
More Rambling (Picture)

Went to the Rose Festival yesterday.

Here’s one of the roses I took a picture of:


Tried to settle down for the free concert at the gazebo, but I guess I’m just not into barbershop-quartet-sounding stuff. And I’m pretty sure the couple I was sitting next to on the lawn were my loud sexing neighbors.

Lately, I’ve been doing this thing where if I am in a big crowd of people, especially something like a concert, I try to find other black people. There were none at the concert, except for a couple of little kids who were with white adults. There were Asians there, though. I never really noticed before just HOW MUCH of a minority I am. Suddenly, I’m hyper aware of it. I also tried to see if there were other people sitting alone. Me and some older guy were pretty much it. Everyone else was with families or in couples.

I felt that I really stuck out (plus I didn’t care for the music!), so I left.

When I was in high school, people called me an “oreo.” While they all listened to whatever hip-hop act was the biggest, I was totally into New Kids on the Block, Martika, and pop crossover acts like Paula Abdul, Milli Vanilli (yeah, I said it), and Bobby Brown. The thing is, I just listened to what I liked, not what I thought everyone felt I should like. A lot of people hated that.

I remember hearing this every single time I dressed DECKED the hell out in NKOTB gear—buttons, tee-shirts, watch, etc.:

student: You like New Kids on the Block?
me: Yes.
student: I heard they was gay.
me (thinking): Oh God, here we go again.
student: I heard one of them had to get his stomach pumped because there was sperm in it.

I realize that 1989–1993 was a different time as far as GLBT rights and stuff, but seriously, what does it matter if they *were* gay??

And… and… I don’t know about you, but how many people do you know had to go to the HOSPITAL from swallowing????

But that wasn’t all, folks. Oh no. People called me albino, they would pull me aside and ask: what color is you?. Hello? Wasn’t it obvious that I was a golden-beige? If Cover Girl can make a perfect powder match for my skin tone, then it should be clear what “color” I is.

I was an anomaly. They couldn’t understand me, couldn’t place me or label me, so they all assumed I was trying to “pass” (they were right, except that those really WERE my interests—it’s not like I was faking or anything). Some people would have this whole vendetta of “bringing me down” because in their minds I thought, with my light skin and eyes, that I was better than the darker-skinned people. They had no idea that junior high school had already destroyed my self-confidence (being called “horse nose” and “ironing board chest” and also being told to your face “you IS ugly” does that to a person), that I was a social retard, and that I was barely hanging on day-by-day in that hellhole of a high school. They also had no idea that I worked in a place where no matter what tone my skin was, I may as well have been black as the night as far as they were concerned, because those certain white people hated me that much. The irony of it was that my skin was actually lighter than theirs.

High school wasn’t all bad, mind you. But college was so much better—at least before the depression hit late 1997–early 1998.

Back to the weekend. I spent a lot of time reading Harry Potter books (out of order, just because). Getting myself primed for the new movie and new book next month. Over the weekend, I read Chamber of Secrets and I’m halfway through Goblet of Fire. Not sure if I’ll tackle Prisoner of Azkabhan or Order of the Phoenix next.

Things I’ve realized over the weekend:

1. Olive oil is NOT cheap.
2. No matter how much I try to cut writing out of my life, it keeps trying to sneak in.
3. Aidan’s obsessed with the Powerpuff Girls movie.
4. Shrek 1 really is better than Shrek 2.
5. JK Rowling is an effing genious, piss on the haters.
6. Sauteeing spinach is EASY and it tastes so yummy, thus making the purchase of olive oil definitely worth it. Yes, I’m craving it at 10am.
7. I make almost $7K below the mean of salaries in the U.S. and quite frankly, with rising costs EVERYWHERE, it feels like I make a lot less.

I’m working on slowly switching over the foods in my place with more healthy things. Part of the reason is that Kelloggs has once again decided not to sell a snack of mine in a readily available place (I’m pretty sure Wal-mart threatened all the stores again), so now I have to find other things to snack on. I bought golden delicious apples, peanut-butter/chocolate-chip rice cakes, purple grapes (Aidan’s choice) and red grades (my choice), fresh spinach (see #6 above), strawberries, and some snow peas which I will make tomorrow. I also decided to go with brown rice for now. I plan to switch to wild rice soon. Ultrametabolism is way too extreme for me, but I can work on snacking better and eating better.

