Skipped church again. I did plan on going today, but the timing was all off so rather than rush, I decided to stay home. It’s easier that way.
Highlights of my day:
– Lunch with Becky and seeing her dorm room! The time with her went WAY too quickly. MUST MAKE IT A PRIORITY to spend more time with Becky!!
– Bible Study. It’s always awesome, and Megan (megnita) was there!!! YAY! 🙂
– Seeing Katie P (live4himalways).
– Seeing Monica.
– Awesome deals at Target: yoga mat $11.99, composition books 97 cents for example.
– Buying a new Young Adult novel.
– Phone calls from Bizzy (otaku_witch). <3
Lowlights of my day:
- This headache. Ow. 🙁
- Chris getting 2 flat tires.
- Getting lost on the way from Denison to Heritage.
- Finding that I'd locked Lucy in the guestroom and she'd pooped on the floor.
- Lucy puking on the floor in front of the guestroom to get back at me.
Man, I'm kind of tired. But now it's time to eat. Max & Ermas, here I come! (If Aidan cooperates, that is).