Month: July 2011

Friday 5

FRIDAY FIVE (6): Rock Star Treatment

What instructions do you have for your chauffeur this weekend?
“Take me to Target if needed. Also, if I feel inclined to go to the Acousti-kirtan, I’d like a ride to and from that event, please. Oh, and a trip to the nail salon would be very nice. I need a mani/pedi.”

What instructions do you have for your personal chef this weekend?
“No instructions yet. Perhaps a sushi run, though. We’ll see.”

What instructions do you have for your errand-boy (or errand-girl) this weekend?
“Go to Molly’s and pick up some cupcakes for me, please. Make sure you pick up one for yourself and some for the other weekend helpers. Make sure I workout BEFORE I indulge in any cupcakes.”

What instructions do you have for your maid this weekend?
“Make sure Aidan didn’t leave any wild LEGOs on the floor. Keep the kitchen and living room clean. Do my laundry. Keep the litter boxes clean and smelling decent.”

You don’t have a personal handyman, so I’m lending you mine. What three tasks would you like him to tackle this weekend?
“Change all the blown out lightbulbs. Fix the holes in the doors put there by Adam’s former roommate. Help us with our couch.”

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Things I…

Things I Need To Do

    Finish Batch Two of undergraduate program sheets for Loyola by tomorrow evening
    Pay rent
    Get back on my workout schedule
    More yoga
    Write fiction for the joy of it instead of with the goal of publication
    Save more money more quickly
    Get my license renewed
    Eat more berries
    Eat more raw food
    Eat less sugar
    Give up fast food for at least a month
    Be more patient with Aidan
    Be more patient with Adam
    Be more patient with myself
    Pay off my credit cards
    Be more gracious

Things I Want To Do

    Get a manicure/pedicure
    Buy a djembe
    Read life blogs of random people
    Read random tumblr blogs
    Eat Whatchamacallit bars
    Eat lemon cookies
    Eat Doritos
    Eat sushi
    Watch STICK IT
    Get more followers on my blogs
    Take more pictures
    Cuddle with the cats more often
    Go to the library
    Go to an all-inclusive resort on a tropical beach

Things I Needed To Do and Handled LIKE A BOSS

    Cleaned my room
    Got eyes examined and new glasses ordered
    Booked hotel room for MuseCon
    Purchased registration for MuseCon
    Ordered my Photopass CD with five days left of my deadline

Time is going too quickly. I feel like I spend most of my time at work. I’m always cold. It can’t get hot enough for me outside, and I still feel chilled even when it’s 85+ degrees. It’s summer! I’m supposed to be happy, but all I keep thinking about is how quickly summer is slipping away. Before I know it, Aidan will be back in Ohio. Major suckage. And to make matters worse, it’ll be fourth quarter at work. Back to working 12 hour days every day instead of just one or two days a week. Back to increasingly colder and more bitter temps. Back to snow and ice and blizzards. I mean, once the December holidays are over, the rest of winter is freaking pointless and can suck it as far as I’m concerned. And six month winters can really piss off.

OK, to snap out of this, I will post some things I am looking forward to even though I don’t want them to come too quickly.

Things I Am Looking Forward To

    MuseCon (a whole weekend with s00j!)
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2
    My most recent book orders arriving
    My new glasses
    My Photopass CD

That’s enough procrastinating now. I must finish this program sheet. Then it’s already bedtime. Night.

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Sunday Stealing (5)

SUNDAY STEALING: The Faceless Fourth of July Meme

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
I think Alice in Wonderland. I don’t make it to the theater all that often.

2. What book are you reading?
I’m re-reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

3. Favorite board game?
I like Scattegories and Taboo.

4. Favorite magazine?
I don’t really have one.

5. Favorite smells?
Bacon, clean babies, lilacs

6. Favorite sounds?
Good music. Aidan laughing.

7. Worst feeling in the world?
Feeling helpless and hopeless.

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
“I want to go back to sleep.”

9. Favorite fast food place?
McDonald’s. It’s horrible for me, but so tasty. Guilty pleasure for sure.

10. What’s under your bed?
Blankets, boxes, roller skates.

11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?
Define “a lot”. Then we can talk.

12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
I still sleep with this guy I got when I was one-year old.

13. Storms – cool or scary?

14. Favorite drink?
Kool-Aid. 🙂

15. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?
Work less, play more.

16. If you had to dye your hair another color, what would be your choice?

17. Favorite place to relax?
At home, on my couch.

18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?
Cleveland, Columbus, Westerville, Pataskala, Chicago

19. Favorite sports to watch?

20. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Sure, if I could remember all the stuff I’ve learned so far and apply it accordingly.

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