Day: October 26, 2006

A MOM Survey!!

1. How long have you been a Mom?: Almost four years.

2. How many children call you Mommy/Mom/Mama? One

3. Girl? Boy? Both? Boy.

4. Did you know what you were having? Yes

5. How old were you when you became a Mom?: 29, I think.

6. How long were you in labor? Hmm. About 17 hours before it stalled. Then another five hours of contractions but no progression. I ended up having a c-section.

7. What’s your favorite thing about being a mom? The hugs and kisses and “I wuv you.” Watching him grow. Seeing his personality and attitudes develop. Oh, and I like to get little treats and hide them around the house. When he finds them, he’s sooo adorable and happy and appreciative!!!

8. What’s your least favorite thing? I don’t like it when I’m upset and he feeds off of it and turns into super brat.

9. Do you want more kids? No

10. Do you plan on having more soon? No

11. Does daddy change diapers? N/A

12. How many times have you been peed on? HAHAHA. A couple.

13. Barfed on? Lost count.

14. Is your child named after anyone? Yes, Aidan from Sex In The City. 🙂

15. How did you come up with their name(s): See above.

16. When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy? Me.

17. And who is the good guy? Me.

18. What is the longest you have been away from your children? 2.5 weeks

19. Bedtime routine? He must hold my cheek as he falls asleep. I usually tell him something silly, like “close your eyes, and dream about bananas.”

20. Are your toes painted? … about that

21. Last movie you saw in the theatre? John Tucker Must Die

22. Last time you had a date? …

23. One thing you will not give up just because you’re a mom: My identity.

24. One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom: Hmm… nothing, really.

25. Best mom perk: hugs, kisses, cheek pats!

26. Snack you sneak bites from your child: candy

27. When the kid is napping, you are: at work, wishing for a nap.

28. Where is your child(ren) now? He’s out with his dad and some other guys. It’s Thursday night– CSI, The Office, and pizza

29. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes: I loved Old Navy.

30. If I could do it over, I’d do this differently: I’d put him down sometimes!

31. What is the craziest thing you have said/done/taught since becoming a mom? I teach Aidan all sort of naughty body function things like poop and pee pee. Heehee.

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Everything’s settling down now.
Thank goodness.

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The Stars Talk Again

If it feels like you’ve been on a roller coaster ride, things can finally begin to settle back down to a normal level. Meanwhile, you find that you actually enjoy the emotional intensity, as long as you are not avoiding the truth. Face whatever comes along now, for it will prepare you for the future excitement that is coming your way.

Ain’t that the truth??? 🙂

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