The fireworks crazy neighbor strikes again!

Why this makes me happy:
I get to see awesome, amazing fireworks without the crowd or traffic. Better yet, without even leaving my front porch!

Why it’s crazy:
OMG those things are frikkin huge. I mean, holy wow. I did worry about some of our roofs…

The weird feeling I got from it:
I wished Chris had gone and bought some shells of his own. Or at least some Roman Candles. Those things are sweet. But he was off watching some other fireworks.

So it was pretty loud in our neighborhood for a while there. Neighbor next door with his huge beautiful fireworks (sky flowers per Land of the Dead), every one else setting off who knows what, and the Reynoldsburg fireworks not too far from us. It was nuts. But neat. And it felt nice outside, so that was cool too.

Off to read Harry Potter now. I am going through the series to be ready for Half Blood Prince. 🙂

Good night.