It’s Just… So Right On

You Are Upper Middle Class

You’re stuck in an interesting middle area between upper and middle class.
You’re wealthy enough for most people to call you rich (or at least comfortable), but you don’t feel rich!
Climbing your way to the top is hard work. And you’ve often feel stretched for time and resources.
If only you had a little more money! You can’t help but wish you had the lifestyle of the upper class.

You may end up: A manager, high school teacher, or accountant.

Other people who share your class: “White collar” professionals and business people

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Meg Cabot’s entry about her teacher nearly made me cry:

Constance Holland, A Great Teacher

Funny that I think about Meg a LOT when I start to feel beaten down. Her books were rejected LOTS and LOTS of times before she finally got in, and now she’s a best-seller. I wish I could focus harder on people like her instead of wallowing when I get knocked down (again and again and again).

I can’t believe some of you still bother to read my LJ, with all the histrionics and dramatics I put on here.

Anyway, my teacher was Miss Ruth Wheeler. She was my 12th grade AP English teacher. I’d gone to an inner-city high school, and I was an honor’s student. Not a good combination, as the “regular” students hated us. Some of the teachers did too. In one class, we were purposely given grades lower than the non-honors students because we were too “full of ourselves.” Everyone felt that honors students cheated. It was hard for an honors student to be taken seriously because the others didn’t want “us” running the school. We’ve had teachers tell us that we’d never make it through college (Uh, BA in Psychology from Ohio State right here), that we’d be living in the same lower middle class neighborhoods and life styles that we grew up with (granted, I am living paycheck to paycheck now, but I don’t live in fear of gunshots outside of my window anymore), and pretty much said we’d never amount to anything.

We were a classroom of brilliant kids, but some of us (like me) were beaten down by all the negativity. Miss Wheeler would get so mad, practically yelling at us that those other people were wrong. We were going to make something of ourselves. We were going to be special.

She signed my yearbook with: You, more than anyone else in the class, have the potential to become famous. As an author, I hope.

Boy, I hope so too.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Kids These Days…

Okay, maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but why does every site have to have multimedia on it? I mean, I want to know who the twenty most hated celebrities are, but I don’t want to have to scroll through a bunch of pages and pictures to find them. I don’t want to watch a slideshow either. Nor do I want to watch a video—why can’t there just be an article? Or a list?

I know my computer’s not top-of-the-line, but I have DSL and a decent processor. That doesn’t mean I want to sit and watch a video or something. I like to read—I can go at my own pace that way. No way to hold me captive, unless I want to be.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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It’s been a while, again. I still primarily update at my LiveJournal, but for the two of you (if even that many) who still lurk around here, well, here’s a quick rundown:

1. I went to Chicago to visit Adam the first weekend in May.
2. It was during that trip that I started making concrete plans about moving/living there.
3. I took Aidan to visit my mom for Mother’s Day. Got a flat tire on the way home. Went back to my mom’s for an extra night.
4. Check engine light came on in the car, and went off randomly.
5. Went to Indianapolis with three of my co-workers for a copy editor’s convention. It was neat, and the weather was perfect.
6. Went to San Jose/San Francisco during Memorial Day weekend for Rosa’s wedding. It was awesome.
7. Got my car broken into, my iPod and a pair of sunglasses stolen.
8. Fell into a depression and generally felt tearful and unstable for several days.
9. Quit writing about 485 times.

I also started a YA book review site: Ronni’s Reviews. Freaked out when the check engine light came on AGAIN (this time it went off after two days). Felt out of it, lost, rejected, lonely, and hopeless. Not a good combo.

And that leads me to now. Trying to eat better, trying to be more mentally healthy, and EVEN TRYING TO EXCERCISE.

I need to get the bedtime thing down, though. My nightowl tendencies are frighteningly strong, however….

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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I tried, dang it. I tried to leave the writing world forever and ever amen.

It keeps pulling me back.


Okay, I know damn well why. I guess I simply can’t escape what’s a part of me.

*heads grudgingly back to keyboard*

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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