Day: August 22, 2006

Conversations with Aidan

Ronni: You’re the cutest little boy in the world. Did you know that?
Aidan: Mmm-hmmm.

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Why Rosa kicks ASS!

Rosa (meimeigui) just bought me a deviantART subscription. TELL ME THAT WOMAN IS NOT THE COOLEST???!?!?!

Now I have to get to uploading. Check me out here:

But first, go check out her amazing pictures: [CLICK!]

I have amazing friends. I really do. ♥


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The Verdict

So, I went and checked the votes, and by an overwhelming majority, Text Twist comes out ahead. So I downloaded it, with the intent to purchase, and found that they gave me yet another 60 minute free trial!

So I’m playing it again, to see if I really want it. Now it’s down to Bookworm and Text Twist–both games I LOVE a lot. I just got some good news today, news that will mean more income, so I COULD get them both… but not at the same time of course. Just a matter of which one I get first, and which one I wait a few months for. 😀


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