
A Good Day

The cats tried to wake me up at 5am today. I was having none of that. I rolled over and slept until about 7, which is when I usually get up. I rolled over again and got up a bit after 9am. Nice.

I took a long bath, played on the computer, and got all dolled up (not really) for my massage. And the MASSAGE. Oh my God. It was 90 minutes of heaven. She really worked out some tough kinks. I still feel extremely relaxed and ready for either a nap or a Yoga session. I went to Gentle Wind, which is a new-age type center. They have lots of neat things to buy, and I picked up some crystals, a Tai-Chi DVD, some incense, a faerie figurine, and a surprise for Ivy (swankivy). Now, I’m kind of farting around, doing laundry, and trying to make some decisions.

Decision #1 – What to eat?
– Order a pizza
– Make spaghetti
– Make bacon and hot cereal
– Cold cereal

Decision #2 – Location
– Do I want to go downstairs and chill out in the (CLEAN) family room, or stay up here in the bedroom?
– Do I want to go shopping later or stay home, where it’s warm?

Decision #3 – Activities
– Write
– Watch The OC
– Nap
– Yoga or Pilates or Tai Chi
– Read
– Take it easy

Man, if only life were always like this. :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Totally Gangked Entry

Ivy (swankivy) did this great post with neat surveys and concepts and such. I feel the need to do this. A long time ago, I used to do a weekly blessing post. I’ve come away from that, and I need to get back into it. If only I could remember what I called it…

Anyway, just like Ivy, I’m going to post a list of what isn’t wrong in my life. πŸ™‚

  1. I enjoy my job.
  2. I see photos everywhere now, even when I don’t have my camera.
  3. I have the best little boy ever!
  4. I’m filling with creativity.
  5. I can drive.
  6. I have a cute car.
  7. I am comfortable.
  8. I got to see so many places over the past 18 months: Las Vegas, Disneyworld, Disneyland, Los Angeles, Chicago, Smoky Mountains, Cedar Point!!
  9. I have fun with my friends.
  10. The Grove.
  11. Good music.
  12. A God who loves me!!

1. What time did you get up this morning? About 7:07am.

2. Diamonds or Pearls? Diamonds.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Waiting.

4. What is your favorite TV show? I like Food Network–Unwrapped and Iron Chef. Good Eats is cool, too.

5. What did you have for breakfast? Lots of candy. 😑

6. What is your middle name? Lanean.

7. Favorite cuisine? YUMMY.

8. What foods do you dislike? ONIONS, nuts, mushrooms, okra, cabbage.

9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Snyder BBQ.

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Not sure. I like lots of music. The last one I bought was Atlantis by David Arkenstone.

11. What kind of car do you drive? 2002 Hyundai Accent, silver.

12. Favorite sandwich? Roast beast, or rotisserie chicken baKOK!

13. What characteristic do you despise? Flakiness and unrealiability. Phoniness, too.

14. Favorite item of clothing? Not sure…

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Disneyworld.

16. What color is your bathroom? White. Kind of exciting, don’t ya think. LOL.

17. Favorite brand of clothing? Aeropostale.

18. Where would you retire to? Hmm. Probably Arizona.

19. What was your most memorable birthday? 30th, for sure.

20. Favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics.

21. Furthest place you are sending this? It’s on the ‘net, so WHO KNOWS!

22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Since I’m not sending it out, I guess probably not many people will answer it.

23. Person you expect to send it back first? Same as above.

24. Goal you have for yourself? GET PUBLISHED. Go back to a Disney park SOON.

25. When is your birthday? December 20.

26. When is your anniversary? August 05.

27. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night.

28. What is your shoe size? 6.5.

29. Pets? 3 cats — Gracie, Lucy, and Fi.

30. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with us? Not really.

