Where I’ve Been…..
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my scramblings & ramblings
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I hate when I squeeze my brain to produce words and I realize that because of some later research, I have to scrap them all because what I wrote is not accurate.
Last night I:
– Made bacon and hot cereal (Malt-O-Meal)
– Went downstairs and chilled in the (now just slightly lived-in) family room
– Wrote and watched the OC. WAY too much of The OC.
– Read
Tonight, I will:
– Write
– Watch more of The OC
– Finish reading The DaVinci Code
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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The cats tried to wake me up at 5am today. I was having none of that. I rolled over and slept until about 7, which is when I usually get up. I rolled over again and got up a bit after 9am. Nice.
I took a long bath, played on the computer, and got all dolled up (not really) for my massage. And the MASSAGE. Oh my God. It was 90 minutes of heaven. She really worked out some tough kinks. I still feel extremely relaxed and ready for either a nap or a Yoga session. I went to Gentle Wind, which is a new-age type center. They have lots of neat things to buy, and I picked up some crystals, a Tai-Chi DVD, some incense, a faerie figurine, and a surprise for Ivy (swankivy). Now, I’m kind of farting around, doing laundry, and trying to make some decisions.
Decision #1 – What to eat?
– Order a pizza
– Make spaghetti
– Make bacon and hot cereal
– Cold cereal
Decision #2 – Location
– Do I want to go downstairs and chill out in the (CLEAN) family room, or stay up here in the bedroom?
– Do I want to go shopping later or stay home, where it’s warm?
Decision #3 – Activities
– Write
– Watch The OC
– Nap
– Yoga or Pilates or Tai Chi
– Read
– Take it easy
Man, if only life were always like this.
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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Lauren (laurenbarnholdt) did one of these, so being the copycat I am, I decided to do one too. So here goes:
6:45am – ALARM RINGS. Hit snooze.
6:54am – ALARM rings again. Hit snooze.
7:03am – FINALLY get up. Kiss Aidan’s cheek.
7:04am – 7:22am – Get dressed, do hair (HA), put on little makeup, brush teeth.
7:23am – Kiss Aidan. Feed cats and fish.
7:30am – FINALLY leave.
8:07am – 11:29am – WORK. Get cup of ice water from water machine. Check email. Eat candy for breakfast. Chat with cubemate if it’s a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Turn on music. Check email. Look at inbox. Check email. Wish I could go home and write. File if it’s a Tuesday or a Thursday. Check email. Write emails. Wish I could go home and write. Change music. Check email. You get the drift.
11:30am – LUNCHTIME. Sometimes I eat with all of the people on my team at a huge table in the cafeteria, sometimes I skip and catch up on Live Journal, Miss Snark, emails….
12:20pm – 3:59pm – Lunch over. Back to work. Usually, this is when I hit the copy machine and start processing stuff. Routing, copying, etc. Attend meetings. Wish I could go home and write. Write emails. Change music. Check email. Yeah.
4:00pm – Quitting Time! If it’s a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I drive out to Pataskala to get Aidan from my mother-in-law’s, if it’s a Tuesday or a Thursday, Aidan is right across the street, so I go home, park the car, and walk over to pick him up.
5:00pm or 5:30pm – Finally get home for real. Get mail. Play with Aidan. Watch Danger Mouse or Dora with Aidan. Thinking longingly of computer. Wish I could write. Know that if it’s a Monday and Chris is working ’til 10, I won’t get any writing done that day, but any other day, hope for 6:30pm to get here so I can have some help with Aidan. Do a million things for Aidan. Wonder if I am spoiling him. Wish I could write.
6:00pm – Cringe as the phone rings because I hate that sound. Listen to Chris talk away on the answering machine. Get on computer, but know that I won’t be able to write without being interrupted, so IM or play Boggle instead. Get interrupted over and over.
6:35pm – Chris gets home. The volume in the house gets about 20 times higher.
6:45pm – ??? – It depends. Sometimes people come over, sometimes we go out, sometimes I get to stay home and try to write. Chris cooks. We eat. I get on my computer to write FINALLY.
11:00pm – Feed fish. Eat raw cookie dough. Take a shower or a bath.
12:00am – 1:00am – BEDTIME, finally. Read a book before falling asleep. Know it’s bad news if the book is good. Then bedtime could be pushed to 2am or so. Oops.
1:00am – 6:45am Finally sleep, but get interrupted by nice “bladder-is-full” signals from time to time. Blah.
There you have it. A typical weekday for me.
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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