Dead Sea Spa Stuff

About a year ago, I went to the mall to get some clothes that fit (remember, last year, I’d gained some weight because all I did was eat spaghetti and watch The O.C. on DVD). I walked by one of the kiosks and let one of the cute Israeli guys talk me into buying this stuff (and some of their other products as well). It was something I could ill afford, but I’ve never been able to fight a high-pressure sale by a cute Israeli guy. (That’s why I avoid that kiosk now.)

While cleaning off my chest of drawers, I noticed the bottle of the lotion. I’d put it aside in the “take to work and put in the free basket” pile, but then I picked it up and sniffed it. Mmm. Then I put some on. Yum. While not great for my dry hands, it feels amazing on the rest of me. And it smells amazing. So, while I don’t necessarily agree with their high-pressure sales tactic, I’m glad I bought this lotion. And now that I know I can get it online, where there is NO pressure to buy, I can move knowing that I can obtain my favorite lotion anytime I want.

It did not go the free basket at work. HA.

Their stuff is not cheap, but the stuff that I caved in and bought, I like all of it. So there you go. Not an endorsement for caving to high-pressure sales or anything, but that sometimes, you do get what you pay for. My arms and legs feel like freakin’ silk right now.

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Not Quite as Productive….

I wasn’t as productive today. I did a lot of administrative work. I sorted and packed the rest of my CDs (some I am burning on here before sending them to the big Half-Price Books in the sky), and I got a small part of my electronics bin done. I prepared some packages to mail that I’d been meaning to mail for weeks/months/years, and I entered all the addresses in my address book to the computer. Now I can throw out all those envelopes and slips of paper I’ve been saving! I also filled out my change of address card, requested records from my ob/gyn, and

Tomorrow, I plan to finish the office stuff (I know, I keep saying that). This weekend, I shall tackle the kitchen. And my room. Teehee.

Less than a week for ZB. Tuesday night, there is a little get-together for me at La Chatelaine. I’m gonna miss that yummy place. Now I’m craving their lunch special. πŸ™‚

I should get off here. Except I’m still importing music. But I’ll be done in just a bit. And once I’m done, I can go ahead and pack up the CDs for good. Except I have CDs with no cases and cases with no CDs. I hate that. Oh well. Good night.

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I’ve been working hard on the sorting, packing, and purging. I’m excited to say that it looks as though there is an end in sight! My goal is to be almost completely done by next Thursday, so I can take it easy the next few days. I still have to sort and pack:

– electronic/computer stuff
– the rest of my CDs
– the rest of my office stuff
– important papers
– NOW stuff
– kitchen
– nightstand stuff

The kitchen is the biggest job out of all of that. Oh shoot, there is a box under the futon I need to deal with too, but that gets lumped in with electronic/computer stuff.

This starting early and getting things handled is very nice. So much less stress. When I open a closet and see that almost everything is packed, I get all happy inside. πŸ™‚

Today, I was sorting cassette tapes. I am going to throw away most of my old mix tapes because I have the songs on my computer now and can just make playlists on my iPod or whatever. But I found a couple of songs I’d forgotten about. One I just did a search for on iTunes and FOUND, with the + symbol which means there is no DRM stuff to deal with. πŸ˜€ YAY. I guess I never realized how popular the song Calliope House is. I like the Cowboy Jig version. I also found all of my cassette singles and albums. Some I decided to part with just because I already have the CDs or something like that. But I have a LOT of one-hit wonder singles which is just awesome. Or singles with remixes!! If I am not mistaken, Adam knows how to set up a tape player to a computer so that I can record music from the tapes and make mp3s out of them. YAY.

Okay, I’m just babbling because I’m hungry and excited that I found that song and that progress is being made. πŸ˜€

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Two Weeks!

Two weeks from now, I will be trying to settle in my new home in Chicago! Holy banana!

Two weeks!

Fourteen days! Wow.

I sure hope adamselzer‘s ready for me.

I spent a good deal of time packing today, and listening to some old mix CDs I’d made in 2001, 2002, 2003. It was so cool to revisit all those songs, and I plan to listen to them again tomorrow. zenosidal and Matt are supposed to come over and help me sort and pack.

I found myself waffling over a few things. My Jumbo Love elephant for one thing. It’s big and pink and fluffy. It’s also old and grody. I wonder if I could wash it? I am taking stuffed animals, but I am also taking two of those nets to put up in Aidan’s room. They’ll be out of the way, but still cute. I have a whole tote full of Beanie Babies. I just can’t part with my Beanie Babies, and I’ll be excited to have them on display again. They’re going to go in the other net. All the Disney animals will go on the bed. πŸ™‚

HA, listen to me making plans. The funny thing is that sometimes I keep myself up pretty late making plans about storing things and such. It WILL be a challenge, that much is a given. But I’m thinking we’ll figure out how to make it work. We HAVE to.

When I was digging in Aidan’s closet to get out things to sort, I found an EGG BOX. SCORE. Seriously, egg boxes are the best boxes ever. They’re so sturdy because you know, they have to transport eggs.

I managed to get most of my office supplies into one box, but it’s heavy so I think I will split it. It won’t be a big deal, actually. Plus, I still have stuff that I am still using that I haven’t packed yet. I’m sure Adam’s going to totally BUG when he sees all the crap I have, even though I’ve been discarding and sorting for Goodwill like a mofo. I have several bags of clothing and stuffed animals for Goodwill. Tomorrow, I will have more toys for them. And of course, there are the shoes, purses, etc. that I need to put into bags. This is, in a word, nuts. I can’t believe I have so much stuff. Thank God I have just under two weeks to get this all together, and thank God I started early. I can’t imagine dealing with all of this at the last minute!

My goal is to have between 30 and 50 boxes and bins. Hopefully way less, but we’ll see. I am realizing that it is indeed easy to start throwing out stuff.

One thing that sucks about packing, though, is the dust. I’m sneezing like crazy.

All right, bath time. Night.

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