Well, with the exception of my laptop computer breaking and my windshield wiper fluid going on strike (YES I filled it and yes it’s in the right place), I can honestly say that this is the best birthday I’ve ever had. My party Saturday night was amazing. So many people came. So many!!! I’ve never felt so loved and popular! They drove all the way out to celebrate my birthday, and Charla came all the way from C-town. Some of them gave me presents, and I got 38927432899 hugs. Most of my favorite people in the world were there, and those who weren’t (you know who you are) had good reason. It was so much fun, I can’t wait to post pictures.

I cleaned up on presents too. I scored a total of $60 in Best Buy gift cards (plus I got $25 in the mail from the inlaws), adorable journals, the best card ever from Emily plus a cool book, Curious perfume, DDR and a dance pad (!!! Ivy swankivy !!!), Punky Brewster DVDs, candles, lotions, an iTunes gift card, a Michael’s gift card, the soundtrack to Wicked, and probably some other stuff I can’t remember at the moment! 🙂 My friends know me all too well. And love me all too well!!

And I love them!

After the party wound down, Bizzy (otaku_witch) and I stayed up til 5am talking, with Emily (yoimemily) popping in and out of sleep to join in every once in a while. I got to talk to Dave online too. 🙂

The next day, I had church and then Charla, her cousin Teressa and Christian (Charla’s son) and I had lunch at Steak and Shake. Good times, man. Good times.

Tonight, a bunch of us are going to see the Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo. I’m excited about that. I wanted to see it with my friends, and I’m excited to see Rob and Emily and Becky tonight!! I’m going to be so late, though, thanks to my dumb computer. Boo. BUT that’s showing me how awesome Tyler is, because he said he’d look at it even though his friends are in town and he doesn’t get to see them that often.

Anyway, today is my birthday. I’d completely forgotten. I woke up still kind of upset because of my computer, and very tired because I didn’t get to bed til nearly 3am. I got dressed and checked my email on the desktop, and it didn’t even register why I had an eCard in my inbox. I didn’t check it til later, though, because I was starting to run late. I went to work and still didn’t remember until I saw a Happy Birthday greeting in my inbox from Craig. I was happy he remembered, but a little bit sad as I reflected on no longer being in my 20s. Being the big 30. So weird.

I’d written a letter to myself earlier this year. It’s too private too post. It’s amazing how much I’ve grown since then, but also how much I’ve remained the same. I’ll have to read it again later, when I have time. If I have time. I miss my laptop so much. *sigh*

But it’s time to go. Later, gators!