

Now that I am done bitching…

There are officially fewer than two months until Christmas. I was at Meijer yesterday, jotting down ideas for Aidan. So entranced was I, they paged me three times over the loud speaker ‘RONNI DAVIS, MEET YOUR PARTY AT LANE 17’ I didn’t even hear it. So, here are a few ideas I am tossing around for Aidan:

Any other ideas? This is a tentative list, and I doubt I get him everything on it seeing as almost everything is at least $20-$30. Let me know what you think.

I am going to start shopping for him soon, but since he is three and WELL AWARE of who Santa Claus is and what he does, I can’t take him along with me anymore! I think he was starting to GET Christmas last year, so it should be loads of fun this year.

I HAVE to clean out his things, though. Get rid of toys, clothes he’s outgrown, things of that nature.

It’s so cold. πŸ™ I turned the heat on again. I guess November is in a few days, so this is to be expected. Still. I am always in denial during those first few cold days. It’s here, though. It’s SO here. πŸ™ Possibly no Indian Summer this year. That is depressing. But the official website of The Farmer’s Almanac is darn interesting.


(I am so NOT writing…)

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Some Christmas Stuff (Pictures)

I’m at home, and we have dialup now. Still no broadband. I tried to connect to the neighbor’s internet with no luck as well. I’m going to go out to the site and see if there are any outage notifications. If not, I’ll call them tomorrow and have them send signals to my box and reboot it from there.

Dial-up is definitely unstable. It just kicks me off at random all the time. Frustrating, indeed.

So, here’s my haul, so far:

(from work)
– Lancome Pleasures perfume
– Candle from White Barn Candle Co.
– Mary Kay stuff
– $20 card to Barnes and Noble

(from friends)
– total of $65 to Best Buy
– Legolas magnet
– bubble bath
– rose scented candle
– cherry flavored chapstick
– $20 to McDonalds

(from chris & aidan)
– The OC Season 1 DVD
– Popular Season 1 DVD
– Harry Potter and the POA DVD
– Harry Potter Quidditch Playstation 2 game
– air compressor
– vacuum with air compressor for my car
– car emergency kit
– scrapbooking kit
– huge pad of scrapbooking paper
– 2 journals
– $25 to Gap
– Disney Trivial Pursuit
– Mickey Mouse Club stuffed Mickey Mouse
– nightgown

(stocking stuffers – from chris)
– lots of board game key chains
– a huge Hershey’s kiss
– astronaut ice cream
– 20Q game
– Bop It keychain
– mini etch-a-sketch

(stocking stuffers – from family)
– lots of stickers
– $10 to Best Buy

(from family)
– $20 to Kohl’s
– $100 to Best Buy
– DDR Max Playstation 2 game
– Mambo gift set
– fire extinguisher

And there is still more to come!!!!

Here is my favorite gift of all, I think:

Christmas is fun. And yes, I know, my hair is not cute at all in that picture. And I look fat. Holy crap, maybe I should take it down.

Alrighty then. Chris has fallen asleep and Aidan has the run of the house and a bad attitude. Later gators!

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Quick Update


…from my in-law’s house! I’ve been M.I.A. for a few days now. No internet or phone at home; I’m not expecting any until Wednesday or so. We got hit with the snowstorm to end all storms; ice is everywhere. It’s beautiful!! But it’s a pain. Our power keeps going on and off and on and off because the trees are so laden with ice that they keep falling over and breaking the power lines!

Last night was most interesting. The power went out again at 4:30pm, and stayed off til almost midnight. We slept then we played and opened some stocking stuffers by candlelight and cooked cocoa and chicken soup with sternos. I took pictures. πŸ™‚ We didn’t get up til 9 or so, and then we didn’t even start to open gifts til 10. Who does chores and showers before opening gifts? The Davis Family, apparently. Chris had to go and wake Aidan up.

I got tons of stuff, and now my Best Buy gift card total is over $300. I’m not done yet!! I’ll post a picture once things are back to “normal” at home. Aidan is sooo cute, he got so many things. It took him forever to open his gifts. And he hasn’t gotten his stuff from the grandparents and aunts and uncles yet.

Despite the troubles, I’m having a yummy Christmas. I miss my friends so much, though. And I haven’t seen Mommy yet–we have to wait til next week thanks to the weather and road conditions. I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday!

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G’Day Mate!

I am sooo tired. I didn’t get to bed until 3am. All totally my fault. But it was worth it.

The zoo was a lot of fun. I went with Rob (OF COURSE!), Bizzy (otaku_witch), Becky, Kelly P, Tyler, Craig, Chris and little Aidan. It was very, very cold, but actually not that bad. I’d dressed in lots of layers. Aidan was dressed in layers too, and he didn’t seem to mind the cold at all. The worst for me were my fingertips, but Craig had a handwarmer that he passed around, and we spent a lot of time in the warm buildings. The lights were pretty, and of course the animals were cool. We looked at the giraffes, the elephants, the reptiles, and the manatees.

