
What? A Meme?

1. What is your favorite spread for toast? Grape jam.

2. Describe your umbrella. Broken and cheap.

3. What piece of jewelry do you wear every day? My wedding/engagement ring (they’re soldered together), Mickey Mouse watch, Return to Tiffany necklace and bracelet.

4. Who was president when you graduated from high school? William Jefferson Clinton.

5. What is your favorite month of the year? Hmm. I’m not sure!

6. What color shoes are you wearing? Brown Eastland oxfords.

7. Describe a favorite childhood toy. Pandernoodle. I still have him. :)

8. Did you grow up in a one or two story house? I grew up in a two story house, but the two stories were different “apartments.”

9. Have you grown up to be who you wanted to be? Not yet!!

10. Pretend you’ve been given $100 on the condition you spend it all on yourself. What do you buy? That’s easy. Books.

11. What color is your front door? Brown.

12. What did you learn to type on: manual typewriter, electric typewriter, word processor, or computer? Electric typewriter (IBM Selectric).

13. Which do you prefer, white, black, colored, or patterned socks? I definitely prefer patterned and colored socks. For example, right now, I am wearing pink socks with Hello Kitty on them. :)

14. Name two vegetables you’d like to have with dinner every night for a week. Green beans and snow peas.

15. It’s a magic day. You may eat whatever you want for dinner, and your entire meal is guaranteed to be calorie free. What’s on the menu? Okay. I’d have a steak, a baked potato with extra butter, no sour cream, and green beans. For dessert, I’d either have chocolate or strawberry shortcake. :)

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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For the most part, 2005 kicked major ass for me. I pray that 2006 is equally and more amazing.

IN 2005 HAVE I:

Hugged someone? Of course!!
Gotten into a fight? Over AIM and/or email, yes.
Cried? Yes, far too much.
Smoked? A few cloves.
Drank alcohol? Yes.
Kissed someone on the cheek? Yes.
Reunited with an old friend? Um…? Kind of.
Been suspended? No.
Let something go? YES!! πŸ˜€
Been whipped? No.
Learned any important lessons? Yes.
Got a kiss on the cheek? Yes.
Kissed someone on the lips? Yes.
Considered suicide? WTF?
Gone to a funeral? No.
Fallen in love? No.
Cut/dyed your hair drastically? Drastically? Nope.
Flirted? Sure.
Been backstabbed? Yes.
Missed someone? Yes.
Hit someone? Depends on what you mean. Hit someone as in punched? No. Hit a car? Yes. :
Broken something really important to you? I don’t think so.
Cuddled with someone? Yes.
Broken somebody’s heart? Doubt it.
Done something you really regretted? Don’t even get me started.
Laughed so hard that it hurt? YES!
Cried so hard that it hurt? Yes. Too often.
Got cheated on? I hope not.
Gone on a date? No.
Got dumped? No.
Dumped someone? I think I dumped a few “friends.”
Made a new screen name? Um, I think, maybe.
Lost a friend? Yes.
Gotten any tattoos/piercing? No.
Watched porn? Hell no.
Been in a love/hate relationship? Eh?
Loved someone so much that it hurt? Yes.
Been grounded? Nope, LOL.

Lost: I’m not going to list them because it doesn’t matter anymore.
Drifted: Can’t really say because friendships are so static.
Found: Theresa, Bizzy (again!), Rob.

Found: …
Lost: …

Weight: Stayed about the same, hovered around the 105-110lb mark.
Piercing/tattoos: N/A
Height: 5’2″ ish.
Hair: Medium length.

Careers: Nationwide (admin), left in August to be an editor at McGraw-Hill.

Writing course – Chicklit 101.

– As if I’m going to admit them here. >:)

– Queried agents.
– Disneyland.
– Disneyworld.
– Raised Aidan.
– Kept writing.
– Got a new job.
– Traveled a lot.
– Let go.

– California.
– First solo flight.
– First speeding ticket.
– First “official” accident.

– Sell my novel.
– Finish a new novel.
– Officially sign with an agent.
– Go back to a Disney park.
– Pay off two credit cards.


1. What did you do in 2005 that you’d never done before?
I queried agents. I traveled to LA by myself. I flew solo. I went to Disneyland. I partied in Chicago. I wore my hair straight. I wore skirts and they looked good! I got my first speeding ticket. I got in my first “official” accident. I became an aunt. I went to the Smoky Mountains. I met Aimzy verytruly, Star selfstyled, and Kelly hybridpeach. I met Vera littlepige.

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more this year?
I don’t remember if I made any last year, but I did do some amazing things. I did make some this year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Jenny just gave birth to a little girl yesterday, and my sister-in-law gave birth in August. Both girls. πŸ™‚

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you vist?

6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?
In 2006, I’d like to officially sign with an agent.

