saturday 9

Saturday 9 (4)

Saturday 9: Tuesday Afternoon

1. Where will you be and what will you be doing this Tuesday afternoon?
I’ll be at my mom’s, visiting her and eating good food.

2. Do you belong to any group(s)?
Not really.

3. Do you feel energized or drained by being in a group situation? (If the answer is “it depends,” on what does it depend?)
It depends on if I am tired to begin with, and if it’s a fun group outing for something for business.

4. Is there a role you naturally put yourself while adapting when in group situations?
Not that I know of.

5. In business or formal situations, do you mind hugs or are you offended if it goes past a handshake?
Not at all. I love hugs.

6. Do you find what we’d call “ice breakers” a playful way to build community in a lighthearted manner, or a complete and utter hell of forced fun and awkwardness?
I do NOT like ice breakers at all. I think they’re awkward and forced. I’ve found it very easy to get into a conversation with a stranger at a party or some sort of social event. I listen for common ground and jump in. I also live in Chicago, where people are generally pretty friendly. Often, someone will come right up to me, introduce herself or himself, and then we’re off. It helps when I attend functions where many people have the same interests I do. Conventions come to mind. Or the yoga studio I go to. I’ve met loads of neat people at conventions just because we have fandoms in common. I also have no issues complimenting a stranger. So, as far as I’m concerned, ice breakers are not necessary, but that may not be the case for everyone or every situation.

7. What word do you use far too frequently?
Not sure.

8. What word do you use not frequently enough?
Onomatopoeia. Isn’t that a great word?

9. What word do you use when swearing is not appropriate?
Banana. “What the banana?”

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Saturday 9 (3)

Saturday 9: White Wedding

1. Tell us about the most recent wedding you attended.
The most recent wedding I attended was my own in July 2008! It was on a beach in Chicago. Perfect day.

2. Do you enjoy attending weddings, or do they bore you to tears?
I enjoy weddings.

3. Does marriage in general make you feel confident and good inside, or skeptical?

4. Do you have a photo blog? (If so, feel free to share the link with us.)
I don’t have a photo blog, but I have my photos all listed on my Flickr account (

5. Do you find yourself driving less due to the high gas prices?
I drive less because other drivers in Chicago are batshit and I’m terrified of them.

6. What’s the high temperature today where you are?
The high today was 90F.

7. “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” Agree, or no?
Definitely agree. I LOVE the heat. I like the feeling of it baking my skin. It’s like a huge hug. The humidity is what makes it hard because it thickens the air and makes it hard to breathe. But the heat? As long as I am hydrated and have shade, I’m totally happy.

8. What’s the hottest you’ve ever been in your life?
I’m going to go with Tuesday. I was in an infrared sauna with temps upwards of 150F. Heaven.

9. Non-temperature related last question: In your opinion… who’s hot?
Oh gosh. Lots of people. Adam’s hot when he’s all cleaned up and shaved and his hair is awesome. All three of The Traveling Fates (and they can sing too!). Adam Brody. There are loads of people that I genuinely never get tired of looking at. But I can’t think of more of them at the moment, unfortunately!


Saturday 9 (2)

Saturday 9

I promise my journal won’t become a collection of memes, but sometimes, they’re just fun! Like this one:

A Long December

1. Looking back at it now, how were your holidays and your time on New Year’s Eve?
My holidays were amazing! Aidan was here, and we also took a whirlwind trip to OH to see family and friends. My mom cried when I gave her a Crosby record player/CD player/tape player/radio combo along with some records. I saw my sister, whom I hadn’t seen in years. There was a Doctor Who marathon on BBC America. The food was delicious and plentiful. It was awesome. I was working a lot of long hours, so Aidan, Adam, and I had started our holidays on my birthday (December 20). We opened our Christmas gifts on the Solstice because we knew we’d be out of town for Christmas Day. I hadn’t even had time to wrap gifts, so I sat the boys down in front of Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol and made them watch that while I wrapped all the presents in a frenzy. I’d also JUST gotten hired full time at my job (I’d been a temp, so I’d been saving), so I was able to spoil everyone I loved. We celebrated every night until New Year’s Day, because Aidan’s birthday was the 30th! Good times.

2. Do you have any unusual collections?
I’ll let you be the judge of if my collections are unusual or not. 🙂 I collect American Girl dolls, Disney plushies, purses/handbags, cute socks, cute panties, and Monster High dolls. Some of my old collections include Beanie Babies, stickers, rubber stamps, and apparently I collect coats and jackets and scarves. I have TONS of them. I also find it hard to resist a cute notebook, but I actually use those, so I don’t know if they’re a collection. I still have my Barbie Dolls from when I was young.

3. If you could train a machine to do one thing for you whenever you wanted, what would you have it do?
Lipo without the pain and downtime and cost. I HATE MY POOCHY STOMACH. (And I am so glad that flowy tops are coming back in style for the spring and summer!)

4. What is one thing that makes you cry?
Sending Aidan on a plane to OH. 🙁

5. What do you love to do on the weekend?
Sleep in. Read, read, read. Cuddle with the kitties.

6. Do you and your family get along?
Yes. The people I actually talk to, anyway.

7. Have you ever gotten kicked out somewhere? If yes, do tell.

8. Who do you normally turn to when you need to complain about something?
My friends Jen and Amy. They let me rant all I want and they don’t try to fix things. They just let me go on and on, even when I’m telling myself to get over it already but just can’t. It’s nice to have people to vent to unconditionally, and they vent to me as well.

9. What is the last thing you ordered on-line?
Socks from Free People. They had free shipping. 🙂


Saturday 9 (1)

1. How does your day usually go on Monday?
I wake up, get ready, and take the Blue Line to work. Usually I have to stand, but sometimes I am lucky enough to get a seat. Once at work, I fill up my purple water container, check my email, and fill out the task board. Then there is a meeting. And then work. And more work. Depending on how hungry I am, I may or may not take a lunch. If I skip lunch, I leave early provided we don’t get swamped with work at the last minute. I take the train home, change into some lounging clothes, and relax!

2. Who was the last band you saw live?
Tricky Pixie ♥!

3. When was the last time you purchased something over $50?

4. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not in the slightest.

5. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
I always wish I was at Disney World. I also wish Aidan was here with me.

6. Tell us about the last wedding that you attended.
It was mine! July 27, 2008! 🙂
Ronni & Adam In Love

7. What’s annoying you right now?

8. What is your best skill/ability? Why?
I am a darn good proofreader.

9. If someone asked a friend of yours, “Hey, what is one thing your friend is exceptional at?”, what would they say about you? Why?
They’d probably say “She’s a really great proofreader.”

* Saturday 9