Spring Fling Notes

FINALLY! Some of my notes have been transcribed, and they are here for your knowledge and enjoyment.
I mainly pulled out the most important points I’ve learned from the talks, so some of these will be really short. I hope you like what I have so far, more coming soon!!!

Finding the Soul of the Story – Mary Alice Monroe

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FAQ & stuff….

I stole this from a really old entry belonging to mandywriter:

First & Middle name: Ronica Lanean, but call me Ronni :)

How long have you been writing? As long as I can remember. I wasn’t always necessarily writing down stories, but I’ve been writing since I was at least 8. I’ve been making up stuff as long as I can remember.

Who’s your dream publisher: Penguin, Random House, Time Warner…anyone, really.

Tell me about your WIP(s): CRUSH: Seventeen-year old Corinne Manahan is torn between two boys: the one she’s falling in love with, and the son she gave up for adoption.

Where do you live? Central OH.

Day job? Assistant Production Editor for McGraw-Hill/Glencoe

One word that summarizes your high school existance: Blah.

Pets: 3 cats, 4 fish and a snail.

What do you love most about your life?: I’m pretty blessed. :)

Feel free to steal and post…. :D

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Big Update!! (Pictures)

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a proper update. I’ve been busy, or out of town, or some combination of the two. Good times, great oldies, right? 🙂

On May 9 – I went to Kenneth’s and saw Cameron (code word for “I got my hair done by the best hairdresser ever”). I love my hairdresser. He’s the cutest thing ever and sooo funny. I love talking to him. Plus, he did a supurb job on my hair:

New Hair Again
This is even after it was windblown! 🙂

May 10 – took an insanely early flight and got to Vegas a bit after 9am. Didn’t check in to the Monte Carlo until a lot later, though. Visited the most ghastly Wal*mart ever. Ugh. I hate that store even more now, even though they have cute dresses. Finally checked in, got a bit settled (meaning: hooked up the internet and checked email), then headed out to the Strip. Saw the Bellagio fountains, ate good food, went to M&M World, shopped a bit. Ate dinner, then headed back out. Bellagio fountains and Paris Eifel Tower at night oh lovely….

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Spill Your Secrets #4

In the tradition of Post Secret, it’s time for another Anonymous Post Meme. I like to do these every few months–the rawness of the entries amaze me.

Post anything that you want, and post it anonymously. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love – anything. Just be sure to post anonymously…

Spill your soul. It’ll be good for you.

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Vacation 2006 | The West!

I’ve been out west the past few days. Arrived in Vegas super early Wednesday morning, checked into the hotel, then hit the strip! I got loads of pictures, LOADS. Hit the strip again Thursday, spent mostly all day on the road on Friday. Saw the Grand Canyon–oh holy Jesus it’s beautiful even when it’s covered in pounds of haze. Completely amazing. Lots of driving today, pretty tired, ready for sleep after playing catch up with email and stuff. Pictures and a more detailed account coming soon, hopefully. Phoenix/Scottsdale is not as activity-oriented as Vegas, so I should get more downtime to be on the computer. I HOPE, anyway.

‘Til next time…

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