7. What date(s) from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
May 13, 2005 – I was back at Disneyworld! HOME SWEET HOME! πŸ™‚
September 9, 2005 – my first time at Disneyland!
August 12, 2005 – my last day at Nationwide.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I finally let go!
I queried agents!

9. What was your biggest failure?
Needing to let go in the first place.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Lots of upper respiratory infections.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My new camera. πŸ™‚

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Um… I have to say Chris’s. He’s really been trying on millions of levels and his loyalty has increased ten-fold. He’s been wonderful with Aidan and amazingly supportive as I try to make a career out of writing. He’s also been trying to keep on top of the dishes and making sure the finances are straight. πŸ™‚

13. Whose behavior was bad?
Heh. I won’t mention names here.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Bills, stuff for me, car stuff, stuff for Aidan.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
TRAVELING! Being with my friends. Meeting new friends. Writing. Becoming ultra serious about making writing my career. Aidan’s development.

16. What song will always remind you of 2005?
“Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
I. happier or sadder? Happier
II. thinner or fatter? Exactly the same
III. richer or poorer? Richer

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Wasting my time on the wrong people.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
I spent Christmas with Chris and Aidan–Craig came over later.

22.Did you fall in love in 2005?
With photography and nature.

23.How many one-night stands?

24. What was your favorite TV program?
I didin’t want much TV, but I enjoyed Unwrapped, and 30 Minute Meals.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Not hate, but there is a general negative feeling about the person(s) and situation(s).

26. What was the best book you read?
Dreamland by Sarah Dessen and Pop Star by Rachel Cohn.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

28. What did you want and get?
A sweet camera. Best Buy gift cards.

29. What did you want and not get?
More Best Buy gift cards LOL.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, followed by Hitch.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 31 this year, and kept my birthday pretty low key. I worked like crazy that day, and when I came home, I relaxed, chatted on the phone to a few people, and Chris gave me my presents. I liked it.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
More writing, selling a book. Becoming an author.

33. How do you describe your personal fashion sense in 2005?
Trendy, bohemian, casual, comfortable.

34. What kept you sane?
Lexapro, my computer, books, and my friends.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Robert Pattison. HA.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Don’t get me started, please…

37. Who did you miss?

38. Who was the best new person you met?
Online, there is Rosa dwagonfry. She’s awesome!! Also, Mandy mandywriter, and Lauren laurenbarnholdt. They are such inspirations to me. :)Offline? Kristen, Nikki, Theresa. Good times.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005?
If it doesn’t feel natural or right, then it’s probably wrong. If you feel tension, or a bad feeling in your gut, move on, because it will hurt more in the end.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
“Working so hard every night and day and now we get the payback…” – Luxurious – Gwen Stefani
“Here comes a better version of me.” – Better Version of Me – Fiona Apple

HAPPY NEW YEAR! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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Writing Meme

15 Things About Me and Writing; stolen from pbray (who posted it forever ago):

1) I listen to music as I write.

2) Drinks and snacks are essential.

3) I am very superstitious. I’ll tell people I’m working on something, but if I give details, the project seems to flop.

4) I’ve been writing since I was eleven.

5) A banana appears at least once in every book I write.

6) I write the best when I’m not supposed to be writing. For example, when I should be sleeping or cleaning the house.

7) My characters often keep me up at night.

8) I have to fall in love with my characters for the WIP to go past 25 pages.

9) I prefer writing at the computer or laptop.

10) I carry a yellow legal pad with me for taking notes.

11) Music inspires me greatly.

12) I’m still fighting the inner critic.

13) Book titles usually don’t come to me until I’m nearly finished writing the novel.

14) I like to keep a game at my disposal when I write–usually BeJeweled 2 or Boggle.

15) I feel like giving up at least once a day.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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It’s Christmas Eve 2005. Can’t believe it’s here already. In a few hours, we’ll be heading up to see Aidan and celebrate Christmas with my mommy and stepfather. Then we’ll come back with presents and my little boy. It will be weird, getting back into the swing of things after not having to worry about him for two weeks. I miss him but not the work and I know I say this every time my “vacation” comes to an end.

Bizzy came over and we exchanged gifts. She got me stuffed a Mickey and a stuffed Minnie all dressed up in Christmas outfits. πŸ™‚ They’re on display in my family room. I got her a gift card to Forever 21. Then we ate spaghetti for dinner, watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and a bunch of Food Network/HGTV.

Going back to normal after the holidays will be hard, as it always is. I was spoiled the last week–early release days, parties, presents, treats, food. I hope things will be slow next week, but we’ll see.

