Me Again.

Hi. I’m back again.

So, okay. I just got a POWNCE account ( and I have six invites. First come, first serve. Comment here if you want one! 🙂

And whoa? Nichole Richie is pregnant? As well as Christina Aguilera? is letting me down, so I am like “is this stuff really true?” But Rosa says it is, so I’m going to go with her word.

Big Brother 8 starts in about 35 minutes. CBS works, but it’s snowy. Still, I’m not getting cable just for one show.

And Avril is releasing Hot, which is awesome because I LOVE that song.

I found a used video game store as I was walking to the post office. It has lots of cheap DVDs. That makes me happy.

When I was walking home, I came to a crosswalk. I had the right of way, but I was going to let the lady in the car go. She waved me across and smiled, so I waved a thank you and started to walk. This JERK in an SUV (surprise surprise) honked at her and started yelling and just…UGH! UGH!!!

Stupid bullies.

Okay, help me out here. There are tons of LJ anagrams out there that I just don’t know. Like:


What does that mean?????


See ya.

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Good Mail Day! (Pictures)

What constitutes a Good Mail Day for me:

1. No bills
2. A package
3. A letter

One or all of the above qualities. And all THREE happened today!

I got a package from Rosa (meimeigui) with two packages of stationery, pictures, and a new shirt.
Here I am modeling the shirt (picture one—uncombed hair and such, picture two—all nice and neat):

So, as you can see, Rosa has good taste. She can pick out my clothes any day. Er, actually, when clothes fly into her cart at Target, she can have me help her out with wearing them. And when MaiDo forces her to buy stationery that she can’t use because it’s pink, well, I’m VERY glad to help her out by using it myself.

Yeah, that’s it.

I have a feeling Aidan will approve of the shirt.

I’m totally wearing it to work tomorrow.

Thanks, Rosa!! ♥

Then, I got a letter from Wanda (wlotus). Wheeeee! I love good mail days. Now, the irony of all that is that I need to go to the post office. Eep. I mean, it’d be nice to be able to SEND the letters I’ll be writing, right?

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Another Tattoo Possiblity

I really like the idea of some sort of a swirl on my right shoulder blade.

One of the ones on the following graphic, most likely the one on the bottom left.

(Pic taken from:

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Big Brother 8

Man. I swear, I’ve had the hardest time trying to figure out when the new Big Brother starts. Looks like it starts tomorrow evening. I hope my TV gets CBS in decently….

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Making Memories

The other day I had a realization.

This will more than likely be the last year I get to go to the Ohio State Fair. I suppose it’s fitting, seeing as the first time I went was in 1997. I won a stuffed banana at the “guess your age” booth. So, ten years of the Ohio State Fair. A nice, round number. This year, I plan to take TONS and TONS and TONS of pictures when I go. I mean, even more than usual.

I also realized that I don’t have a lot of OSU-related pictures. Therefore, in the fall, and on game days, I think I’ll go on campus and take pictures of people in their scarlet and gray stuff, and just of the Buckeye spirit in general. I should go this summer too, and just take pictures of buildings and statues and things. It is my alma mater, so I should take some memories with me.

And Cedar Point? I think last year was my last time for that.

I’m getting to the point where I’m like “oh, this will be my last September in Columbus.” I don’t feel sad, though. Just resigned, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean it in a “I’m ready for the next chapter of my life” way.

On the one hand, I’m SO anxious for the time for me to move to BE HERE already. But on the other hand, I know there are things I need to do here before I can move. (Yes, I say this like every week, but it helps keep me focused and makes it less likely that I’m going to jump the gun and do something that’s not sensible). Making those memories is one of the things I need to do before I move.

I’m trying to make it so I’m not just “going through the motions” and waiting for my time in Columbus to end. I want to live the days I have here as full as I can, but honestly, there’s not much left here for me. I’m okay with that, but I do feel guilty about simply “waiting for my new life to start.”

Not looking forward to certain battles I’m going to have to fight with certain people for them to just LET GO already. I’m not a kid anymore. This is MY life and I’m tired of feeling like I need to give up my happiness for everyone else. Aidan’s the ONLY person I answer to now, and that’s how it’s gonna stay.


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