my little bud ones; not that I liked them anyway. My ears are so small that bud headphones never stayed in properly without wedging them in and causing some pain. I got some neat sports ones.

I don’t have too much to say at this point. I think I’m going to go to bed. I’m tired of practically falling asleep at work every single day. I need my rest. Good night! 🙂