I did this last year and wanted to see how my answers changed:



bolded ones have changed from last year…

movie you rented = I don’t rent movies
movie you bought = Finding Nemo and The Sword in the Stone
song you listened to = Popular – Wicked Soundtrack *
song that was stuck in your head = Let’s Just Get Naked – Joan Osborne
CD you bought = probably a Christmas CD
CD you listened to = one of my many Harry Connick Jr Christmas CDs
person you called = Bizzy
person who called you = Chris
tv show you watched = $40 A Day
person you were thinking of = Aidan πŸ™‚

you have a crush on someone = NOPE
you wish you could live somewhere else = somewhere it doesn’t snow
others find you attractive = I guess…
want more piercings? = navel
you like cleaning = not really
you like roller coasters = yup
you write in cursive or print = a mixture of both
long distance relationships = I’ve done
using someone = I’ve done
killing people = no
teenage smoking = nope
driving drunk = not a smart thing to do
soap operas = no

ever cried over a boy/girl = yes
ever lied to someone = yep
ever been in a fist fight = nope
ever been arrested = no

shampoo do you use = Optimum Care
shoes do you wear = my oxfords from Target, my pink and grey Champions from Payless
are you scared of = something bad happening to Aidan

of times I have been in love? = 3
of times I have had my heart broken? = too f—ing many
of hearts I have broken? = *shrug*
of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = at least 3
of scars on my body? = 1
of things in my past that I regret? = shutup

funny = sometimes
hot = sometimes
friendly = yes
amusing = sometimes
loveable = umm…
caring = very
sweet = yes
dorky = oh FOR SURE!
humble = yes

slept in your bed = uh… me?
you went to the movies with = Tina
yelled at you = not sure…
sent you an email = Ivy!

said “I love you” and meant it = yes
gone out in public in your pajamas = not yet
kept a secret from everyone = yes
cried during a movie = yes
planned your week based on the TV Guide = no
been on stage = yes and I miss it
been to New York = not yet
been to California = yes!
been to Hawaii = not yet
been to Japan = not yet
been to Canada = not yet
been to Europe = not yet
been to Asia = not yet
been down South = well, I’ve been to Florida by way of Georgia–does driving through it count?
what time is it now = 2:08AM
apples or bananas = BANANAS. of course.
blue or red = blue
walmart or target = Target!!
spring or fall = fall
what are you gonna do after you finish this = sleep or read or write
what was the last meal you ate = spaghetti
are you bored = no
last noise you heard = my typing
last smell you sniffed = what the f— kind of question is that?

do you believe in love at first sight = lust, for sure!
do you want children one day; if so, how many = I have one. THAT’S ENOUGH
most important thing to you in a friendship is = loytalty and fun

criminal record = no
do you speak any other languages = no
last book you read = Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
name some of your favorite things in your bedroom = my laptop, Pandernoodle, books
who you love = some people, Jesus
who you miss = Monica, Katie, Jennifer
nickname(s) = Ronni
initials = RLD
how old do you look = HAHAHAHAHAHA. About 16, SUCKAS
how old do you act = the question is how YOUNG do I act! Hmm, probably between 12 and 19.
glasses/contacts = yes
braces = no
do you have any pets = 3 cats
you get embarrassed = mmmhmmm
what makes you happy = my friends, music, shopping, computers, gifts
what upsets you = hurt, being told what to do or being judged, cruelty, and yeah.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my little Lucy? She’s the sweetest little kitty ever. When I got home from work, I immediately changed into some comfy clothes and climbed into bed. She was right there, cuddling with me and purring. I just love holding her and petting her little head. πŸ™‚

I also love Iron Chef–the original one. I mean, I like Iron Chef America, but it’s not as good as the original–and the American version doesn’t have the guy calling out “Fuki-san!” every thirty seconds or so. Tonight’s battle was lobster. Some of those dishes looked unbelievable and delicious. I don’t even really care for lobster, or any seafood, actually. I do like fried flounder from Red Lobster, and from time to time I enjoy crab legs or cooked shrimp. Oh yeah, and orange roughy, but it has to be fried as well.

Anyway, why am I on the subject of seafood? I once worked at a seafood counter. From that job, I remember:

– Swordfish or tuna steaks marinated in teriyaki sauce = YUM
– Boston Scrod often comes in with worms in it. If the worms are alive, the fish is fresh. If the worms are dead, throw the fish out.
– Scallops stink to high heaven, as does creamed herring.

I got loads of Christmas cards today, and Aidan got a package from Aimzy! I set it on his new Ohio State table and chairs set so he can open it when he comes home. Ooo, my little guy is going to be so spoiled. And the ironic thing? He and I had this conversation a few weeks ago:

Ronni: Do you want Santa Claus to bring you toys for Christmas?
Aidan: No, I already have toys.
R: How about clothes?
A: No, I already have clothes.
R: How about candy?
A: No, I already have candy.
R: How about chicken and french fries?
A: No–mmmhmmm.

HA HA HA. I can’t wait to squeeze him tomorrow today.

Anyway, I’m going for now. ‘Til next time! πŸ™‚

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