
She’s Happy!

As I was driving this morning, I noted how enjoyable and relaxing the Friday morning commute is. I think most people take Fridays off of work and school, so the freeways are so NOT clogged (Read that Chandler-style, please). I also like how in Powell the motorists (in general) are very polite compared to those in other parts of the Columbus area.

OH MY GOSH. iVY will be here in 14 days!!! I can’t believe it. It’s coming so quickly. TWO WEEKS, suckahs!! And I get to spend a week with one of my best friends. WEEEEE!

I’m going to take her to First Watch and Morrone’s. And we’re going to bake lots of goodies and eat lots of yummy stuff and watch movies and hang out and talk. I can’t wait to see her!!

I miss Kelly P. Seeing her only 10 minutes a week after church IS NOT ENOUGH. Dang it.

I need a Kelly P fix stat. I have a fever, and the only cure is Kelly P. Oh, somebody bring me some water!

Someone else please stop me from eating hamburgers (prepared various ways) for at least 2 weeks. I’ve eaten 8 hamburgers over the past week and a half and I have a feeling that is not normal. BUT, none of them was McDonalds. I’m in Day 10 of my McDonald’s fast, and it has been good.

I still find myself desiring to purchase a laptop. My counselor told me to make a list of 10 (enjoyable) things I could do to distract me from wanting to make myself happy with *another* big ticket purchase. Lord knows I don’t need another. Since October 2003, I have purchased a new desktop computer, a car, a guitar, and an iPod.

So, click below to see my list of things to do once I feel the urge to go to Best Buy and whip out the cute little yellow card that will give me no interest for 12 months:

Stuff To Do Other Than Go To Best Buy

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It Is Well

Five Reasons Why Today is a GOOD Day:

1. I got an unexpected extra two hours of sleep when my alarm failed to sound this morning. Meep.

2. I’m hanging out with Kelly tonight!

3. I got to talk to Jen*Jen!

4. Ivy’s tickets are booked!

5. It’s Katie’s birthday!!!!!!!!

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Ten things that made me happy today:

1. Napping in my car during lunch.
2. Having spaghetti for dinner.
3. Spending the evening with Kelly!
4. Driving barefoot with the music blasting.
5. Filling my iPod with yummy music.
6. Seeing that Mr. Matt signed my guestbook. 🙂
7. Chatting with Monica at midnight.
8. Seeing Aidan try to learn to jump.
9. Getting an email from Garth.
10. Going to bed early, for once.

Good night! 🙂

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Reasons why today is GOOD:

1. I got to hang out with Emily (yoimemily) this afternoon. She rocks. I love her.
2. I did a bad thing, but the bad thing is REALLY awesome for me. WOO! Emily <3 knows all about it. *wink*
3. I got to talk to Tyler online. He’s good people.
4. I didn’t have to work.

Off to a wedding rehearsal, and then off to do whatever afterwards. Wanna hang out later? Call my cell. Word!

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It’s The Little Things

Getting pleasure from the smallest things can make such a big difference. Sometimes, I feel so miserable I forget to count the small blessings. So, I’m going to list at least 10 things that always cheer me up:

1. emails from Jen
2. emails from Ivy
3. McDonalds
4. a ham pizza from Dominos
5. a kiss from Aidan
6. Maggie Moo’s ice cream (chocolate with m&m mix-in)
7. hugs from Katie
8. spending time with those friends I love
9. getting cool mail (like postcards and letters)
10. shopping
11. wildflowers
12. giraffes
13. pictures/photographs
14. driving down a dark country road all by myself with the music blasting
15. electronics

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