FRIDAY FIVE (6): Rock Star Treatment

What instructions do you have for your chauffeur this weekend?
“Take me to Target if needed. Also, if I feel inclined to go to the Acousti-kirtan, I’d like a ride to and from that event, please. Oh, and a trip to the nail salon would be very nice. I need a mani/pedi.”

What instructions do you have for your personal chef this weekend?
“No instructions yet. Perhaps a sushi run, though. We’ll see.”

What instructions do you have for your errand-boy (or errand-girl) this weekend?
“Go to Molly’s and pick up some cupcakes for me, please. Make sure you pick up one for yourself and some for the other weekend helpers. Make sure I workout BEFORE I indulge in any cupcakes.”

What instructions do you have for your maid this weekend?
“Make sure Aidan didn’t leave any wild LEGOs on the floor. Keep the kitchen and living room clean. Do my laundry. Keep the litter boxes clean and smelling decent.”

You don’t have a personal handyman, so I’m lending you mine. What three tasks would you like him to tackle this weekend?
“Change all the blown out lightbulbs. Fix the holes in the doors put there by Adam’s former roommate. Help us with our couch.”