What You See Is What You Get
O Hai Gise!

This is me, just about as raw as I get. No makeup at all. Fresh out of the bath, in the middle of having dinner with Bizzy. She and Rob came over and we hung out and watched Across the Universe. Okay, we sorta watched it. Well, didn’t watch it much at all, actually. It was good to catch up.

And now, in other news. πŸ™‚

At about 5am, I woke up to hear dripping in my tub. I was immediately filled with dread as I yanked back the shower curtain.

Once again, the tub had backed up and the water was really extra gross this time. Ew. I’d not been home since Thursday morning, so I could NOT figure out what could have backed the tub up like that! The plumber was here for hours today, and I’m glad I stayed home because I had to empty the bookcase and move it again so he could get to the hole behind the tub. If he hadn’t been here, I guess I would have either stayed home again or gone into work sans shower/bath which I don’t like doing.

But all is fixed now, and I got to take care of some things that I needed to take care of anyway, so yay. I feel energized and clean and relaxed. Almost ready to go back to work tomorrow. πŸ˜‰

Had a good weekend in Chicago with Adam. Thursday night was a lot of fun; we hung out with a bunch of friends at a cafe. Friday night, Adam made me his spaghetti which I love just as much as my own spaghetti, and Saturday, I went on another Weird Chicago tour. He touched on the Devil In The White City story, and now I want to take the Devil In The White City tour just to learn more about it. That man was a sick you know what. Fascinating, but sick. Those tours sell out instaneously, so I don’t know if I’ll get to go to one anytime soon. After the tour, a couple friends came back to my and Adam’s place after the tour and we ate Portillos and hung out. It was fun. There are a couple pictures, but I look totally drunk in one and Jeff refused to smile in the other, so they are not getting posted. :O Have this one instead:

Adam playing a song before we head out for the tour

Sunday was bone crushing cold, so even though we’d planned on going to Chinese New Year and watching the parade and all (that was the reason I went out there!), we decided to stay in, where it was very warm. I stayed under my blanket the whole day, just about. Adam went and got us food from Butterfly (right around the corner) which made my mouth VERY happy! I had miso soup, green salad, teriyaki chicken, steamed rice, and spaghetti salad. YUMMY. How excited am I that this place is right around the corner from where I will be living? VERY. There’s also a sub place, a sandwich place, a toffee place, a bakery, a cafe… yeah, my stomach will be very happy, and that’s not even counting the food that Adam cooks! πŸ˜€

Upstairs neighbor is blasting TV as usual. Crazy lady across the hall stood in her apartment and screamed today, and just slammed the hell out of her door. Think I’ll miss them when I move?

Ha. Ha, ha.


“Not likely,” is what I’m saying with that.

Lucy is sleeping on my coat. Silly little kitty. Pretty little kitty. See?

Pretty Little Lucy

And I have to show off the cutest little boy in the world, just beause. This was from a couple Saturdays ago. It was one of those “stay in and cuddle wuddle” days.

A Random Saturday

Can’t wait to see him tomorrow! I have a suprise for him! πŸ™‚

Don’t mind my hair in that picture. πŸ™ I desperately need to hit a salon and get it cut, but yeah, don’t know if that’s going to happen. I think I’d like to get this style, though:

lifted from askmen.com

Not sure if my hair would actually look that good after two days, though. πŸ™

A few days ago, laurenbarnholdt made a post and asked readers to comment on their “girl crushes.” I couldn’t think of anyone at the time, but know I know that it has to be Rosario Dawson. I can’t believe how pretty she is. And you know how celebrities tend to be even better looking and more larger than life in person? If I ever met her, I’d probably faint. She’d literally knock me out with her beauty.

Winter weather advisory here in Columbus tonight. :O I guess that means more snow! Eeek. 26 degrees in the forecast tomorrow, that and sunshine. I should definitely take my camera out, it might be one of those pretty clear days that I love. I really do wish I didn’t freeze so quickly; it would be nice to be able to whip out my camera is 2 degree weather and take pictures of the beautiful skyline. Maybe I’ll grow some thicker skin and definitely thicker blood once I’m living there.

I’m off for now. ‘Til next time….