I missed Emily (yoimemily) though. πŸ™ I hope she feels better soon. <3

After that, we went to Applebees, where they sang Happy Birthday to me and Bizzy. We ate and then Chris, Craig, and Aidan went to Best Buy. I hung out with Rob, Becky, and Bizzy and that was an awesome time. We tried to watch Good Will Hunting, but we ended up only seeing the good parts. I truly did not want to leave, but it was late. I wished it was a weekend. I was having way too much fun.

Hey Bizzy! Always remember Mr. Whip, computers, and pissed. Ha ha ha. πŸ™‚ Oh yeah, and “I NEED TO ROLL!!”

Rob’s Ham Sandwich song is going to make him famous.

When I was driving home last night, there were two deer in my neighborhood. They were so pretty. I wonder if deer play in my backyard from time to time?

Tonight should be nice and relaxing. πŸ™‚ The house is still pretty clean from the party prep, so I can just sit and enjoy Aidan. I plan to mail Ivy’s (swankivy) present today (provided I remembered to bring her address–I think it might be in my car), and I think I’m done for now. I have a few things to pick up, but I think I’ll do that tomorrow. I need to rest. I’ve gotten about ten hours of sleep total in the past 72 hours. That can’t be healthy.

I got a few more birthday gifts yesterday. My boss #2 got me this talking doll and a frame with an inspirational saying, and Becky got me cool pens, stickers, and bubbles! πŸ™‚ She said it was a small gift, but I mean, hello. The stickers and pens are the pefect complement all the journals I got, and I can play bubbles with Aidan. It’s a wonderful gift, so there, Becky. πŸ˜› Susan aka Snoozin got me McDonalds gift certificates. Woo!

So, here is my TO DO list:
– mail Ivy’s present
– burn CDs for mom-in-law
– call mommy
– upload new pictures/photo albums
– oil change
– call Irena
– get some sleep!

So, I think that might be it for now. πŸ™‚ I might be writing a mushy entry later. I like when people do those entries where they write to people but don’t specify a name…? I am in the mood to do that. Then I’ll see if people can figure out who I’m talking about–this will be for real life and online friends! But don’t look for it–I’m not going to make any promises. Tee hee

‘Til later.

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The Grove was nice last night, but what was even better was having quality time with Emily, Sara, and Tami at Steak and Shake til late. We talked about anything and everything, and I am so happy I got the chance to spend time with Sara. She’s really cool. Actually, all the “kids” in that family are great.

I gave Tami and Tina their Christmas gifts, and they loved them. I’m going to give Kelly P hers next week, I think. Or this weekend. Depends on how long I can wait! πŸ™‚ Oooo, I got a gift (How To Write A Damn Good Novel) from Star (selfstyled) yesterday!! πŸ™‚ I love it already. Thank you so much, darling!!! Wishlist surprises are the best! I also got stuff from Tami–a rose scented candle, some Chapstick, and pink bubble bath. (I told her I wanted pink stuff). Tina got me a Legolas magnet which does not make me sad at all. πŸ˜‰ She said that there is more for me coming, which I’m excited about! πŸ˜€

Some of my favorite quotes of the night:

Bizzy (to Chris): You’re funny. I kind of dig you.

Ronni (quoting Cartman): My mom says there’s a lot of black people in Africa.
Tyler: I’m not sure how to respond to that.
Emily: It’s true! There are a lot of black people in Africa!

Tony: Ha ha ha ha. (pause) HAAAA!

Those Grove gatherings are so fun. And you know what? There’s this really cool guy there named Andy or Kramer, depending on my mood, who always forgets my name, but I really want to hang out with him sometime because he’s awesome. Even though he can’t remember my name.

I need to take pictures of the tree as the gifts pile up under there! It’s so pretty and festive. But the house is such a mess. I’m really overwhelmed, and I just end up saying “sod it, I’ll take care of it later.” Especially when the cold medicine starts to kick in… like now. But I can’t sleep all day today, because I have errands to run and I have to clean clean clean.

I have quite a few emails to answer. And so many chores to do before Saturday, when I have my party! I’m really excited. So many people are coming, and Emily (yoimemily – who is officially my 4th best friend, it was decided early this morning at Steak and Shake) is spending the night. That is going to be so much fun!

Friday night, though, is The Grove Christmas event. Christmas cookies, cartoons?, and broomball. I don’t know what broomball is, exactly, but I know that I will fall on my butt, and Chris and Tyler are going DOWN.

It should be good times.

Someone needs to tell the employees at Express to CHECK THEIR CLOTHES FOR SENSORS before they wrap them. I have to go, for the second time this week, back to Express to get a sensor removed. They try to act like their sensors are all that. I walk in and out of the store constantly and the things never go off. This is not the first time it’s happened, and definitely not the first time in a Wexnor owned store. It’s happened at The Limited, and at Victoria’s Secret several times. They really need to look into that. Get some sensors that work, or train their cashiers better. Or both.

I guess that’s all for now. I’m going to take out my contacts and let this cough medicine do it’s job, I think. My chiropractor would be so mad if she knew–they are so anti-medicine there. I haven’t been in days, actually. Just didn’t feel like driving all the way out there. But I told them I’d go tonight, so I’ll be there at some point. *sigh* I hope the visits drop soon. I’m starting to despise the long drive out there three times a week.

And that’s all (for now) folks.

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