Right now, my weakness is still Kool-Aid, and I crave chocolate constantly. Light chocolate snacks, like Rice Krispie Treats which no longer exist unless I buy a stupid variety pack which is mostly those stupid ORIGINAL ones. I still enjoy bacon way too much. But I’m going to finish off the bacon I have and then try not to buy anymore. It’s too expensive anyway. Or expenfis, as Aidan would say.

I’m sad because I think I’m going to have to give up publishing when I move to Chicago, and go back to being an administrative assistant. 🙁 Finding freelance work is next to impossible for a newbie with no money trying to break in.

adamselzer dyed his hair red. He told me that I was allowed to try to talk him out of it, but I didn’t because:
1. He’s a grown-ass man.
2. It’s HIS hair.
3. It’ll wash out in six weeks.

Got a roast beef sammich on wheat with mustard for lunch. Yummy.


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Rambling (Pictures)

I picked up two interesting books at the library today. One, the title I will not disclose to protect the um… not so innocent. The other is The Twinkies Cookbook by Hostess. Among some of the recipes I’d like to try:

Twinkie Easter Egg Hunt – uses Twinkies, maraschino cherries, marshmallow creme, chocolate chips, and jelly beans, and chocolate pudding mix. Probably 9,000 calories, but fun.
Twinkie Burrito – tortillas, chocolate sauce, Twinkies, and strawberries.
Twinkie Kebabals – Twinkies, fruit, marshmallows, and wooden skewers.
Twinkie Fantasy – Twinkies, strawbery Jell-O, strawberries, vanilla pudding mix, whipped topping.

There is even a gorgeous Twinkie wedding cake.

I think I need to buy this book.

But I will NOT be trying the “Twinkies with Meat” recipes in the back. Ewwww.

I want gift cards to Barnes & Noble or Borders! Guess what’s on my list this Christmas. It’s a small one. Heh.

Speaking of bookstores, I found this in the window of Cover to Cover today:

Yay for adamselzer!

Boo to the downstairs neighbor and his loud-ass media equipment.

You know, I don’t get it. Why is HE allowed to play his stereo/TV/video games as loud as he wants, but let Aidan run down the hall once every three weeks and the neighbor lady screams her head off like he’s making constant noise all the time? I swear, the reasons against living here in Columbus are stacking up so quickly it’s almost knocking me over. Only about 400 or so days ’til I move to Chicago.

In other words, I feel incredibly pathetic. A great number of my friends have dumped me. In a way that’s good, because I guess it weeds out those who shouldn’t really matter anyway, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt sometimes. The good thing about it is that when I move, I won’t be leaving a whole lot behind. The bad things is that I have well over a year to feel pathetic.

The thing is, my closest friends I talk to mainly on the Internet. There are a few local people I could call, but I have this whole ‘fear of rejection’ thing going on because just about everytime I’ve asked someone to do something in the past few months, I’ve gotten NOs. So I figure I won’t call anymore. It’s just easier that way.

Oh well. Whatever. As I said to swankivy yesterday: Ronni = loses at friendship. Even though I have 104 Facebook friends now.

Aidan was extra cute today. We had a date at McDonalds. I ordered Happy Meals for us both, and the lady gave him two toys! He got a “Gingy” and a “Donkey.” Donkey actually smelled like a donkey…

I can’t figure out why McGraw-Hill sent me an employee benefits handbook. Or how Victoria’s Secret found me and why they decided to send me a catalog.

Been rereading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I realize I’m early, but I’ve been in the mood. Maybe this is why:


Yes, Harry, I do *ahem* love *cough* you and *blink* adore you.

