Random McRandomness

· The song Bet On It from one of the High School Musical soundtracks is currently stuck in my head.

· I remember years ago seeing an episode of Hannah Montana and liking it a lot. It was during a random Saturday or something, and I never figured out how to turn it on again. Then I didn’t have cable for about 18 months. Years later, Hannah Montana is suddenly HUGE. She’s everywhere, and I remembered thinking “Wow, that show was cute when I saw it a long time ago.” So a couple of weeks ago, I was looking for something else on TV, couldn’t find it, and came across Hannah Montana. I was cracking up during the entire episode. Now it’s one of my favorite shows. Sweet Niblets!

· Schawk ends in 20 days. I’m sad. *sniffle*

· Tomorrow, AIDAN comes to visit me!!!! Chris and some friends are coming to town for the OSU vs. Northwestern game and Aidan’s gonna stay with me tomorrow night and all day Saturday. I can’t wait to see him and squeeze him and hug him lots! ♥

· I completely forgot I was in the middle of writing this post, and I ended up closing the browser. Thank goodness WP has auto save. Bwah.

· Helena is lying on a carpet block right behind me. When I lay my head on the block, she grumbles and pushes it away. It’s kinda funny. If I keep doing it, she gets down.

· Have I ever mentioned that pictures of crying babies crack me up? I don’t know what it is. I don’t like to hear them cry, because it makes me sad. But to see a picture, I dunno. It’s just funny. The other night, I Googled images of crying babies and had a good, long laugh. Maybe I’m must weird like that.

· ALL of my pants are suddenly too tight for me (again). This is very depressing. I need to lose weight again because I am not trying to replace every pair of pants and jeans that I have.

· Christmas shopping has somewhat commenced. I got stuff on Saturday for Adam and Chris. I also got a box of chocolate cherries, but that won’t be happening often as those things are crazy expensive. But OMG so good. Mmm, chocolate cherries. Nom nom nom.

I think that’s it for now. I’m in a kinda silly mood tonight. But it’s shower/snack/read/sleep time. See ya!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Meme and/or Survey Time!

I stole it from libbydabomb!

Who is your favorite LJ friend and why?
I have a lot, but there are a few whose journals I will always read no matter how busy I am:
adamselzer, meimeigui, zenosidal, swankivy, fifthconundrum, itskels, pixiedash, and wlotus

What is the story of your first kiss?
It was a guy named Adam and we’d worked together at an upscale grocery store. After weeks of flirting, we finally got into the break room alone and we kissed. I was nearly 17.

What is your favorite flavor of jelly/jam.
Grape jam, and organic strawberry preserves.

What color nail polish is the sexiest for women’s toes?
Dunno. On the rare ocassion that I do paint my toenails or get them painted, I like pink.

What is your favorite thing about kissing, or kissing someone new?
Being close to him, tasting him.

What is your favorite dessert?
I like when chocolate and fruit is mixed. So a chocolate cake with cherries and whipped cream would be good. It also depends on my mood–sometimes I want fruity, sometimes chocolately, sometimes rich, sometimes light. I just like dessert, not gonna lie.

What is the one thing that you most definitely for sure MUST accomplish today?
Updating my calendar and iPhone with December travel information.

What are you top five places in the world you still want to see?
Disneyland Paris, England, Ireland, Australia, and maybe Japan.

Which one of your friends should I add to my FList?
Anyone you think you share interest with and would like to learn more about his or her life.

What animal are you afraid of?
Anything that can eat me.

Can men and women really be platonic friends?
I believe so.

What book are you reading these days?
Stop In The Name of Pants! by Louise Rennison.

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I am very disappointed in some of the mean-spirited and negative things I’m seeing across the Internet today. Feel the way you will, but the attacks are just plain uncool. I remember being disappointed when Bush won in 2000, and again in 2004, but I didn’t go out of my way to jeer at my friends who voted for him, or say hurtful things about how this country was going to hell or whatever. I may not have agreed with their choices, but I agreed with their rights to make the choice and not badger me about mine.

