Dancing in My Seat…
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my scramblings & ramblings
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I got my hands on THIS yesterday:
Yes, yes. Almost a month before it’s officially released. How excited am I? I called Lauren when I was in the store to tell her. I saw it on the shelf and had to do a double take. At first, I was thinking “Wait, who else has a book called Reality Chick?” Then it dawned on me. Darn right, I bought it. And since it’s an ARC, I will do a review on here, and Amazon, after I read it.
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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Agent likes my plot for CRUSH! Now I just need to hurry and finish it and get it ready to send him. I have a feeling that one will sell much more quickly than ONLY YOURS.
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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I just read a Daily Om which talked about vibrations, and creating my own reality.
Our thoughts and feelings can determine the frequency at which we vibrate, and our vibration goes out into the world and attracts to us energy moving at a similar frequency. This is one of the ways that we create our own reality, which is why we can cause a positive shift in our lives by raising our vibration.
One of the most practical ways to raise your vibration is to consciously choose where you focus your attention.
So here is the reality I’m going to create:
The next person who Ethan pitches my book to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
I shall write this over and over until I believe it, until it’s radiating from me, until it IS reality.
The next person who Ethan pitches ONLY YOURS to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
The next person who Ethan pitches ONLY YOURS to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
The next person who Ethan pitches ONLY YOURS to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
The next person who Ethan pitches ONLY YOURS to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
The next person who Ethan pitches ONLY YOURS to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
The next person who Ethan pitches ONLY YOURS to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
The next person who Ethan pitches ONLY YOURS to will be immediately engaged and request the full. That person will read the full within a matter of hours and make an offer.
And so on and so on…..
Getting those vibrations going…….
(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)
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