CHICAGO!!! :D (Pictures)

Scandalous Princesses

Yo ho yo ho!! I’m back from Chicago!! Had an absolutely AMAZING time. That city is simply unbelievable, with mostly friendly people, things to do and see, things to EAT. Oh my gosh. Some of the aromas wafting through the air while walking down the block–so yummy. Freshly baking bread. Pizza everywhere. Mmmmmm.

Got to hang out with quality people while there. Spent some time with the awesome Adam (adamselzer) and Jen*Jen (jebbyk–but don’t bother to go to her journal because she never uses it), ate some really good food (Pie-Eyed Pizza, a neat candy/ice cream shop to name a couple of places)… DUDE, I TRIED THAI FOOD for the first time ever! It was so good. I went easy, got the Pad Thai. I mean, what could be so scary about noodles and beef, right? It was delicious.

Pad Thai

– Southwest Airline Flight Attendant: Thank you for flying Southwest. Now get out.
– Seeing Who Framed Roger Rabbit at The Music Box. The Music Box is a beautiful theatre. Here is Bizzy and me clowing around in the lobby before hand:

Bizzy and Me

– The cab ride after Roger Rabbit. Apparently Chicago cabbies are insane. They don’t speak much English, but they do have the cuss words down. One memorable thing the cab driver blurted: Learn how drive, mother fuck!
SEEING JEN!!! Spending time, catching up, drinking wine (goooood wine) and taking pictures while wearing tiaras.
– The Ghost Tour. Always a good time. We were wild and crazy! Adam was great as a tour guide. The last time I went on a tour, he was tag-teaming it, but this time, he was solo. Good times.

– Tried Stout. Liked it. The first beer I’ve ever actually liked. It’s a miracle, I say!
– FOOD! Pie-Eyed Pizza! Goood coffee and hot chocolate.
– Wearing a tiara during the ghost tour. While nicely buzzing. Then heckling the tour guide. πŸ˜‰
– Old Town Arts Fair. Yummmy food. I had a boneless BBQ rib sammich. Yummm.
– Corned beef sandwhich from a shop in the airport. Sooo good.
– Finishing CRUSH! Came in at over 50,000 words. WHEW!! πŸ˜€

– Bizzy losing her camera. πŸ™ BUT, this story has a happy ending! Jen, Bizzy, and I had to backtrack (a LOT of walking, mind you), search all the stores we’d been in. The last store we had left to check… wait for it… HAD THE CAMERA! Some nice person had just turned it in! Let me tell you how awesome Chicago tends to be in that regard. People there are generally nicer and friendlier than in Ohio.
– Getting yelled at by some PRICK in some stupid thrift shop for taking photos. Okay, firstly, I had no idea that I wasn’t allowed to take photos (and seriously, wtf kind of rule is that anyway?), secondly, HE WAS A PRICK. He didn’t ask me nicely, he screamed it at me. So I was done in the store. I really wish I’d had some merchandise to throw down to the ground. Asshole. Anyway, I got a picture of the stuff anyway. I’m sorry, it was a terrible error and I had to document it. And this picture was taken before the asshole yelled at me:

See the error?

– The BROWN LINE being delayed! Sooo delayed!!! Ack!
– No orbage action on the ghost tour so much this time around. πŸ™
– Flights back to Columbus being delayed like WHOA.
– Time went WAY too quickly. The weekend sped by.

– Bizzy and I using the bathroom together not once, but TWICE.
– Being hit on outside The Clark Bar.
– Bizzy scandalizing random statues and sculptures:

Come here, loverboy...

– Bizzy scandalizing ME:
Happy Strawberry

Click here for more (not necessarily scandalous) pics.

Okay, I’m falling asleep here, so I’m gonna go. But yeah… Chicago was an amazing time. It went way too quicly.

‘Til next time!

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CRUSH is finished!!! :D

Whoo-hooo!!!! :D πŸ˜€ :D

Zokutou word meter
50,015 / 50,000

Time for minor tweaking, then letting it marinate, then revision time! YAY! :)

Party Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Dear Aidan,
My son, I love you so much. But why do you insist on asking the same questions over and over? Rephrasing doesn’t help. You should know the answer after one time, two if it was especially tricky. I’ll even give you three. But five, six, seven times? Not cool, little one, and it drives your mommy crazy.

Dear Time,
Why do you go so slowly during work, and so quickly during times of great fun? I really don’t understand it. Life might be a lot better for many of us if you’d go more quickly during the work day, and then slow down times of great fun. You MUST see the logic in this.

Dear Corinne and DJ,
I am almost finished with your story! Only 1800 more words until I hit my goal for the first draft. Then I get to revise. I’m excited about sending you two in the world–I think you’ll do well.

Dear Chicago,
I’m on my way!! See ya soon!

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Pluses and Minuses and Other Assorted Lists

+ Talking to Heather, and once again, feeling like we haven’t lost a beat in 16 years. She says that in 9th grade, she shook pig’s brains at me and made me cry, but I totally don’t remember that.
+ Getting my first ever pedicure. Lookeee!
Toe Nails!
+ Having the evening to myself.
+ Shopping and getting two cute pairs of shoes from Kohl’s.
+ Finding my USB drive.
+ LOTS of good new music discoveries. I might be late in the game on some, but hey, better nate than lever. (He knows what I’m talking about!)

– Work day taking FOREVER!
– Rain like whoa.
– I’m still not completely packed!!!!
– Needing more memory for my laptop. I almost ordered some last week but decided not to for some reason. But it needs it BADLY. Everything is crawling….Firefox is taking up to a minute or more to close. Things lke that. I’ve not even had this computer for six months. Not cool. I really need to clean it off.

To Do (still)
· Finish packing;
· Decide which messenger bag I want to carry when I’m in Chicago (and pack it as well);
· Dump camera memory card (in progress–part of why the computer is going so slowly);
· Write out instructions for pet care while I’m gone;
· Check in and print boarding passes;
· Find my battery charger for the Canon. I have a spare battery, but I like to have two FULL batteries!
· Write!

Looking Most Forward To
· Seeing awesome people!! ♥
· Taking pictures of the skyline at night.
· …Daytime too.
· Arts Fest;
· Ghost tour!

Song(s) Stuck in My Head
· Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira;
· Friday Avenue – Adam Selzer (adamselzer)
· The music from Boondock Saints when they go into the “adult” bar and do their things with the killings and such.

Okay, growing tired. Must get ready for bed now…..

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Progress on CRUSH

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
48,120 / 50,000


(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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