So yeah. The goal is to be in bed before 11:30pm. Think I can do it??

I’ve been eating WAY too much. I’m going to get fat if I keep this up.

That’s it.

I’m severely cutting back. Else, my pants won’t be able to fit before long. And I can forget about getting a navel ring.

I don’t know why I’ve been so hungry lately…

Darn yummy snacks.

Or “nack nack nack” as Aidan would say.

Had an okay day, even though I was very tired. Catching up at work, sort of. Napped in a conference room during lunch. Watched a new Nationwide commerical that’s funny as all bananas. But I can’t disclose the details; the launch will be during the Superbowl. Trust me, it’s hilarious. Had a drama club meeting for The Grove. This should be interesting. They didn’t like any of my ideas but oh well. I had to do a lot of self talk not to take anything personally. Ate a meatball sub from Jersey Mike’s for supper. Yummmm!

I FOUND MY GLASSES! Oh wait, you didn’t know they were lost, did you? Yeah. I’m an idiot. Even though I looked through my bag 9,000 times, somehow I kept missing my glasses case. I had the darn things with me all along. Man, I’m a dork.

Things to do:
– update occassions book
– mail birthday card to Charla
– pay bills
– answer emails
– keep strong in my resolve

I think I might relax tomorrow night. Although I’d be up for renting a movie and watching it with people if that option were to arise. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So yes, that’s all for now. Til later! ๐Ÿ™‚