31. What did you want to be when you were little? Too many things to name.

32. How are you today? Busy and full of slackitude. <-- not gonna change it cause it's so true. 33. What is your favorite candy? 3 Musketeers. 34. What is your favorite flower? Wildflowers. 35. What is a date on the calendar you are looking forward to? None at the moment, LOL. 36. Where is the furthest you have ever been from home? Los Angeles. 37. A small thing you really enjoy? Candy.

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Oooh, today IS good! πŸ™‚

+ I woke up on time! πŸ™‚
+ My boss asked me to proofread something for him (for the second day in a row!) I LOVE proofreading!
+ There was no staff meeting.
+ Had a good conversation with two co-workers this morning.
+ Had another good conversation with another co-worker later this morning.
+ I got text messages from Aimzy (hunan).
+ It’s sunny outside!
+ I got an email (albeit mass) from my beautiful friend Carrie who is in Japan for two years on business. She’s been there for two months now. Her apartment is AMAZING.
+ I’m going to see Rob later! πŸ™‚
+ McDonalds for lunch.
+ It’s FRIDAY!!!! πŸ˜€

Aimzy called me last night! πŸ™‚ I was watching Guess Who at the time, so I missed her call, but I got a voicemail from her which was tres cool! πŸ™‚ I love to hear the voices of my far-away friends.

Guess Who was a very cute movie. Some parts made me uncomfortable and I liked that. It also made me laugh and cry and Ashton and Zoe are both so bloody hot… and the actress who played her mom. Whoa. Beautiful.

The day is going quickly. I hope it slows to a crawl once I’m with my friends. πŸ™‚


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Just Talking…

I might be taking the guestbook down at anywhere-is. I’ve been getting spammers forever, but now I’m getting porn spammers and that is NOT COOL with me at all. That stuff gives me horrible feelings and I don’t want it on my site, especially without my permission. I don’t want people clicking on those links and coming across that crap, not from my site. I’m trying a few other things first, but I’ll probably end up taking it down eventually.

Grr, I HATE spammers. πŸ™

Did some minor updates to my front page. Nothing major. OH MY GOSH. Look what I found, from my “camgirl” days! http://www.camdiscover.com/sc.html/264/

Hahaha. It’s been so long since I’ve had a cam. I mean, I get on Yahoo! and chat with my friends with it sometimes, but having an actual cam? Not so much anymore. Whoa, you can see how fat I was after I had Aidan and pregnant pictures of me too. Wild stuff. I didn’t even know that was still up.

So today, I was speeding down Taylor Rd like I always do and I saw a cop driving in the opposite lane. I was thinking “HA HA YOU CAN’T GET ME!” but he pointed at me. HAHA.

Reasons Why Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day:

1. It will be FRIDAY!
2. No staff meeting!
3. Dinner and fun at Tyler’s tomorrow evening!
4. It will be sunny and 60 degrees. WooHoo!

My boss #2 has been asking me a lot about Christianity and my church. It’s kind of weird to “evangelize” to him, especially since he’s a Catholic and therefore already a Christian in my eyes, but he’d fallen away and he’s seeking God again and it’s neat. I’ve never pegged myself as being decent at that kind of thing but the answers just flow right out of me. He keeps saying he’s going to go to Hell and I keep telling him NO. He won’t.

This should be interesting.

And you know what else should be interesting? I’m going to see “Guess Who” tonight with Rob, his brother, and Chris. I love Zoe Sal…I can’t remember how to spell her last name. The previews looked funny, I hope it is. It was between either that or Sin City, and neither Rob nor I was in the mood for violence.

This weekend is going to be beautiful! At least, Saturday will be. And I’ll be freeeeeeeee. So totally FREE. Chris and the boys are going to Mammoth Cave and Aidan is still in Cleveland. Saturday is going to rock. ‘Cause I said so and I refuse to sleep the entire day away. WoooooHooooo.

Saturday is also Christy’s birthday and she’s having a party that night, so I have to make sure I look hot. πŸ˜‰ Just kidding. It should be fun, though.

Okay then, I’m gonna run for now. I need to sort pictures out for my scrapbook. I NEED to work on my scrapbook. Eeek. Til later…

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