New Home!

Miranda, Freddie and Flossie have a new home. Today I bought a 29 gallon aquarium, new decorations, and a stand, and we moved them this evening. It took Miranda all of three minutes before she was up and about and exploring. Freddie and Flossie are a bit freaked out, understandably, but I think they’ll love their new non-leaking home. I’m very excited about the purchase, and look forward to spending evenings in the family room, writing and watching the fish tank. 🙂

Good night!

P.S. I have 52 emails that need my attention, and who knows when I will get a chance to deal with them? So, I’m not ignoring you if I have one from you–I just haven’t had time to handle it yet. :O

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Oooh, Naughty Girl, I Am!!

So, I TRY to get to bed around 10:30pm. I usually don’t turn out the lights until about midnight or so. Well, last night/this morning, I ended stayed up until after 1am. Guess what I was doing. GUESS!

Okay, I’ll tell you. I opened my WIP just to do a quick read-through, and the next thing I knew–I had written several hundred words. I love when I get into those zones. When out of the blue, I’m typing like whoa, and the words are flowing out of me. It doesn’t happen often enough to make me happy, and when it does, it’s usually when I:

a. should be in bed
b. need to get ready to go somewhere
c. should be doing something else

Yeah, it kind of sucks. But the weekend is coming, I’ve beat my March goal, and who knows what April has in store for me? :)

I came across this list on the LJ community: (more…)

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Word Count

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
35,055 / 50,000

Not only did I surpass my March goal, but I already surpassed my planned April goal by 55 words!! I still have loads more planned to write–I am on fire. YAY!!!!

I need to go to bed. Aidan will be up early and I’m going to pay for staying up so late/early.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Check this out!!!!

How cool is that??????

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This might be TMI for you. Heh.

So, yesterday, Aidan had been getting sick all day. Out of both ends. He fell asleep around 8:10pm, and I’d thought he was out for the night. Not so much. Holly and Robert were over and we’d decided to play this game of “so-&-so or so-&-so,” using the names of people from our past–people we’d hung out with or seen when we used to all live together at Harrison House.

ANYWAY, we all got loud and laughing, and that woke poor Aidan. He came downstairs, a little bit cranky, but mellowed out and got super hyper for some reason. He played and jumped and I was sure he was feeling better, even though his fever hadn’t gone completely down yet. Holly and Robert left, and Aidan decided he wanted to cuddle with me. I held him and did some stuff on my laptop, when Aidan coughed and PUKED all over my computer. I put him down and yelled “OH MY GOD AIDAN JUST PUKED ON MY LAPTOP!” I ran to get some paper towels, Aidan ran for the bathroom so he could finish throwing up in the toilet. I cleaned the best I could. Luckily, there was no damage. My function keys are a little bit sticky, and the screen could use a better cleaning, but the other “sticky” keys are fine. WHEW.

Um… just randomly–cute vintage clothing here:
I know one of the models on that site–the one with the long, luscious hair. Some of the sweaters are super cute, and I WANT THEM.

Anyway. I just read a book called Hard Cash by Kate Cann, and I’m reading the sequel now, called Shacked Up. They’re from the POV of a British guy. Very interesting. There is a third one too, called Speeding, which I already have in waiting. I love books. In case you didn’t know. 🙂 I was just thinking about how ridiculous my passion for books is. I have several bookshelves that are packed full. But there isn’t room for everything, and I have books all over the floor, stacks here and stacks there, some in the bathroom, some in the kitchen. All rooms need at least one book in them. It’s just how it has to be.

Reflecting on Stuff…

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