That’s not the case this time around. I’m seeing sides of people that I never thought I’d see; people I used to respect, people I had counted as my friends. And it’s hurtful. I feel as though they are attacking me with the things they are saying and believing. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not about who you support, it’s about how you handle it. With that said, there are some people who have been amazing and I find myself extremely grateful they are in my life or have come back into my life. I’m seeing compassion, grace, and respect on a level I never expected, but when I think about it, I don’t know why I didn’t expect those things from those people. I guess I just didn’t give it a whole lot of thought.

Frankly, I am also puzzled. No matter who would have won, this election was going to be historical and groundbreaking. It IS historical and groundbreaking. A black president, or a female vice president. How amazing is that? Why aren’t people more excited about the idea that this is freaking incredible, and would have been no matter what?

But if I’m learning one thing, it’s patience and tolerance. Not everyone is like me. And that’s OK. I just wish others would be OK with not everyone being/thinking/believing like them (minus the hatred and all the other bad stuff).

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I am speechless.

No matter what, this is a day to remember.
No matter who won, this would have been a special day in history.

And it is. God Bless America.

(And the M&Ms and Santa will be coming soon, I feel it!)


Heck, I’ll bring it myself! Forget waiting for the TV to air it!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Can’t Come Soon Enough

I don’t talk much about politics unless it’s with my husband and a few close friends. People get too passionate and worked up over things, and either I just don’t care enough, or I get upset and care too much. It’s just easier for me to talk about things that make me happy… like Disney World!

With that said, it’s getting to the point where I’m skimming blogs and such because I don’t get the sense that some people are respectfully speaking their views on the election. It doesn’t matter which candidate the poster is supporting, I guess I’m just beyond wanting to hear it now. I was done ever since the conventions. But in the past couple of weeks, it’s starting to get really nasty. Everything’s turning into attacks against the candidates, and attacks against voters and who the voters are voting for. I’ve been de-friended from blogs because of who people think I might be voting for, and there are people who are saying such mean things that I’m ready to write them out of my life.

Why? No matter who wins tomorrow, we all still have to live in this country together (because seriously, how many of you are REALLY going to move to Canada if your chosen candidate doesn’t win?), and we may as well make the best of it. We’ll always have different views because we have all had different life experiences. I think it’s ludicrous that friendships can end over this stuff. And it hurts that because of the direction people think I’m going in my voting (which I did two weeks ago so I’m REALLY done with all this), that they want to write me out of their lives even though I make it a POINT not to throw my views and beliefs out there for everyone to see and read. And sometimes I want to. Sometimes I want to shake this person or that person and say “THIS IS WHY I BELIEVE THE WAY I DO, THIS IS WHY I VOTE THE WAY I DO, BUT YOU’LL NEVER GET IT WILL YOU?” But I don’t because no, they won’t get it, just like I won’t get why they’re voting the way they do–but God help me if I ever tell them they’re stupid for voting the way they choose when voting is such a gift, a privilege. When not even 50 years ago, I would NOT have been allowed near a voting booth. God help me if I tell someone he or she is stupid because that person doesn’t think the same way I do. Isn’t that called narrow-mindedness? Prejudice? And yet, people are doing it all day every day on blogs and blog comments regarding politics and the candidates and the supporters. It’s all over the TV. It’s in political messages, it’s in people’s mailboxes and in their voice mails. OK, I don’t mind seeing someone posting “I support so and so. Here’s why.” I can respect that. It’s the “that person is sneaky and dirty and whoever votes for that person is an idiot” that I am fed up with reading. It’s the jabs at the choices I’m making, or she’s making, or he’s making, that’s getting to me. These days, it’s refreshing (and rare anymore) to come across a post that just mentions how someone spent her day, or the latest book this guy read. *sigh*

I’m just tired. Even some of the Disney message boards are getting cluttered up with political topics and signatures. I want it over and done with. I mean, I know to expect 943574895349 hours of debriefing afterward, but maybe it won’t be so in my face. I’m just ready to read about your lives again, not why this candidate sucks or why these people are dirty. I just want it all to be over and done so we can get bombarded with the Christmas commercials. Ha. Bring on the M&Ms and Santa, I say.

‘Til next time.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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