*runs and hides*

In other news, I’ve officially given up on writing for now. I just can’t focus, not with all the bullshit that keeps happening. Today was supposed to be my day to start back. But I can’t do it. I’m not finding joy in it anymore. I’m not finding joy in too much of anything these days, but oh well. I’ll get back to it when I am in a better headspace, not to mention life space.

Uh oh.

What’s that Harry?

He says to stop whining and get off here. So I’m off.


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Moof (Pictures)

Over the weekend, I drove up to Aurora to see my mommy. Greg took me, her, and Aidan out to dinner at Max & Erma’s. At first, Aidan was insisting on Cracker Barrel, which I don’t like. But I was going to go with it because I could always get a salad or something. Well, my mom talked Aidan into Applebees, but on the way there, Greg and Mommy started talking about Max & Erma’s. They were convinced Aidan wouldn’t know the difference. But as soon as we got there, Aidan blurted out “THIS DOESN’T HAVE AN APPLE!” Luckily, Aidan likes Max & Erma’s fine, so all was well.

Kids have marvelous brand-recognizing capabilities.

When we got back, Greg yelled out “There’s a prophylactic on the patio. What’s a patio?” I laughed for ten minutes at that.

I relaxed quite a bit at my mom’s. Managed to fall asleep a lot more easily, so I took a couple naps. Caught up on a few Food Network shows when Aidan wasn’t hogging the TV with his kid show DVDs. It’s pretty sad that the only TV I get is when I travel, so when I get it, I soak it in like a dry sponge. I mean, I guess I could watch broadcast TV, but who wants to fuss with the rabbit ears? It’s easier to pop in Mean Girls or something. Anyway, got Aidan to sleep in his own bed, even though he was up Sunday morning at 7am, talking about GOOD MORNING and climbing onto the love seat with me. He eventually went to play with my mom, giving me a little bit more time. Sunday we relaxed mostly. My mom filled up my gas tank for me, and I headed back to Columbus about 4pm when POW. Yet ANOTHER flat tire, not even six months after my last one. 🙁 I managed to pull off the highway and into a McDonald’s parking lot. Roadside Assistance came and changed my tire (I totally need to learn to do that), and I headed back to my mom’s on a donut that sounded like it wanted to fall off at any second.

At first I was annoyed. I mean, I had to work on Monday, and I wasn’t into giving up a vacation day when I already have it scheduled for May 25th. Now I have to take some unpaid time. But oh well. The bright side was that I got an extra day with my mom, and she brought me breakfast at Bob Evans the next morning while I was getting the new tires put on. I also got to hang out with crimsonghost_oh a bit too. He didn’t like my spaghetti. It wasn’t my best batch, to be honest. 🙁

I headed back to Columbus about 1:00. I got here at about 3:00, way too late to try to go to work. Kiss a vacation day goodbye. *grumble snort* So I kept Aidan and spent the next four hours with him. We went to the library and to the playground, and then he got to meet the little kittens:

Aidan & a Brand New Kitten

Aidan & a Brand New Kitten

Trying to teach Lucy to calm the heck down. Often, she simply will not hop on my lap and settle down. She marches around, puts her face in my face, bites and pulls my hair, and usually walks across or in front on whatever I am reading or working on. IT’S SO ANNOYING. But now she’s snuggled up beside me, which I like. Early this morning, I finally got fed up and put her out of my room. I’d been tempted for a while but felt badly, but I need my sleep.

Especially because I have a two hour style guide meeting tomorrow. Help.

OH yeah, at the health fair, I discovered a yummy, low-cal recipe. You just take some chocolate Quaker rice cakes, some chocolate Cool Whip, and strawberries. Can you guess where I am going with this? I cheated of course. You can cut even more calories by using fat-free Cool Whip, cocoa, and Splenda, but why do all that work when Cool Whip isn’t that loaded with crap? So, just take a rice cake (quake?), spread on some of the Cool Whip, and add a strawberry or two. Yummy! You can eat seven of the mini ones or four of the big ones. It’s filling without making you feel like a pig, and it’s 100 calories. Woo. I’m guess that 100 calories is like, nothing? Does anyone know what a regular meal should have, in terms of calories?

*blink blink*

Chill out time now. See ya.

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